Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A video on Twitter this past weekend surfaced showing a South Florida female officer in full riot gear and heavily armed harass a mother sitting in a Public Library with her young child, minding their own business with apparently nobody else near them, simply because she was not wearing a face mask.

The young mom complains about “discrimination” in the video, suggesting that she may have had a medical exemption from wearing a mask.

The library is stated to be Lantana Public Library, 205 WEST OCEAN AVENUE, LANTANA, FL 33462 U.S.A. PHONE: 561-540-5740.

If anyone knows who this officer is that felt the need to wear riot gear and multiple weapons to harass this mother and I am sure terrorize her child, and what law enforcement agency she works for, please contact us and we will add that information here.

Since Twitter is anti-free speech and will probably remove this video if it becomes too popular, we have uploaded it to our Bitchute channel.

Is the kind of America you want?

If not, those of you who were sitting in that library when this happened should have stepped forward to protect this mother and her child. Surround the officer, sit down, and make them arrest all of you.

That young mother and her child needed to know that there are still some good people left in this country, and if you did not agree with this and yet stood by and did nothing, shame on you!

Unless the public stops complying and starts resisting, tyranny like this will only continue, and get worse. But we need to do it together.

Learn more about the bogus “science” regarding face masks.

See Also:

4-Year-Old Almost Dies due to Lung Infection Caused by Prolonged Mask Wearing – Doctor Rants “How Many Children Must Die?”

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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