Pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City. Image source.
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
One of the biggest scandals of the COVID Plandemic is the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people who died needlessly because the FDA refused to issue off-label emergency use for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a safe drug whose patent ran out years ago, and that thousands of doctors around the world have used effectively, often with a 100% success rate, in treating COVID patients.
We have an entire page in our COVID Information Center covering this scandal.
News sources in Taiwan (thanks to Dr. Meryl Nass for breaking this story here in the U.S.) are reporting that the world’s second largest supplier of raw materials to make HCQ blew up earlier this week, which will most certainly put a strain on the world’s supply of HCQ.
An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20.
People as far as Tamsui District in New Taipei City reported hearing the massive blast shortly after noon. Immediately after the blast, thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the SCI Pharmtech factory.
While the factory is located close to Taipei Taoyuan International Airport, operations at the airport were not affected, according to reports in United Daily News and ET Today.
The Taoyuan City Fire Department dispatched 76 personnel, 28 fire appliances and 2 ambulances to the scene of the fire.
The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.
Liberty Times reported that the factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs, and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier. (Source.)
Tensions are currently running very high between Taiwan and China, and another news outlet reported:
Around 76 personnel, 28 fire equipment pieces and 2 ambulances were deployed to the area. The workers injured includes a Philippine worker. Both were taken to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
The 30-year old Philippine worker is in critical condition after suffering third-degree burns to 90% of his body. He is currently intubated and treated at the specialist burn unit. The other worker, a Taiwanese, suffered a burn to one hand. He was held at the hospital for observation, but was than released after eight hours.
An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the massive explosion. It has been reported by Liberty Times, that the pharmaceutical company produces hydroxychloroquine APIs. The company is considered to be the second largest hydroxychloroquine raw material supplier in the World.
On the same day a Chinese aircraft carrier and four other navy warships passed through Taiwan strait in the direction of the South China Sea.
Was this sabotage to reduce competition for the new experimental COVID vaccines and drugs?
Was China involved?
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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