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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The FDA has given a green light to laboratory-grown chicken cell lines that were developed by a medical doctor.
An unprecedented move by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last week could change how we consume meat.
“The fact that the FDA green-lit Upside Foods’ cultivated chicken to move forward to coming to market is something that’s never happened in the history of humanity,” said Uma Valeti, CEO and co-founder of Upside Foods.
Upside Foods is a California-based company behind the first lab-grown meat to receive FDA clearance, bringing it a step closer to U.S. grocery stores and restaurants.
Valeti, a cardiologist who worked at the Mayo Clinic, says he stopped eating meat in medical school when he saw the detriment of mass meat production, but then he saw an opportunity for a slaughter-free option.
“During my work in cardiology, we were working with stem cells and injecting them into patients’ hearts to regrow the heart muscle and that’s where this idea came from – ‘can you grow meat directly from animal cells?’ And if so, what would that mean to the world?” (Full article.)
Reading the headlines and press releases on this action by the FDA, one is led to believe that the FDA has approved this lab-grown “chicken.”
But the FDA doesn’t approve foods. They monitor food safety and labeling, but they do not approve foods. They only approve drugs.
Here is the actual press release from the FDA:
FDA Completes First Pre-Market Consultation for Human Food Made Using Animal Cell Culture Technology
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed its first pre-market consultation for a human food made from cultured animal cells. We evaluated the information UPSIDE Foods submitted to the agency and have no further questions at this time about the firm’s safety conclusion. The firm will use animal cell culture technology to take living cells from chickens and grow the cells in a controlled environment to make the cultured animal cell food.
The FDA’s pre-market consultation with the firm included an evaluation of the firm’s production process and the cultured cell material made by the production process, including the establishment of cell lines and cell banks, manufacturing controls, and all components and inputs. The voluntary pre-market consultation is not an approval process. Instead, it means that after our careful evaluation of the data and information shared by the firm, we have no further questions at this time about the firm’s safety conclusion. (Source.)
So what does this actually mean?
In terms of how safe this product is, it means NOTHING.
This was a “voluntary,” “pre-market consultation” paid for by the company planning to market this product, so that they could use the FDA logo with their product giving the illusion that the FDA has actually approved this product, when in fact they have not.
Do we really need a lab-cultured product called “chicken” produced by a medical doctor who has no training in agriculture or nutrition? Has the FDA and the medical system given us any evidence that they are truly concerned about human health during the past couple years since COVID came out?
The USDA will also look at this product and give it some kind of stamp of approval, but this will primarily only be for the facilities that produce it, since that is what the USDA currently does for agricultural meat products.
Who will conduct the studies on how this lab-grown “chicken” will affect human health once people start consuming it?
You will, along with the rest of the public who decides to start eating it. The American consumer will become the lab rats in what will basically become the Phase III trials to see how their health will be affected after consuming this lab-created product.
And who are the investors that are bringing this product to market?
Investors include top meat producer Tyson, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Elon Musks’ brother Kimbal Musk. (Source.)
Now there’s a bunch of names we can certainly trust to look out for our health!
I am sure they will figure out all kinds of ways to integrate their other products into this new lab-grown chicken, like maybe mRNA proteins that a certain percentage of the population does not want to take via injections.
Given the U.S. consumer’s distaste for plant-based laboratory produced “meats”, it would seem that most consumers are not all that interested in lab-grown meats. See:
Fake Meat Sales Plummet On High Prices, Woke Messaging
And it is admitted that this new cell-cultured lab “chicken” is going to be very expensive until they can figure out how to scale it to bring costs down.
So here is my warning and prediction about this new class of lab-grown meats.
Look for them to take a page out of the vaccine marketing strategy, where the government funds the purchase of the product, and then mandates it to increase distribution.
If they trial these expensive lab-grown cultured meats in grocery stores and restaurants and the consumers don’t go for it, look for the U.S. Government to step in and start purchasing it, and then distributing it as “institutional foods” that are subsidized by the government.
This would include school lunch programs, hospital food, prison food, and maybe the soon-to-come FEMA food distribution programs that will arise once the supply chains collapse and people start starving because they can no longer purchase food in their local stores.
REAL food is not grown by technocrats in a laboratory. It is created by God and produced by human labor. See:
Who Do You Trust for Your Food? REAL Food is Created by God – Biotech Food is Polluted and Poisonous
The sooner you can learn to start producing your own food, and working with people in your local community to produce REAL food, the better.

Register Here. Sponsored by Healthy Traditions, Founder Brian Shilhavy
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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