by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

U.S. troops in South Korea, along with civilian healthcare workers, started being injected with the experimental Moderna COVID vaccine today. reports:

United States Forces Korea started inoculating military and civilian healthcare workers, first responders and the USFK command team with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine today across three USFK medical treatment facilities.

The three locations administering the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine are the Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital at United States Army Garrison – Humphreys, 51st Medical Group at Osan Air Base and 8th Medical Group at Kunsan Air Base.

USFK was previously identified as one of four overseas locations to receive the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine through the Department of Defense’s deliberate and phased distribution plan. (Source.)

As is the case among the general population currently, the vaccine is voluntary, since it is not FDA approved.

USFK Commander General Robert Abrams, however, is reportedly pushing the troops to get it. reports:

“I want you to make an informed decision for you and your family regarding the vaccine,” USFK Commander Robert Abrams said in a statement.

Gen. Abrams was earlier photographed personally receiving the vaccine in order to encourage all personnel to follow. Moderna is reportedly being administered at four US locations abroad based on FDA emergency authorization issued a week-and-a-half ago.

I am happy to see the military, at least so far, making this experimental vaccine voluntary, because it has not always been that way in the past. It might take a lot of courage to stand up to a General or other Commanding Officer who is pushing everyone to get the vaccine, but this is your life at risk, for an experimental vaccine that is not even needed, and was authorized for emergency use by the FDA illegally.

During the Gulf War, for example, troops were required to get the experimental anthrax vaccine which has not been approved by the FDA. Those who tried to opt out were not allowed to.

When injuries and deaths starting occurring after vaccination, it was blamed as a mysterious “Gulf War Syndrome.”

So if you are in the military and are being pressured to take an experimental COVID vaccine, learn from history.

Here is the testimony of a whistleblower who is a former medic and saw first hand how the experimental anthrax vaccine was harming people and tried to report it to her superiors only to get shut down.


Former Medic Whistleblower Exposes How the Military is Testing Experimental Vaccines on Soldiers Using them as “Lab Rats”

Here is the documentary “Vaccine Syndrome” which documents how over 35,000 soldiers died from the experimental anthrax vaccine.


35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine – More Than Those Who Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined

Both of these videos are on the Health Impact News Bitchute channel.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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