by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I have been reporting for 2 weeks now how what has been happening in Shanghai, China, is by far the most significant news event currently happening, and that includes the war in Ukraine.

Some in the Alternative media now seem to be coming to this understanding also, and now the corporate media is also addressing the issue, apparently warning Americans that lockdowns are coming soon to the U.S.

Greg Reese of put together this video report a couple of days ago. He correctly reports that people who believe Donald Trump can stop all this are not dealing with reality.

See our previous reports on what is currently happening in Shanghai, China’s largest city with the world’s largest port, and where the financial and shopping districts rival anything you would see in Manhattan, or Beverly Hills (at least in the past).

Protests, Looting, Pets Destroyed and Mass Suicides in Shanghai China as People Starve During Lockdowns

Horror Show in Shanghai: Babies Taken from Parents to Quarantine Centers, Drones and Police Dogs Patrol Deserted Streets in China’s Largest City

Shanghai Descends into Chaos as Taiwan Military Distributes Survival Handbook to Citizens in Preparation for China Invasion

Wuhan, China was the beginning of the 2020 lockdowns, but those of us who are not controlled by the corporate media propaganda know that there was no real deadly virus that forced these lockdowns.

Jon Rappoport was one of the first to expose this hoax, and if you did not listen to his podcasts back in early 2020 to understand what was really happening, please educate yourself on how it was China’s ability to convince over 50 million people to voluntarily lock themselves down that really began the COVID-19 Plandemic, and NOT a deadly virus. See:

Ground Zero in Wuhan: What Really Happened that Caused the World to go on Lock Down?

The way they were able to do this was by utilizing the PCR test to allegedly detect this “virus,” and that became the blueprint for the rest of the world.

More than 2 years later now, there are still over 400 PCR tests used in the United States that have been given emergency use authorizations (EUA) that are not even approved by the FDA, to continue testing Americans and giving the medical tyrants the avenue to create new “pandemics.” See:

425 Different Tests for COVID Still Have Emergency Use Authorizations from the FDA in Third Year of “Pandemic”

If you have not yet watched film producer Rai Gbrym’s documentary “Harm” which documents this, please invest the 40 minutes it takes to watch this short documentary.

New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics

Sadly, there are still many, even in the Alternative media, who still believe that there is a deadly virus out there that was created in a lab and is infecting people.

There is ZERO evidence for this, and the preponderance of evidence shows that the yearly outbreak of what was called “influenza” was simply rebranded as “COVID-19,” as the flu has all but disappeared from society, as there were not enough sick and dying people to propagate both “diseases.” See:

The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC

What about all the evidence then that shows this “virus” was created in a laboratory? We know this is true, because Dr. David Martin showed us early on in the film “Plandemic” that patents on the Sars viruses have existed since the late 1990s.

But whatever it is that was created in a laboratory, was never successful in being transmitted from human to human or even from animal to human, because God has created our bodies with what is today called an “immune system” which is NOT created in a laboratory, but by God the Creator as a defense system to fight off any pathogens.

The only way any lab-created pathogen can infect people to the point where it creates a “pandemic,” is through a needle injected directly into our muscle tissue bypassing the body’s own defense mechanisms in the immune system.

And that has been the goal along: a universal vaccine to control the human race.

We actually have Fauci and others saying this very thing, that a universal vaccine was needed, back in 2019 before COVID even arrived. See:

BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus

They have now injected as many people as they can who voluntarily submitted to this evil plan, and so now it is time for the next phase, as we can see exactly what they are planning by watching what is happening in China.

Food Shortages and Economic Chaos Are Coming Very Soon

We already know from our experiences in 2020 how the lockdowns, not a “virus,” caused massive economic and social upheaval.

If you didn’t learn from that experience, then you are going to suffer badly, and perhaps lose your life, because we have already been warned by the Globalists that what comes next will make the 2020 COVID-19 look like a vacation.

The corporate media is reporting that the lockdowns in Shanghai have spread to many other cities in China now, with almost 400 million people currently under lockdowns, which is more than the entire population of the United States.

Fortune published an article today with the headline:

‘It’s probably worse than Wuhan’: Experts warn China’s COVID-19 lockdowns will once again cripple global supply chains

Experts are warning China’s recent string of COVID-19 lockdowns is about to send another shock through global supply chains.

At least 373 million people—in cities that represent roughly 40% of China’s gross domestic product—have been affected by the most recent wave of lockdowns across China, Reuters reported last week.

The strict lockdowns have left some residents desperate for food and led to viral videos of Shanghai residents screaming from the windows of their high-rise apartments. And with Chinese President Xi Jinping doubling down on the country’s zero-COVID approach, what happens in China isn’t likely to stay there. Global supply chains are set to take a hit.

After all, Shanghai is home to the world’s largest port, and although it has largely remained open, trucks are struggling to unload cargo due to strict permit regulations, causing shipping containers to stack up.

“Even with air and ocean ports open, the length of the shutdown could make this iteration the most significant logistics disruption since the start of the pandemic,” the shipping company Freightos said in an update to clients this week.

That’s rough news for the American consumer, given the fact that the U.S. imported more goods from China than anywhere else in the world over the past decade. In 2020 alone, the U.S imported roughly $435 billion worth of goods from Chinese cities and sent another $125 billion to the country in exports, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative. (Full article.)


The pharma-funded corporate media is now telling you what is coming!

If you don’t want to be like the people in Shanghai, who are having their children ripped away from them, having their pets killed, dying from starvation and committing mass suicide, being forced into quarantine camps and force vaccinated, then you better start preparing NOW!!

It’s coming. And it’s probably coming very soon.

I am going to close with an article from QTR’s Fringe Finance published on ZeroHedge News that gives some insight on China’s motives in these current lockdowns.

Chinese Lockdowns Expand, Raising More Questions About Beijing’s Motives For Shutting Down

by ZeroHedge News

Growing lockdowns in China have me believing more and more that the country isn’t exactly crestfallen about the supply chain crisis it is creating for the rest of the world.

Days ago, I wrote about suspicions I had about China’s latest round of Covid lockdowns. In that piece, I drew the conclusion that the country’s “Covid Zero” plan is irrational and egregious, and that China’s lockdowns may have to do with something more than Covid.

The three scenarios I floated for the potential reason China was “overshooting the mark” with its draconian lockdowns were:

  1. The CCP may be trying to usurp more power
  2. There may be something about Covid that China knows that the rest of the world still doesn’t know
  3. China is looking for an excuse to slow its production to put pressure on the Western world at a time when it is trying to separate further, economically, from the West

Today, I’m leaning toward reason number three. That’s because as of this past weekend, China is now expanding its lockdowns further across the country. Oh, and did I mentioned that China’s top oil and gas producer has also all of a sudden decided it is going to cease doing business with Britain, Canada and the United States?

First, let’s identify some of the interesting ways that lockdowns are spreading across the country. One lockdown happens to hit California-based Apple, Inc. in the gut. The “Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone, a central Chinese manufacturing area that includes Apple Inc supplier Foxconn, announced a 14-day lockdown on Friday to be adjusted according to the epidemic situation,” according to Reuters.

Additionally, the country has tightened controls in northwestern China, where in the city of Xian, residents were told “to avoid unnecessary trips outside their residential compounds and encouraged companies to have employees work from home or live at their workplace”.

Suzhou also told its residents that “all employees capable of working from home must do so, and residential compounds and company campuses should avoid unnecessary entry of people and vehicles,” the report noted.

All told, we are witnessing a significant increase in the intensity of lockdowns across China – the very same actions that led us to supply chain hell in 2020 to begin with.

The way Chinese think about covid-19 is changing | The Economist

It’s important to remember that the rest of the world hasn’t even recovered from the first round of lockdowns nearly 2 years ago. Automakers globally are still mired in a semiconductor shortage, store shelves in the U.S. remain sparsely stocked, commodities and goods that would be normally available have multiple-month backlogs and prices have gone through the roof.

Chart: Supply Chain Disruptions Make a Comeback | Statista

Every indication out of China seems to point to the fact that we are about to relive 2020’s disruption all over again, despite objections from China’s own residents.

Domestic support for a zero-COVID policy has worn thin in recent weeks as virus-related restrictions have triggered food shortages, family separations, lost wages and economic pain.

Analysts say broad supply chain disruptions are likely to lead to delays in shipments from companies including Apple, and to weigh on the country’s economic growth rate this year.

Japan is already feeling restless about the lockdowns, Reuters reported:

…ongoing restrictions prompted Japan’s consul general in Shanghai to call for the local government to address concerns of Japanese businesses, in a letter posted on the consulate’s website on Saturday.

Additionally, according to another Reuters article out this weekend, China’s main offshore oil and gas producer has all of a sudden decided to end business operations in Britain, Canada and the U.S. because of “concerns in Beijing the assets could become subject to Western sanctions”.

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This only exacerbates tensions between the U.S. and China, which are already the highest they have been in decades. Further, the U.S. has warned China about trying to help Russia skirt Western sanctions, the report says:

The United States said last week China could face consequences if it helped Russia to evade Western sanctions that have included financial measures that restrict Russia’s access to foreign currency and make it complicated to process international payments

2020 was one thing – we (likely wrongfully) gave China the benefit of the doubt on its lockdowns because of the air of confusion Covid created globally – but thanks to the war in Ukraine and what we now know about Covid, 2022 should be handled with far more skepticism.

But this time around, we’d be better served to question China’s motive in a way most of us didn’t in 2020. While in 2020, it was easy to attribute China’s shut down to the virus, this time around we shouldn’t be so quick to be satisfied with that answer.

For one, we know far more about the virus than we did 2 years ago – notably that it isn’t a guaranteed death sentence.

On top of that, we have the unique economic situation developing globally, wherein Russia – in the midst of war and being alienated from the West – is seeking an economic partner and has likely found one in Beijing.

Given the global backdrop and what we now know about the virus, it’s tough to draw a road of logic that doesn’t, at some point, lead to asking questions about whether or not China could be engaging in these lockdowns on purpose.

Beijing’s forthcoming actions will continue to tell the tale.

Read the full article at ZeroHedge News.

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