by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In 2019 we covered the horrendous story that was uncovered by investigative reporter Kathy Curran working in Boston for WCVB ABC 5 who discovered that the foster and adoptive home run by Susan and Raymond Blouin in Oxford, Massachusetts was torturing children, including locking them up in dog cages, and sexually abusing them.

She interviewed some of the former foster children, some who have now filed lawsuits against the Blouins, and these former foster children talked about the “house of horrors” that they grew up in.

The truly evil part of this story is that the State of Massachusetts knew what was going on in this home, as the foster father had already been convicted of child sex abuse, and yet they allowed it to continue.

Watch this 5-and-half-minute report by Kathy Curran from 2019 to get a grasp on just how evil this place was:

Kathy’s investigation into this story has continued since we published this report back at the end of 2019, and her work clearly shows that this is “business as usual” in the Massachusetts foster care system, and that what happened with the Blouins was not a “rare” incident.

One of the things Kathy Curran’s investigative work has uncovered, is that the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) has a “secret list” of people “in the system” who are suspected as child abusers, and that there are over 40,000 people on that list, including the Blouins who were registered foster parents!!

Last month (August, 2023), four of the children who had to live through this horror won a $7 million settlement against the State.

But one of those children will not be able to make use of that settlement, because she was found dead, leaving behind two daughters.

Her death is apparently being reported as a suicide or “drug overdose,” but her mother has a different opinion:

“They killed my daughter is what they did,” Gaulin said. “If it wasn’t for them, Kristine would be alive today.”

Mother blames DCF, state-licensed foster parents for death of adult daughter

Mother Cheryl Gaulin says the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families and former foster parents Ray and Susan Blouin are responsible for the death of her daughter, Kristine

Read the full article at

Please don’t believe the lies that what happened to Kristine and these other children was a “system failure.”

No, it was not.

Glaringly absent from all of this otherwise very thorough investigative reporting, is who is responsible for putting these children into the system and keeping them there as they are sexually abused and trafficked.

And you never will hear that, just as you will never see a client list published of Jeffrey Epstein’s network and business, because the list of names that allows this to happen goes all the way up to the highest levels in politics and business, and the so-called “leaders” of our nation.

This was NOT a “system failure.”

This is how the system works, and it is the reason it continues to exist. It is a $multi-billion child trafficking business.

I have been reporting on this for over a decade now, but people prefer to watch a fictional movie about “child trafficking” instead, as they continue to support the actual people in power who allow this system to continue.


Child Sex Predators Live Near You and Most of Them are Leaders of Your Community

And then if you can break out of your cognitive dissonance on this issue and want to know the truth, see if you can handle this one:

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: The Jennifer Guskin Story

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

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The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ

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