White House Orders 171 Million Doses of “New” Boosters for the Pro-Vaxxers Still Alive as COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dwindles
A sample of the hundreds of lives destroyed by COVID-19 vaccines that we have published here at Health Impact News.
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
The pharma-funded corporate media announced yesterday that the White House has ordered 171 million “new” doses of COVID-19 vaccine booster shots that should be available for the COVID-19 pro-vaccine members of the American public soon who are still alive after receiving previous COVID-19 shots.
Newly updated COVID-19 boosters tailored to target a dominant strain of the virus will be available in the next three weeks or so, assuming the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work through their processes for authorization as expected, White House COVID coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha’s predicted on Tuesday.
In late June, the FDA directed Moderna and Pfizer to make vaccines for the upcoming winter that targeted the more contagious BA.5 omicron subvariant, along with the original COVID strain. That work has been underway and the next step is for the FDA and CDC to review data from the companies, once they’ve received it.
The rollout was expected sometime in September, but Jha’s estimate on Tuesday was the most specific to date.
“We’re going to know more about this in the upcoming weeks and these vaccines will become available by early to mid-September,” Jha said at an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, again including the caveat that FDA and CDC need to act before anything can be official.
“But the big picture, bottom line, is these are substantial upgrades in our vaccines,” Jha said. “And those vaccines are coming very, very soon.”
So far the U.S. has contracted for 105 million doses of the newly-updated boosters from Pfizer and 66 million doses from Moderna, the two leading COVID vaccine manufacturers for the country. Both contracts with Pfizer and Moderna include an option for hundreds of millions of more doses down the line, should the U.S. secure the money.
Between Pfizer and Moderna, if both companies were able to complete their orders, the U.S. would have about 171 million doses of the new shots. But more than 260 million Americans have had at least one vaccine dose already and would theoretically consider getting a booster. (Source.)
The problem is that those who want COVID-19 vaccines are a dwindling market, partly because millions of people in the U.S. have now been crippled or have died after taking the vaccines for the past 20 months, according to the CDC and FDA’s own statistics in the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS).
There are more deaths and injuries following emergency-use authorized experimental COVID-19 vaccines in 20 months than have been recorded in VAERS for the previous 30 years following all FDA-approved vaccines.
That’s not a very good repeat business model, when so many of your patients are dying and becoming crippled. And it is estimated that only 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are reported to VAERS, which would put the number of Americans injured by a COVID-19 vaccine at around 138 million, with around 3 million deaths, so far.
The ABC report acknowledged that this is a dwindling market:
… demand for boosters has dropped with each campaign for people to get another shot. About 108 million people have received their first booster shot, for example.
According to the CDC’s “COVID Data Tracker,” 261,981,618 people have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, 107,872,738 people have received a first booster, and only 35,200,364 have received a second booster.
This is a diminishing market, and I am quite sure that the majority of the 171 million “new” doses will probably never be used.
Millions of doses of previous COVID vaccines have already been discarded due to lack of demand and exceeding their expiration dates, but that has not stopped Pfizer and Moderna from recording record profits, even when their vaccines don’t sell and are thrown away.
While new polls show flatlining concern about the pandemic among Americans, Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine business continues quietly churning in the background. But amid a recent decline in vaccine demand, the company has written off a sizable chunk of inventory.
In its second-quarter results announcement, Moderna said it wrote off $499 million in inventories “related to COVID-19 products that have exceeded or are expected to exceed their approved shelf-lives prior to being used.”
In addition, the company took a $184 million charge because of changes in prior purchase commitments, and it recorded an expense of $131 million for “unutilized external manufacturing capacity.” (Source.)
Reducing the Population of the Earth is the Goal
So why would Big Pharma continue with a product that is killing and injuring so many people, and significantly reducing their market among the pro-vaxxers?
The answer, which should be obvious to all by now, at least for those who have refused the COVID-19 “vaccines” and can still think for themselves, is that this is part of a global plan to “save the Earth” from climate change.
Along with reducing the world’s population is a plan that is currently in place, and can especially be seen in Holland right now, to dramatically reduce the world food production as well.
Bill Gates is the Billionaire Globalist who has been pushing this agenda for decades now, and a report published in ZeroHedge News today also identifies Bill Gates as the primary influence behind the “Inflation Reduction Act” that was just recently put into law.
The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” – which according to the Congressional Budget Office will raise taxes on the middle class to the tune of $20 billion – not to mention unleash an army of IRS agents on working class Americans over the next decade, was made possible by Bill Gates and (in smaller part) Larry Summers, who have been known to hang out together.
In a Tuesday Bloomberg article that reads more like a newsletter for the Gates fan club, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder recalls how earlier this year, as moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continued to block the tax-and-spend legislation over concerns that it would raise taxes on the middle class (it will), Gates says he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he’d been cultivating since at least 2019.
Gates was banking on more than just his trademark optimism about addressing climate change and other seemingly intractable problems that have been his focus since stepping down as Microsoft’s chief executive two decades ago. As he revealed to Bloomberg Green, he has quietly lobbied Manchin and other senators, starting before President Joe Biden had won the White House, in anticipation of a rare moment in which heavy federal spending might be secured for the clean-energy transition.
Those discussions gave him reason to believe the senator from West Virginia would come through for the climate — and he was willing to continue pressing the case himself until the very end. “The last month people felt like, OK, we tried, we’re done, it failed,” Gates said. “I believed it was a unique opportunity.” So he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he’d cultivated for at least three years. “We were able to talk even at a time when he felt people weren’t listening.” -Bloomberg
We know, gag us with a spoon.
Apparently Gates and Manchin’s bromance began when the billionaire wooed the West Virgina Senator at a 2019 meal in Seattle, in an effort to garner support for clean-energy policy. Manchin at the time was the senior-most Democrat on the energy committee.
“My dialogue with Joe has been going on for quite a while,” said Gates.
After Manchin walked (again) on the bill last Decemberover concerns that it would exacerbate the national debt, inflation, the pandemic, and amid geopolitical uncertainty with Russia, Gates jumped into action. A few weeks later, he met with Manchin and his wife, Gayle Conelly Manchin, at a DC restaurant, where they talked about what West Virginia needed. Manchin understandably wanted to preserve jobs at the center of the US coal industry, while Gates suggested that coal plant workers could simply swap over to nuclear plants – such as those from Gates’ TerraPower.
Manchin apparently wasn’t convinced, announcing on Feb. 1 that “Build Back Better” (the Inflation Reduction Act’s previous iteration) was “dead.”
In an effort to convince him otherwise, Democrats pulled together a cadre of economists and other Manchin influencers – including former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who convinced Manchin that the bill wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class, or add to the deficit.
Collin O’Mara, chief executive officer of the National Wildlife Federation, recruited economists to assuage Manchin’s concerns — including representatives from the University of Chicago and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware brought in a heavyweight: former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who has spent decades advising Democrats.
The economists were able to “send this signal that [the bill’s] going to help with the deficit,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be slightly deflationary and it’s going to spur growth and investment in all these areas.” Through this subtle alchemy, clean-energy investments could be reframed for Manchin as a hedge against future spikes in oil and gas prices and a way to potentially export more energy to Europe. -Bloomberg
Gates also sprang into action again on July 7, when Manchin was spotted at the Sun Valley media conference in Idaho – which Gates also attended.
“We had a talk about what was missing, what needed to be done,” Gates said. “And then after that it was a lot of phone calls.”
Gates looks back at the new law with satisfaction. He achieved what he set out to do. “I will say that it’s one of the happier moments of my climate work,” Gates said. “I have two things that excite me about climate work. One is when policy gets done well, and this is by far the biggest moment like that.” His other pleasure comes from interviewing people at climate and clean-tech startups: “I hear about this amazing new way to make steel, cement and chemicals.” -Bloomberg
“I don’t want to take credit for what went on,” says Gates – in the article about how he gets credit for what went on.
The future of the United States is clearly dependent upon the actions of us “anti-vaxxers” now, in terms of resisting the Globalists’ plans, and if you have not joined our ranks yet, it is high time you did.
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