by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In a sign that perhaps even the pro-pharma pro-vaccine medical professionals are starting to get tired of the constant COVID hype and are beginning to speak out against health politicians who are appointed bureaucrats and never elected by the people to their public office, LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public recently to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon.

Katy Grimes of The Globe reports:

…. Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement on Thursday that Los Angeles County has officially reached the “High” level of new COVID-19 cases and County hospitalization rates, giving the County two weeks to fall back below or else mandatory indoor masking mandates return…

In a news conference on July 13, Brad Spellberg, the chief medical officer of Los Angeles County and University of Southern California Medical Center, and epidemiologist Paul Holtom, said that there have been no changes in the transmission levels of COVID-19.

“Our Covid situation – it’s just the same. It has not changed,” Spellberg said. He showed a graph and said, “it’s plateaued and has not gone down.”

Dr. Spellberg said they are seeing thousands of people with Covid, “but it is mild, and they go home,” he said.

He said of the patients who are admitted to the hospital, “90% of the time it is not due to Covid. Only 10% of our Covid-positive admissions are due to Covid.”

“None of them go to the ICU, and when they do, it is not for pneumonia,” he added. “They are not intibated. We have not seen one of those since February.”

“A lot of people have really bad colds is what we are seeing, Spellberg said.

“’It is just not the same pandemic that it was, despite all the media hype to the contrary… I mean … a lot of people have bad colds is what we’re seeing,” Spellberg added.” (Full article.)

Later in the day today, Grimes published a second article at The Globe regarding the reaction of the Health Department, which of course must have a public “health crisis” at all times always to justify their bloated budget and reason for existence.

It appears there must have been some significant blowback against Los Angeles County over of the information provided by the two surprisingly forthright LA County+USC physicians on Sunday, as the Globe reported Monday in LA County Chief Medical Officer Rejects COVID-19 ‘Media Hype’. We reported that the two LA doctors rejected Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s statements about another wave of COVID-19 hitting the region as “media hype.”

The L.A. County Department of Health issued a statement Monday, clearly indignant that people shared the video on social media and in news articles of the two doctors rejecting the claims that hospitalizations are up, and that Covid is still very serious.

Ferrer has been teasing that with the impending “high” level of COVID-19 transmission,” indoor mask mandates will likely come back. But as is her way, she never offered any details about whether or not people who were hospitalized were sick with Covid or from Covid – or if they were not sick much at all.

The letter is almost funny claiming that it is because of the vaccines that people aren’t hospitalized. Sure. “Importantly, one of the reasons we are seeing low rates of ICU admission currently is due to high rates of vaccination across Los Angeles County,” the unsigned letter from LA County Health Services says.

It’s almost as if these two doctors may have exposed the Los Angeles County Medical Industrial Complex. (Full article.)

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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