by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

For the third time this year, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied a motion to halt mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, this time declining to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers.

The Associated Press reports:

The U.S. Supreme Court declined Tuesday to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers, the latest defeat for opponents of vaccine mandates.

It was the first time the Supreme Court weighed in on a statewide vaccine mandate. It previously rejected challenges of vaccine requirements for New York City teachers and Indiana University staff and students.

Justice Stephen Breyer rejected the emergency appeal but left the door open to try again as the clock ticks on Maine’s mandate. The state will begin enforcing it Oct. 29.

The Maine vaccine requirement that was put in place by Democratic Gov. Janet Mills requires hospital and nursing home workers to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

Opponents tried to block the mandate, but a federal judge rejected the request Oct. 13. The judge said the record indicated regular testing alone wasn’t sufficient to stop the spread of the delta variant.

That decision set off a flurry of emergency appeals to the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and then the U.S. Supreme Court.

Both “conservative” and “liberal” judges on the Supreme Court have now ruled in favor of Big Pharma, showing that this is a non-partisan issue.

Justice against the murderers who are enforcing these COVID shots that dissenting doctors and scientists call “bioweapons” will not come from the judiciary. See:

Relief from COVID Vaccine Tyranny will NOT Come from the Courts as U.S. Supreme Court Denies Right to Refuse Shots by NYC Teachers

The only ones who can stop the eugenics population control program destroying the United States now are “we the people.”

U.S. Veterans Prepare for War

There are about 19 million military veterans in the United States, and more and more are being added to that number every day as thousands of active duty military are refusing to comply with COVID vaccine mandates and being discharged.

These men and women that the United States has previously invested in and trained for war, apparently have no intention of idly sitting by and watching the United States become a medical police state.

A group of these veterans have banded together to produce some documentaries, and to issue a “National Security Alert.”

They claim to be non-partisan, and representative of all Americans regardless of ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation.

They have produced a 4.5 hour video documentary, and a shorter 38 minute one about “Preparing for War,” which I will embed here in this article from their channel. I have also uploaded a copy to the Health Impact News Bitchute channel as well, for greater exposure.

Be forewarned that the language is graphic, as can be expected when a bunch of military vets get angry.

Here is the description of the video from their Rumble channel:

U.S. Veterans Preparing For War

The Biden administration is denying VA healthcare to all non-vaxxed veterans.

The tactical fascist vaxx purge of the U.S. military is now happening.

Make no mistake, it is the most devastating blow to military readiness in the history of the United States, and it is a blatant act of war against the American people.

Hundreds of thousands of newly discharged U.S. military service members, police, doctors and nurses are now joining forces with veterans to defend our country against this global fascist takeover attempt.

They are presently forming a decentralized asymmetric defense of our homeland.

Here’s a brief statement to give you a little taste of what is featured in this courageous and awe-inspiring video:

“This is the land of the free.

We will not allow forced injections, segregation or an authoritarian surveillance and control grid passport system.

We have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies.

We will do everything in our power to keep the peace. We, the combat veterans and Special Forces veterans of America, know the horrors of war all too well.

We will be strategic, disciplined and surgical.

We know who the leading perpetrators are, and if they do not stand down, cease and desist, if they keep trying to oppress our people and enslave our nation, if they keep striping away our freedom and rights, those fascist enemy combatants will be held personally accountable.

Do you think we do not know what is going on?

You released a bio-weapon.

Then you systemically shutdown life-saving treatments leading to millions of unnecessary deaths.

You strategically censored doctors, nurses, medical experts, scientists, journalists, Intel Community members and soldiers.

Now you are injecting millions of people with a weaponized spike protein in an immune system degrading, gene-altering nanotech vax.

You have committed Crimes Against Humanity on a global scale.

Your power-addicted pathological shortsighted greed has destroyed our economy and severally inhibited people’s abilities to provide for their families.

You have rigged our political and economic system, burying people in inescapable debt.

You have captured and corrupted both of our political parties and the government agencies that are supposed to protect the civilian population from predatory global interests.

You have captured and corrupted our information and communication systems.

You are trying to cut off our ability to get healthcare and move freely throughout our communities.

You are contaminating our water supply and now you are systematically destroying our food supply, which you have been systemically poisoning for years as standard operating procedure.

Your long list of systemic abuses and usurpations amount to absolute Despotism.

Your wickedly evil corruption is now infecting all aspects of our lives.

We Have Had Enough!

The Line Has Been Drawn.

We represent every race, creed and ethnicity.

Your divide and conquer PSYOPS don’t fly here.

We know how you tactically deploy PSYOPS and stoke identity politics to silo off regional civilian populations into the smallest possible demographics to incite tribalism and make us fight amongst each other, while distracting us from being laser-focused on you, the head of the snake.

We have found common ground against you, our common enemy.

We all want to live in a free and healthy community that gives our children the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

We will defend our country, our communities and our families.

We will defend our homes from this fascist invasion.


Semper Fi”

Join our social network here, let us know what you are doing to defend your family:

Act of War: U.S. Special Forces & Combat Troops Discharged as Total Force ‘Vaccination’ Decimates Military Readiness

by David DeGraw

An estimated 350,000 of our military service members are being dishonorably discharged for refusing to take a completely unnecessary and experimental mRNA nanotech injection, which is now proven to degrade immune systems and cause many serious side effects.

Committing Total Force to these reckless injections, which do not protect troops from getting COVID, and, in fact, increase the threat of the spread and result in many provable side effects, is the greatest failure of military leadership in our history, at best. At worst, it is a deliberate treasonous attack against the U.S. military by the top of the Chain of Command.

To make matters even worse, an estimated 450,000 service members have recently been injected with the non-FDA approved Pfizer shot, even though many were falsely led to believe that they were getting the FDA-approved version, which is not even available in the U.S..

The outright lies, confusion and shocking lack of knowledge and incompetence demonstrated over the past week throughout the Chain of Command, which is covered in our 4-hour video here, is a low point in U.S. military history.

As you are reading this, many of these coerced troops are now beginning to experience side effects and COVID infection rates are increasing throughout the force. Many pilots are now grounded because of high risks of blood clots and heart failure while flying.

An estimated 400,000 military service members did not want the nanotech injections but submitted to taking them because they couldn’t afford to live without pay, benefits and the devastating scarlet letter of a dishonorable discharge.

A dishonorable discharge has severe ramifications when it comes to being employed throughout the civilian workforce. It is essentially sentencing many of our troops to a life of low-wage work and poverty in the draconian mandate economy, which also now demands injections for many jobs, with all the severe economic sanctions under the guise of “public health” that they will now face in civilian life.

Based on our assessments, it is now clear the Global Private Military Complex has captured the top of the U.S. military Chain of Command and is systematically degrading the U.S. military as part of a worldwide strategy to weaken national civilian militaries.

Our military is their greatest adversary and primary target.

Make no mistake, to dishonorably discharge thousands of our most elite fighting forces is a blatant Act of War against the American people.

The all-out systemic attacks against the American people are Acts of War.

There are so many outrageously corrupt activities and systemic abuses presently happening under the guise of “public health” throughout the government that it is now very obvious that the American people do not have any effective representation on the federal level.

The dishonorable discharge policy also makes it likely that many of our most elite fighting forces will now be inclined to take jobs as mercenaries in the Global Private Military Complex to support their young families – how convenient.

The American people are now up against the same imperial playbook of policies that have been strategically deployed to destabilize the Middle East, Latin America and many other nations worldwide.  Now, the globalist “War on Terror” is targeting first world populations. This “mandate” attack against our military, police, doctors, nurses and other critical sectors is tactical destabilization 101.

Bottom line, there are significant numbers of people throughout the Intelligence Community, military, and Special Forces in particular, who know Rome has fallen.

The “New World Order” terrorists attacking humanity have become absurdly arrogant.  We are experiencing the imperial overreach that occurs when an endangered oligarchy’s power structure collapses.

The compromised Biden Administration has also launched an attack against all U.S. veterans who do not submit to nanotech injections. As of November 1, all non-injected veterans will be denied V.A. healthcare – another Act of War to add to the long list of abuses.

There is also a new “Red Flag” gun law that targets veterans and newly discharged troops. If anyone reports them for vague and minor suspensions, they will have their guns taken away from them.

The Biden Administration is even trying to call in the United Nations’ Blue Helmet troops to be deployed throughout the U.S. to enforce international gun control and undermine our 2nd Amendment rights.

Everything that has happened over the past week is all coming right after a “deliberately botched” Afghanistan withdrawal, which was strategically designed to destroy troop morale and create division throughout the ranks.

In fact, Lt. Col. Stuart Sheller, who has been fighting this war for 17 years and is the highest ranking Marine to publicly speak out — after 13 of his fellow troops were unnecessarily killed — and demanded accountability from the top of the Chain of Command, is now a political prisoner in pre-trial brig solitary for an indefinite period of time, while no charges have even been filed against him.

Crimes Against Humanity

All of this is happening as more than 7,800 doctors and scientists have signed a “Physicians  Declaration” condemning policymakers for “authoritarian” strategies that have resulted in “needless illness and death,” which amount to “Crimes Against Humanity.”

As we covered in our video, official COVID policies have led to over 500,000 unnecessary civilian deaths throughout the United States.  The systemic shutdown of well-proven life-saving, safe and effective treatments, in favor of now well-proven harmful treatments, is blatant systemic medical malpractice.

Based on our assessments, it is clear that COVID is a bio-weapon that has been strategically released, and the spike protein and other ingredients in the mRNA nanotech injections are weaponized.

We also know that lockdowns have done significantly more harm than good, and now, with all these new mandates, our doctors, nurses and millions of essential workers throughout every sector of the economy are losing their jobs.

We are witnessing the deliberate incremental systematic dismantling and destruction of our country. The Global Private Military Complex is tactically turning America into Afghanistan and Iraq.

The amount of military movement throughout and around the continental U.S. is highly alarming. The designation and building of “internment facilities” under the guise of “public health,” and the fortification of Walmarts across the country, is also concerning.

The shocking complete opening of our entire Southern border by the Biden Administration is another new major National Security threat. We have credible intelligence that terrorists, drug cartels and global intel-backed mercenaries have entered the country and are being strategically deployed throughout the United States.

They are primarily targeting critical infrastructure and essential services, supply lines and states that are not enforcing “injection” mandates.

We are also deeply concerned about all the cargo ships that are now overwhelming all of our ports.  Our supply lines of essential goods are being strategically disrupted and these ships and their unknown cargo represent an urgent critical National Security threat.

As we covered in our video, weapons systems, missiles and drones are suspected to be in some of these cargo ships.  The military must immediately inspect and process every container.

We have a wide-open Southern border and we are surrounded by hundreds of cargo ships. In totality, it is a complete shitshow of systemic breakdown, corruption, incompetence and arrogance, and all this is happening right after the botched Afghanistan exit, which killed 13 troops and left behind $85 billion in weapons – and now we are discharging hundreds of thousands of troops while hundreds of thousands are now injected with a weaponized “vaccine.”

Clearly, Rome has fallen and rogue forces have compromised the Chain of Command.

The American people are under attack.

The Constitution is under attack.

We are under attack!

Therefore, we are now forced to engage tactical operations to save our nation and our families. We want to maintain peace while being surgical in detaining the terrorists.

Detain The Terrorists: Fauci, Gates, Schwab Fink

As we highlighted in our video, the two most publicly known terrorists responsible for these systemic Crimes Against Humanity and Acts of War against the American people, and humanity in general, are Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.

In addition, Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink have been key strategic driving forces behind overall systemic attacks against us.

“Markets like totalitarian governments.”

“Democracies are very messy, as we know in the United States.”

“China has done a magnificent job of engineering their economy.”

~ The Shadow King of Wall Street, Larry Fink, Black Rock CEO, Czar of the Lockdown Economy

We are calling for the immediate detainment and prosecution of those four War Criminals.

Failure to do so, will result in a complete loss of faith in the Intelligence Community and the top of the military Chain of the Command.

We are also calling upon DoD and Intelligence Community Inspector Generals to immediately deploy large-scale wide-ranging investigations into corrupt policy decision-making processes and to conduct a forensic analysis of every move that every agency has made.

If the Office of the Inspector General does not move with immediate overwhelming force, their failure to act will result in a complete loss of faith in our systemic accountability mechanisms.

We want peace and Continuity of Government based on TRANSPARENT processes.

We have a duty and responsibility to protect our nation and our families from these barbaric and vicious systemic attacks.

We know that the Global Private Military is strategically attacking and systematically dismantling the United States and trying to incite division, desperation, confusion and chaos throughout the civilian population.

As the fog of war gets thicker than ever, we will do everything that we can to keep the peace and be a source of stability and critical information throughout the populace.

We are calling upon the American people to unite with their local Sheriff, police and community members to urgently begin full-scale preparations to protect their families.

We believe that the Global Private Military is going to launch terror attacks throughout the U.S. as they increase their asymmetric unconventional warfare against us.

We need to do everything in our power to prevent violent outbreaks.

The Global Private Military wants chaos and violence to erupt throughout our country – that’s why they have been proactively systemically undermining our ability to obtain basic necessities and dismantling critical infrastructure and dismissing hundreds of thousands of police, military, healthcare and essential workforces via non-scientific and non-sensical mandates.

They are deploying the same divide and conquer tactics that they have used to destabilize the Middle East; to get us to fight amongst each other and provoke a civil war. They are using their mainstream media companies to exacerbate confusion and division.

Whether it is inciting the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated or identity politics, it is driven by psychological operations (PSYOP) strategies. Identity politics are strategically designed to silo civilian populations off into the smallest possible demographics so they fight amongst each other while imperial forces take over.

Therefore, we need to unite, keep the peace and be surgical in our counter-offensives.

Let it be known to all who perpetrate attacks against the American people that the overwhelming majority of our Special Operations Forces, combat troops and a standing decentralized militia of over 40 million U.S. veterans and well-armed combat-ready civilians are now prepared to defend this country.

The unconventional warfare tactics deployed against us through COVID policies must come to an end now.

Know Your Primary Enemies

China and Russia are playing a role in this war against us. However, it must be known that the Global Private Military is trying to use China, Russia and other nation state adversaries as proxies for their interests.

The World Economic Forum, Business Roundtable, Black Rock, Vanguard and the most powerful global corporations have used and abused China and its people as a vassal state for low-wage sweatshop labor for decades.  What they have done to the people of China they now want to do to the people of the United States.

In fact, the Chinese government recently officially declared billionaire George Soros as a “global terrorist.” Saying that he is, “the son of Satan” and “the most evil person in the world.”

We are calling upon the people of China and Russia to join us in this fight against our common enemy. The most powerful global imperial interests have been exploiting and abusing all of us.  Now they are trying to get us to go to war with each other so they can enforce a tyrannical fascist New World Order.

It is absolutely critical to understand that the war against freedom and humanity is not a battle between nation states.  The Global Private Military has no loyalty to any one nation state – the worldwide release of a bio-weapon and systemic oppression of all nations via draconian lockdown policies and mandates should now make that clear to everyone.

In many ways, COVID is the newest front in the 20-year old imperial power grab known as the “War on Terror.” Global imperial powers have brutally dominated the third and developing world for many decades.  With COVID, the fascist imperial seed has now blossomed, and they are now targeting first world populations.

Bottom line, if we are going to survive all of these ongoing attacks against us, we have to be surgical in our counter-offenses and we must be laser-focused on the heads of the snake.

It is our goal to have them detained and legally prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity – that’s why we are demanding the immediate detainment of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink as a first step in restoring faith in our government.

We all have a duty and responsibility to protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies.

Let it be clearly understood: any government official who continues to be derelict in this duty is committing treason and is an accomplice in a war against the American people.

As the U.S. Supreme Court has made clear, it is up to you, the individual, to disobey unlawful, unconstitutional orders. You cannot legally defend yourself by saying you were just following orders.

It is now time for you to boldly stand up in defense of the American people.

The line is drawn.

What side of history will you be on?



Non-Compliance is the Only Way Forward

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

If you are not a military veteran, please do not think that you have no role in overthrowing the evil that has taken over this country, and much of the world.

And please do not think that violence is the only way to overthrow evil.

It is not. Passive non-compliance is a time-tested historically relevant way to defeat tyranny, as we saw in this country with the Civil Rights movements in the 1960s. See:

People in the 21st Century Have Forgotten How to Resist Tyranny – Here’s a History Lesson from the Civil Rights Movement

Do not, under any circumstances, comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. None of these mandates are legal, in spite of what the Supreme Court rules, and these mandates are ultimately unenforceable if people do not comply, especially if the majority of the military and law enforcement agencies are not going to enforce them.

Yes, your employer may fire you, but stand firm! Those business owners who are choosing to implement vaccine mandates are committing financial suicide, and they will fail.

The government can create as much money as they want to try and bail out these businesses, but the fact is that without a workforce, they will fail if enough people refuse and hold the line.

The economy is on the path to destruction anyway, and how it will be rebuilt is largely dependent upon “we the people.” A significant portion of those taking the bioweapon shots will die or suffer debilitating injuries and diseases, so when it is time to rebuild the economy, it will only be possible with the unvaccinated who stood firm.

But we are all going to have to go through the fire first, so hang on for a rough ride.

We MUST stick together and not let the Globalist tyrants divide us.

Comment on this article at


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COVID-19 “Vaccine” Casualties List

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Killer COVID Vaccines: 4,400% Increase in Deaths Compared to All FDA-Approved Vaccines for Previous 30 Years

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1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds

42,507 DEAD 3,984,978 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

17,500% Increase in Heart Disease in Children Following COVID-19 Vaccines – This is NOT Rare!

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COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines

Moderna Seeks Approval from FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Start Injecting Children Under 6 with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

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2000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines but CDC Still Recommends Them for Pregnant Women

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Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated

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Government VAERS Data Reveal 15,600% Increase in Heart Disease Among Under 30 Year-Olds Following COVID-19 Vaccination

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#RealNotRare New Website for COVID-19 Vaccine Injured

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7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

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A List Of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Shot

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Parents Sacrifice Hundreds of Thousands of Children Ages 5 to 11 to the COVID-19 Vaccine Gods This Weekend

Cardiologist Medical Doctor who Wanted to Punch Anti-Vaxxers in the Face DEAD After COVID Booster Shot

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Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows

UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among Fully Vaccinated for Past Month

Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse

White House To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 as Deaths and Injuries Continue to Increase among 12 to 19-Year-Olds Who Received a COVID-19 Shot

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Denver Policeman Crippled After Mandatory Pfizer Shot – Are Law Enforcement the Key to Resisting Medical Tyranny?

1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot

Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries

Whistleblower Lawsuit! Government Medicare Data Shows 48,465 DEAD Following COVID Shots – Remdesivir Drug has 25% Death Rate!

Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection

STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next

See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!


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Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?

Medical Kidnapping eBook

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