UPDATE 2 – 8/20/23

Earthquake hits in Southern California

5.0 magnitude earthquake reported in Ojai

UPDATE 8/20/23

As of Sunday morning, just as Hurricane Hilary is about to make landfall in California, the corporate media has now begun to use the term “life threatening”.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I am writing this Saturday morning, August 19, 2023. I want to make a point of reference to the time, because the news regarding Hurricane Hilary is now changing by the hour.

Last night the corporate media, which collectively all follow a carefully crafted script without much deviation from the narrative they want the public to believe, started using the word “catastrophic” to describe the flooding that is on the way for those living in the Southwest portion of the U.S. in the path of this hurricane, which will be downgraded to a tropical storm either just before making landfall, or shortly after.

Having spent many years living in Southern California in the past, and observing over those years how most people who have spent most of their lives living in Southern California where it seldom rains, deal with rain when it comes, which always brings about a huge increase in traffic accidents because people are not used to driving in the rain, I am VERY concerned that people have NO IDEA what is about to hit them.

My regular readers know that I do not use hyperbole or engage in “fear mongering” but back up the language I choose to use with factual evidence.

So that’s what this article is going to do, present the facts to you that for the most part I am NOT seeing in either the corporate media, nor the alternative media, so that you can draw your own conclusions, and send this article to any loved ones you have in this storm’s path.

Because we know that the government and corporate media have a terrible track record in sufficiently warning people BEFORE disaster strikes, and what I am seeing in the alternative media, so far, is downplaying what is about to hit Southern California, with some claiming that the corporate media is over-blowing the coverage of Hurricane Hilary to distract people from what has happened in Maui.

But if the forecasts for the next 24-48 hours hold true, then this storm will absolutely take over the news cycle, and rightfully so.

Unprecedented Catastrophic Rainfall Predicted

At the time of this writing, here is the official forecast:

Winds from Hilary will reach tropical storm strength in Southern California on Sunday afternoon as the storm passes by.

Heavy rainfall is expected across the southwestern U.S., peaking late tonight through Sunday night. Rainfall amounts of 3 to 6 inches, with isolated amounts of 10 inches, are expected across portions of Southern California and southern Nevada. Dangerous to catastrophic flooding is expected.

How many people reading this, especially those of you living in Southern California, have any idea what the effects are of getting up to 10 inches of rain in ONE DAY?

Well, let’s do some research and find out, since nobody else seems to be doing this.

First, here are the days with the highest rainfall totals in San Diego since December of 2010:

As you can see in this graph, February 27, 2017 had the highest amount of rainfall in a single day, at 2.34 inches recorded.

Next, I did a news search for that date in San Diego to see what the corporate news reported during that time.

California – Floods Forces Evacuations in San Diego After 120 Mm of Rain in 24 Hours

Yet more heavy rain and flooding has been reported in California, this time in the San Diego area where the San Diego river overflowed on 28 February, 2017.

Heavy rain fell in the San Diego area on Monday, 27 February. Ramona recorded its second highest daily rainfall total.

By Tuesday around a dozen roads were closed as a result of flooding along the San Diego river. State Route 78 was closed in the Ramona area after a rock slide that was triggered by the heavy rain.

Across the San Diego area emergency services were called on to carry out several flood rescues and evacuations.

During the morning of 28 February rescue teams from the police, lifeguards and fire department evacuated 65 people from local hotel due to flooding along San Diego River in Mission Valley.

The San Diego river at Fashion Valley reached 14.15 feet early on 28 February, 2017, the third highest recorded level since 1900, according to NWS San Diego. (Source.)

From Twitter:

That’s what happened in San Diego back in 2017 after receiving a couple of inches of rain.

And again, the forecast today for San Diego is “3 to 6 inches, with isolated amounts of 10 inches.

In March of 2023, the Central Valley of California had devastating floods that wiped out $billions in agriculture, and where bridges and roads were in some places down for days, stranding people, in the worst flooding seen there in many decades.

See some of our past coverage of these California floods just a few months ago, and especially watch the video reports that I compiled to see the level of devastation:

California Farmers: “We’ve Lost EVERYTHING” – $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America’s Agriculture

NATIONAL CATASTROPHE! California Farmers Suffering Record Losses from Flooding as “Worst is Yet to Come”

So what was the highest daily rainfall in that area during these devastating floods back in March?

The agricultural city of Porterville was one of the worst cities affected:

As you can see, the devastating floods of 2023 in Tulare County had the highest amount of rainfall in one day at just over 1.5 inches.

And again, the forecast today for San Diego is “3 to 6 inches, with isolated amounts of 10 inches.

Next, since this is the first hurricane or tropical storm to hit Southern California since 1939, let’s look at an east coast hurricane from the past that caused widespread destruction, and where the populations are used to experiencing the effects of hurricanes.

I chose Hurricane Katrina from August of 2005.

Hurricane Katrina (August 2005) became a large and extremely powerful hurricane that caused enormous destruction and significant loss of life. It is the costliest hurricane to ever hit the United States, surpassing the record previously held by Hurricane Andrew from 1992.

In addition, Katrina is one of the five deadliest hurricanes to ever strike the United States. In all, Hurricane Katrina was responsible for 1,833 fatalities and approximately $108 billion in damage (un-adjusted 2005 dollars). (Source.)

How much rain fell in one day during Hurricane Katrina, perhaps the worst hurricane in U.S. history?

The following graph shows total rainfall in a 48-hour period, so you need take half those amounts to get the highest daily rainfall amounts.

And again, the forecast today for San Diego is “3 to 6 inches, with isolated amounts of 10 inches.

In places where hurricanes happen with regularity in the eastern part of the U.S., what do people do in the 24 to 48 hours preceding a major hurricane that is about to hit?

They board up windows, they flock to local grocery and hardware stores to stock up on food and supplies, often leaving store shelves bare.

And many of them get out of town, seeking higher ground and areas further away from the coast.

At the time of this writing on Saturday morning, 8/19/23, here is a live traffic shot of San Diego:

So what do you think Health Impact News readers?

Am I really guilty of “fear mongering” as some have suggested?

Or should everyone in the Southwestern U.S. in the path of these torrential rains read the facts I have presented here and make plans accordingly?

Because the truth is, NOBODY alive today has ANY IDEA what the effects of receiving up to 10 inches of rain is going to be in Southern California, where around 25 million people live, and even people in Phoenix and other parts of Arizona may be in for some very serious effects from this storm.

As I wrote on Thursday when I first reported about this storm:

Given the government’s complete failure to warn people in Maui about the deadly fire that caused such a horrible loss of life and property, if you live in the Southwestern part of the U.S., please take precautions and prepare for the worst case scenarios, while praying that they do not come to pass.

Meteorologist Andy Hill: A Once In A Lifetime Storm Is Coming…

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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