Federal funding is available for people who want to become foster or adoptive parents for children that are not their own, but those funds are not available for the biological family to keep their children.

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Is there anything more ridiculous than the fact that our nation’s messed up child trafficking system called “foster care” provides funding and training for prospective foster and adoptive parents to take care of other people’s children, but that same funding is not available for the biological family to keep their own children?

Yes, there is something even more ridiculous, and amazingly, NPR brought this to the attention of the public. In some states, if the state takes away your children and puts them into foster care, they require the biological parents to help pay for the foster parents to take care of their children.

And if they don’t pay this ransom to the state, they lose their parental rights and never see their children again. That’s called “kidnapping for ransom,” and it is happening under the color of the law in 12 states.

In some states, an unpaid foster care bill could mean parents lose their kids forever



When Sylvia and Brandon Cunningham got out of jail in North Carolina several years ago, after serving months on drug charges, a judge laid out the steps they needed to take to get their children back from foster care.

After a balky start, they followed through. They got sober and stayed sober. They attended parenting classes and therapy. They got jobs. They showed up for weekly visits with their kids.

Eventually, a judge determined that the Cunninghams had shown they could be good parents and that their house — a tidy trailer at the end of a dirt road — was safe for their children.

But only three of their four children came home.

In 2021, the Supreme Court of North Carolina ruled that one of their sons — who was then 5 — was properly placed for adoption on the grounds that the Cunninghams had failed to reimburse the government for some of the cost of their child’s foster care.

And in North Carolina, that’s reason enough for a court to permanently take away your child.

Read the full article at NPR.

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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