by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
As more and more people around the world finally start to wake up and understand that the “war against the virus” has been a plan from the beginning for tyrants to seize control of society and implement a medical police state that controls every aspect of our lives and enslaves us, they are beginning to venture out of their homes and take to the streets in protest.
But protesting alone is not going to push back tyranny. As I watch video clips shot from people’s cell phones during many of these protests, mostly outside the U.S. at this point as most Americans are still asleep, what I am seeing is a modern population who knows something is wrong and is trying to do something about it, but don’t know how.
When thugs who call themselves “police” gang up and beat the crap out of someone to make an example out of them, the crowds who are there just watch and video record it, even if they outnumber the police in some cases by more than 10 to one.
History shows us that to fight tyranny and seek freedom from the tyrants, you have to be willing to count the cost, and sacrifice your own comfort and safety, even if it costs you your life.
Because the alternative is slavery. And that is the choice that is facing nearly all citizens around the world today: do you want to live as slaves and allow the government to control every aspect of your life, or is freedom worth the price to put your own life on the line, both for you, your children, and future generations?
Ranting on social media and accumulating “likes,” starting petitions and getting lots of people to sign them, or filing lawsuits against the tyrants to try and make them do the right thing, is not going to work. And history bears this out as well.
This is not a call to arms, although it may come to that. History shows that passive resistance to tyranny can be very effective, if enough people come together to resist the tyrants.
The Passive Resistance of the Civil Rights Movement
In this article I want to highlight the historic protest march from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery in 1965.
This is another case in American history where relief was not found in the courts, because although African Americans had the legal right to vote by 1965, less than 2% of the Blacks in Selma were allowed to vote because of the tyrants that controlled the city.
This event was dramatized as a big Hollywood production in 2013, but I like the Southern Poverty Law Center documentary much better, as it contains a lot of the actual footage in black and white, and is on YouTube (for now – it is also on our video channels.)
The resistance movement began in 1963 when a bomb exploded in a Black church in Birmingham, killing 4 little girls getting ready for Sunday school, and was blamed on the Ku Klux Klan.
Highschool students in Selma began protesting, and targeted a local drug store that had a “whites only” lunch counter. A young teenage girl was struck by a cattle prod by the County Sheriff, and another teenage boy was struck on the head requiring several stitches.
This was a non-violent student movement, and as one student described the scene in Selma in the documentary, he said:
The white folk are too mean, and the black folk are too afraid.
Sound familiar to what we are seeing today?
Other non-violent “sit-ins” were conducted at other stores, and within the span of a couple of weeks, more than 250 young people were arrested.
It was the young people who took the lead. Some of them were as young as 10 or 11 years old.
If this is going to take place, the youth in Selma had to do it. Adults were worried about their jobs and intimidation.
And we as kids, we had no jobs to worry about.
One of the highschool girls says:
I wanted change. My father would go into a store, this big, handsome hard-working strong black man, and I hear him be called a “boy” and a “nigger.”
The Black churches were packed out, and were the places where these young people met, and were encouraged, unlike the churches today, that shut down when the government tells them to, and then obey the government’s edicts to encourage their members to get a COVID-19 shot they don’t need, which could harm or kill them.
After then President Johnson signs the Desegregation Civil Rights Bill on July 2, 1964, the Blacks of Selma again tried to enter businesses, and adults now went to the courthouse to register to vote, since it was now legal.
But most of them are turned away, and attacks against Blacks continued with many going to jail. The protests increased, but then a local judge signed an order that prohibited more than 3 people from gathering for Civil Rights meetings.
Sound familiar? Prohibiting people from gathering to squelch the opposition?
The Dallas County Voters League got involved in Selma, and eventually Martin Luther King also joined their resistance effort, all non-violent.
Dr. King had petitioned President Johnson to encourage Congress to pass a voter’s right bill for Blacks, but President Johnson had said it was not the right time.
Dr. King disagreed, and decided to make Selma a national example of non-violent protests. He wanted thousands of people to take to the streets, forcing the media to cover it.
And the Blacks in Selma responded.
First, the teachers of the students felt guilty that they were not standing with their students in protest, so over 100 of them went to the Courthouse to register to vote. They fully expected to be arrested, and had things like their toothbrushes packed in their pockets.
Sheriff Jim Clark and his men met them at the entrance, and chased them away by force using their billy clubs, all caught on tape, and it made the nightly news across the country.
The protests increased, and on one day 450 students and 264 adults are arrested, including Dr. King. Dr. King writes a letter from his jail cell that is published by the New York Times.
This is Selma, Alabama. There are more Negroes in jail with me than there are on the voting rolls.
By the middle of February, 1965, over 3500 Blacks had been arrested in Selma.
Things took a dramatic turn on the night of February 18th, when Alabama state troopers joined local police breaking up an evening march in nearby Marion.
A state trooper shot Jimmie Lee Jackson, a 26-year-old church deacon from Marion, as he attempted to protect his mother from the trooper’s nightstick in a local cafe.
Jackson died eight days later in a Selma hospital.
Dr. King calls for a national protest and march from Selma to Montgomery. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), organized the event.
But Alabama Governor George Wallace had other plans, and forbids them to march.
They defy the Governor, and march anyway.
The marchers made their way through Selma across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where they faced a blockade of state troopers and local lawmen commanded by Clark and Major John Cloud, who ordered the marchers to disperse. When they refused and instead stood their ground, Cloud ordered his men to advance.
Cheered on by white onlookers, the troopers attacked the crowd with clubs and tear gas. Mounted police chased retreating marchers and continued to beat them, including women and children.
But it was all captured on camera (much of it in the video below), and the event became known as “Bloody Sunday” as it made headline news all across the nation.
John Lewis, the leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee who had his head split wide open, later stated:
I don’t see how President Johnson can send troops to Vietnam—I don’t see how he can send troops to the Congo—I don’t see how he can send troops to Africa and can’t send troops to Selma.
Americans had finally had enough, and thousands of people of all colors and nationalities descended upon Selma to support the Blacks, many of them clergy responding to Dr. King’s call.
A federal lawsuit was filed asking the court to rule immediately that they had a Constitutional right to march from Selma to Montgomery to protest their denial of their right to vote.
But Federal Judge Frank Johnson refuses, and issues an order prohibiting the march.
Sound familiar? The Global tyrants always control the judiciary. We should not expect justice there.
Dr. King and the rest of the Blacks defy the court order, and head back to the bridge in Selma.
The State Troopers are there again, fully armed.
Dr. King stops and asks people to pray. Singing, they turn around and march back into town. They had made their point.
Later that night, three white ministers were eating at a Black cafe, and then attacked by thugs who called them “niggers” when they left the cafe, killing one of them.
By now President Johnson had apparently had enough of being embarrassed by Governor Wallace and his henchmen, as public opposition was spinning out of control fast. He issued a statement:
Americans everywhere join in deploring the brutality with which a number of Negro citizens of Alabama were treated when they sought to dramatize their deep and sincere interest in attaining the precious right to vote.
On March 15th, President Johnson addressed Congress, identifying himself with the demonstrators in Selma in a televised address:
Their cause must be our cause too. Because it is not just Negroes, but really it is all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice. And we shall overcome.
With the sanction of the President of the United States, won by their persistence and non-violent resistance, they finally made the march from Selma to Montgomery, with about 25,000 people strong.
On August 6th, 1965, in the presence of Dr. King and other civil rights leaders, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Watch the full documentary by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is only about 39 minutes, and well worth your time.
This is from our Bitchute channel, and it should also be on Rumble channel shortly.
This is our country’s history, and this is what it takes to defeat tyranny. Complaining on social media, or waiting for the courts to act, isn’t going to get the job done, and neither are protests where people just stand around video recording everything on their cell phones.
You may end up in jail, or you might even lose your life for resisting government thugs and tyrants.
But if you do nothing, you will be slaves to the medical police state. You will need their permission to work, to shop, and to even access funds in “your” bank account, if you live long enough and survive their eugenic plans to reduce the world’s population.
America, and the world, stand at the crossroads.
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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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