by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
If you have been following the Alternative Media for any period of time now, seeking for the truth to combat the deception and lies that are coming from the pharma-funded corporate news media, you have undoubtedly heard testimonies from victims of the COVID-19 shots begin their testimony with the assertion: “I am not an anti-vaxxer.”
The presupposition that most of these people have, whether doctors or members of the public who were fooled into taking one of the COVID-19 gene-alerting shots, is that vaccines are generally safe and effective, but the COVID-19 shots are not, and should not even be called “vaccines” because they don’t meet the historical definition of a “vaccine.”
For example, a recent post by a medical doctor who confessed that they had never bothered to really research the vaccine issue in the past, and has come to realize that there is no science at all behind the COVID-19 shots, and has been banned on specific social media platforms for daring to question the COVID-19 vaccine narrative, wrote this:
Please, let me be clear: I am not commenting here on the safety or effectiveness of any vaccines, nor whether I think it’s smart or otherwise to get yourself or your children vaccinated. Of course, being vaccinated with a product that is safe in and of itself and effective at preventing an infection that can cause you long-term damage, is a very good thing. It’s a miracle. There is basically no-one on earth arguing otherwise, I promise you.
Well, that is a false promise, because myself and many others have exposed the false narrative of the entire vaccine industry for decades now.
Science has never been on the side of the vaccine peddlers. They have never been proven to be either safe, or effective.
Since I have covered this issue for over a decade now, I am going to summarize in this article why those of us who have put in the long hours of research over the many years on just how evil the vaccine industry is, feel like vomiting or screaming at our computer monitors, every time someone wants to complain about how bad the COVID-19 shots are but feels compelled to begin their testimonies with the phrase “I am not an anti-vaxxer.”
Well I AM an anti-vaxxer, and I am PROUD to wear that label, and not ashamed.
The Responsibility to Provide the Scientific Evidence that Vaccines are “Safe and Effective” Lies with Those Who Produce them and Mandate Them

This was a graphic we created back in 2013 to highlight some of the factual evidence against vaccines that was not being published in the corporate media.
Some of the strongest evidence that vaccines do not do what they are advertised to do, and never have, is to listen to what the Public Health Authorities and Big Pharma claim about vaccines and see if what they say even makes any logical sense.
The one mantra that has been drilled into the public psyche for decades now is this:
The science on vaccines is settled. The consensus of the scientific community is that vaccines are safe and effective.
These two statements alone are completely illogical, and there is no possible way they can be true. It is the same as saying “one plus one equals 3, and you have to trust us on that because we all agree.”
The statement that “the science is settled” is illogical and contradictory, because the very nature of science is one of discovery, developing hypotheses, testing those hypotheses, and then revising them as more data becomes available.
That is the true nature of “science,” and it is never settled.
This is, in fact, one of the main foundational problems with the false narrative surrounding vaccines: the misuse of the word “science.” The meaning of “science” has been hijacked and perverted by Big Pharma over the years to come to basically mean “authoritarianism.”
Almost everything they now claim is based on “science” is really just an appeal to authority (it is true because we have declared it to be true), and has very little, if any, relationship to the factual evidence.
As I wrote yesterday, this is why one can share all the data in the VAERS that points to the obvious conclusion that the COVID-19 shots are causing more adverse events than all vaccines given out for the past 30+ years, and people who are pro-vaccine will still not believe it, not because the facts don’t contradict their belief, but because someone else they have a higher opinion about as a perceived authority figure, told them it is not true, and the fact that they could examine the evidence for themselves and draw their own conclusions never even crosses their mind most of the time.
As I wrote yesterday, those who trust in the “science” of vaccines are really believing in something that goes against the factual evidence available, which makes their belief in vaccines more like a religious “cult.”
The second statement I quoted above, “The consensus of the scientific community is that vaccines are safe and effective,” is completely false. On what other issue has the “scientific community,” which is never defined by the way, been in 100% agreement?
They try to get away from this obviously false statement by labeling any doctor or scientist who does not agree with their views on vaccines as “quacks,” even if they are well-published with high credentials and long distinguished careers.
It doesn’t matter. To even question the vaccine cult dogma is to risk your reputation and career.
This is one of the main reasons why I started Health Impact News at the end of 2010, to give a voice to the dissenters, most of whom, in the area of vaccines, started out pro-vaccine but were then met head on with strong evidence, like a vaccine damaged child, that challenged their beliefs, leading them to actually examine the data with an open mind.
In short, the claim that “vaccines are safe and effective” is a claim that cannot be proven scientifically, and the actual evidence points in the opposite direction.
The Other Side of the History of Vaccines They Don’t Want You to Hear

This graphic and the article in which it appeared in 2015 when the corporate media tried to convince the public that there was a “measles” crisis in the U.S. that they blamed on the “unvaccinated,” soon went viral back then. This was before Google was censoring their searches, and before Facebook was censoring posts, and it became one of the top results for people searching for “measles” and “vaccines.” The corporate media sent out their attack dogs to try and discredit me, but I refused all their interviews having no desire at all to work with the pharma-owned corporate media. But this was a clear example of how basic facts that anyone can research for themselves will cut through the false narrative the corporate media tries to project.
Here then is a simple summary of the evidence that vaccines are neither safe, nor effective.
For a look at the history of vaccines and their impact on infectious diseases and the Big Pharma claim that they eliminated these diseases, these are probably the best two articles we have published on this topic.
History and Science Show Vaccines Do Not Prevent Disease – by Dr. Viera Scheibner
Published in 2013, this is my intro into this article:
In the vaccine debate currently raging in modern society, seldom, if ever, is the basic presupposition that vaccines prevent diseases ever questioned. It is assumed by the government and the medical system that this presupposition is a scientific fact.
Without this presupposed “fact”, the justification to force people to receive vaccinations completely falls apart. The acceptance of sacrificing certain children and others due to vaccine harm for “the greater good” also loses its justification, if vaccines actually do not prevent disease.
So it is easy to see why those who profit from vaccines, which includes both the manufacturer and the U.S. government, do not want to debate this issue.
What is the actual history and science behind this belief in vaccines? Dr. Viera Scheibner has done everyone a favor in critiquing the current scientific rationale for such a belief, taking a comprehensive look at history and peer-reviewed studies on the subject.
We have extracted this from her 50 plus page response to the Australian Academy of Science pro-vaccine report entitled: A critique of the 16-page Australian pro-vaccination booklet entitled “The Science of Immunisation: Questions and Answers” – You can read the entire report here. (This has since been removed.)
We have extracted the relevant information regarding the history and science of vaccines, so that the comprehensive report by Dr. Scheibner can be used by anyone interested in the topic.
This is the research you want to print out and give to your doctor if they are uneducated on the facts and science of vaccines. If you are involved in a lawsuit over refusing mandatory vaccines, you will want to give this to your attorney who can enter the information into the court record and start educating judges. (Full article.)
An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence that Vaccines Eliminated Diseases – by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries, MD
Medical history books, almost uniformly extol the virtues of vaccination. Upon reading these books, one is left with the impression that during the 1800s and into the 1900s, there were rampant plagues that killed countless scores of people and that, because of vaccines, this is no longer the case. This is certainly what we believed growing up, and most people we talk to have a similar impression. It generally permeates society as an established fact. The problem with these statements is that they are not supported by the evidence. (Full article.)
Regarding the claim that vaccines are safe, the best video presentation that summarizes this topic is the 20-minute interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries in this article that we published in 2014:
Dr. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccine Safety: “They Don’t Want You to Hear the Other Side”
The YouTube video in that article is still up, amazingly, but I also just uploaded a copy to our Bitchute channel in case it disappears.
Here is the intro I wrote to this interview back in 2014:
Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a medical doctor with specialties in internal medicine and nephrology. She has years of experience in seeing and treating illness resulting from vaccine damage, particularly kidney failure. It is highly unlikely you will ever hear her interviewed in the mainstream media, because the mainstream media only presents one side of vaccine safety.
Dr. Humphries was recently interviewed while traveling in Sweden. The information she shares in this 22 minute video is information every person in America should have access to, particularly doctors and those administering vaccines.
I have been covering the vaccine issues for many years now, and I must say that what Dr. Humphries covers in this 22 minute video is by far the best presentation on vaccine safety I have ever watched.
In this educational video, Dr. Humphries discusses some of the problems inherent with vaccines. For example, she explains that viruses in vaccines come into the body in a different way than the natural infection does.
She gives measles as an example. The measles virus is inhaled in its natural form, but the vaccine is injected, giving exposure to the nervous system much more quickly than if it had been inhaled naturally. She points out that the vaccines contain more than just the virus. The other chemical ingredients of a vaccine include things like aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, and formaldehyde. (Full article.)
Another classic treatise on this topic is an article we published in 2015 by Richard Moskowitz, MD:
Richard Moskowitz, M. D. – The Case Against Immunizations
For the past ten years or so, I have felt a deep and growing compunction against giving routine vaccinations to children. It began with the fundamental belief that people have the right to make that choice for themselves.
But eventually the day came when I could no longer bring myself to give the shots, even when the parents wished me to. I have always believed that the attempt to eradicate entire microbial species from the biosphere must inevitably upset the balance of Nature in fundamental ways that we can as yet scarcely imagine. Such concerns loom ever larger as new vaccines continue to be developed, seemingly for no better reason than that we have the technical capacity to make them, and thereby to demonstrate our right and power as a civilization to manipulate the evolutionary process itself.
Purely from the viewpoint of our own species, even if we could be sure that the vaccines were harmless, the fact remains that they are compulsory, that all children are required to undergo them, without sensitivity or proper regard for basic differences in individual susceptibility, to say nothing of the values and wishes of the parents and the children themselves.
Most people can readily accept the fact that, from time to time, certain laws may be necessary for the public good that some of us strongly disagree with. But the issue in this case involves nothing less than the introduction of foreign proteins or even live viruses into the bloodstream of entire populations.
For that reason alone, the public is surely entitled to convincing proof, beyond any reasonable doubt, that artificial immunization is in fact a safe and effective procedure, in no way injurious to health, and that the threat of the corresponding natural diseases remains sufficiently clear and urgent to warrant the mass inoculation of everyone, even against their will if necessary.
Unfortunately, such proof has never been given; and even if it could be, continuing to employ vaccines against diseases that are no longer prevalent or dangerous hardly qualifies as an emergency.
Finally, even if there were such an emergency, and artificial immunization could be shown to be an appropriate response to it, the decision would remain at bottom a political one, involving issues of public health and safety that are far too important to be settled by any purely scientific or technical criteria, or indeed by any criteria less authoritative than the clearly articulated sense of the community about to be subjected to it.
For all of these reasons, I want to present the case against routine immunization as clearly and forcefully as I can. (Full article.)
Dr. Moskowitz would be labeled a “quack doctor” by Big Pharma and their corporate media because he doesn’t hold their views on vaccines, but these are his credentials:
Richard Moskowitz, M.D. has been a licensed physician since 1967. He received is B.A. from Harvard in 1959, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude in General Studies (Biochemical Sciences). He received his M.D. from New York University in 1963. After finishing a Graduate Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Colorado, he completed his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Denver.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Dr. Richard Moskowitz are examples of medical doctors who started their practices as pro-vaccine, but then changed their positions after the evidence in their own practices led them to research vaccines for themselves, instead of just relying on what was taught to them in medical school, which is actually very little on the subject of vaccines.
You can find many other such doctors and scientists at Health Impact News that we have featured over the years.
After discovering the truth of where the evidence led them, they stopped inflicting harm on their patients by injecting them with vaccines. I seriously doubt that when asked to discuss the issue of vaccines, that they would preface what they say with “I am not an anti-vaxxer.”
Are there any safe and effective vaccines?
Polio is the one historical vaccine that is held up as the gold standard of how vaccines wiped out an entire disease. But Dr. Suzanne Humphries has exposed this belief as a hoax, as basically all they did was change the definition of “polio” to try and make this claim.
Watch her video presentation on polio in this article:
Did Vaccines Really Eliminate Polio? COVID-19 Shots Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome – Common Side Effect of Vaccines that Resembles Polio
And as far as the corporate media being complicit with mass murder by lying and publishing false data regarding the COVID-19 shots, this is not new. They have been doing this for a very long time now.
Here is an article we published back in 2016:
Mainstream News Media: Freedom of the Press or Controlled Propaganda?
Do you know when mainstream news, scientific articles, and internet websites are using propaganda techniques to control your mind and manipulate your emotions?
The manipulation of the American mind has become a sophisticated science. Media controllers twist together half-truths, pictures of distorted reality, and outright lies so that we will trust the official reports of government, accept the claims and plans of corporations, and believe the work of scientists who do research on behalf of government agencies and corporations.
This article will look at how mainstream media distorts the truth and manipulates public perception. It will look at how public relations agencies create fake organizations to simulate grassroots movements, and how government agencies and corporations manipulate and fabricate scientific research to advance their agendas.
I will present 12 simple steps that you can use to break the power of propaganda and separate the lies from the truth. (Full article.)
Parents of Vaccine-Damaged Children are a Wealth of Information
One of the studies that the U.S. Government has refused to do over the years is compare the health of children who follow the CDC vaccine schedule with children who receive no vaccines.
Fortunately, we have parents who can provide this kind of data. These are parents that started out pro-vaccine, trusted the “science” and their doctors, and then ended up with a vaccine injured child.
As a result, they withheld vaccines for subsequent children born to them, making their homes perfect laboratories to compare vaxxed children with unvaxxed children.
A lot of these videos have been removed from YouTube, but earlier this year, back in March, we restored quite a few of them to our Bitchute channel and republished them:
Banned Videos of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children Restored on Health Impact News
Board certified pediatrician Dr. Bob Zajac, who is another medical doctor who started out pro-vaccine and then changed his position when he saw the results of vaccines in his own practice and started doing his own research, has written that he reads about vaccines for about 1 hour every day, but he works with moms who read about 10 hours a day regarding vaccines. He said:
They know more than I do. (Full article.)
One of my favorite articles by a mom of a vaccine injured child is the article written by Robyn Charron in 2014:
Your Child is Vaccine Injured– Just Like Mine
She discusses the social pressure parents face when they announce that their child is vaccine damaged, which is very similar to the social pressure facing those injured by COVID-19 shots today who are ridiculed by the believers in the Vaccine Cult. She wrote:
This is what really gets to me, though: The staunchest defenders of vaccines. The parents who will go toe-to-toe with me in a public forum saying what a bad parent I am for not vaccinating. And then what do I find out months later, years later, always in private?
Their child has food allergies. Their child has a learning disability. Their child is medicated for ADHD. Their child is crippled with asthma. Their child is on the spectrum.
How do they publicly proclaim, “We vaccinated on schedule and my child turned out just fine!” but in private they are dealing with these problems?
Welcome to the new normal. Your child isn’t fine. Your child is vaccine injured– just like mine. (Full article.)
My vote for the top video production from a mother of a vaccine-injured child goes to Hillary Simpson, and her classic #Crazymother video. This was published on YouTube in 2018, and it is still up. We have also uploaded a copy to our Bitchute channel.
Since the Belief in Vaccines is a Religious Cult ALL Religious Exemptions to Vaccines Should be Allowed
If you read the links above about the historical data related to vaccines, it will become very obvious that they never wiped out any infectious diseases. This is a myth, a belief that is not based on the science and evidence.
This is a religious cult, and in Dr. Richard Moskowitz’s classic piece, linked to above, he wrote:
The fact is that we have been taught to accept vaccination as a kind of involuntary Communion, a sacrament of our participation in the unrestricted growth of scientific and industrial technology, utterly heedless of the long-term consequences to the health of our own species, let alone to the balance of Nature as a whole.
The entire belief system behind the Vaccine Cult is anti-God. It wants to replace God’s built-in natural immunity that is given to us at birth, and replace it with a Satanic religious system that seeks to replace that natural immunity with the fake vaccine immunity, which has serious side effects and will almost always make the person a life-long dependent of the medical system.
If you believe in the Bible, you have no business taking vaccines. If you believe in Jesus Christ as the Creator of the Universe, and as the Redeemer of mankind by his sacrificial death on the cross to atone for our sins, then you most certainly should not be injecting these poisons into yourself or your children, as you are participating in a Satanic cult.
For more info on this, please see:
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 6-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
I am Anti-Vaccine, and proud to say so.
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.
He is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:8-12)
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CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021
COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next
See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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