Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. was born in Portland, Oregon, and grew up in Southern Africa. He has a masters degree in biology, an M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School, and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego.

He is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and also carries board certifications in Addiction Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. He started the Pediatric After-hours Clinic (now Pediatric ER) at Emanuel Children’s Hospital, where he also taught medical students and residents from 1988-1993.

We have featured the work of Dr. Paul Thomas on Health Impact News many times over the past many years. He is a champion in the Health Freedom movement, and strongly believes in Informed Consent when it comes to vaccines.

Because Dr. Thomas believes that parents know best when it comes to the care of their children, he has parents in his practice with a wide range of views on vaccines. Some of the parents of children in his practice do not get vaccines at all, while others do vaccinate, although usually at a slower pace than what the CDC recommends.

Dr. Thomas does not bully parents into taking his position on vaccines. He states that if parents want to vaccinate their children, at least he is the kind of doctor that has actually researched vaccines, and not just accepted what was taught in medical school which is not much when it comes to vaccines, other than the Big Pharma mantra that “all vaccines are effective and safe.”

Dr. Thomas knows first hand that this is not true, and his belief is that if parents decide to vaccinate their children, they are probably better off in his practice where he can better help them deal with any negative side effects. The vast majority of doctors who do vaccinate children have no knowledge of vaccine injuries, because they don’t even know how to recognize them.

Hence, Dr. Thomas is one the unique doctors in America today who can actually look at the data of his patients over the years, and compare the outcomes of vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children, a study that the CDC refuses to do.

And that is just what he did. Along with James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., they published their study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

The title of the study is Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination.

Shortly after he published this study which has great value to the public and parents who want to make informed decisions about the health of their children and vaccination, his medical license in Oregon was suspended, because the study clearly shows that unvaccinated children tend to be much healthier than those who are vaccinated.

Dr. Thomas recently joined Del Bigtree on the Highwire to discuss his study and his current situation in his medical practice.

Here is a copy of the interview from their Bitchute Channel.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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