by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
A video that at the time of publication of this article has been viewed over 4 million times on Facebook, a 28-year-old pregnant mother still dressed in her pajamas is hand-cuffed and arrested in Australia, because she had allegedly made a Facebook post about a “freedom day” event calling for people to peacefully gather against the government’s lockdown measures.
The arrest took place in her home, in front of her own children and partner.
Breitbart News broke the story early this morning (September 2, 2020) in the U.S., making it their headline story for a couple of hours.
In the video, Zoe Buhler from Victoria, Australia, is incredulous that this is happening, as she repeatedly told the police she was pregnant and had an ultrasound appointment in an hour.
She even offers to take down the event post from Facebook.
The masked police were not impressed, as they handcuffed this “dangerous” young mother for “incitement.” They also produced a search warrant to seize her electronics, including computers and cell phones.
Towards the end of the short video, a woman enters the home in addition to the two policemen, and it is not clear if she is a social worker who had arrived to take the children also, or if she is a third police officer.
We uploaded the video to our Bitchute channel as we suspect this will probably be deleted from Facebook. Watch the video:
This Video Should Disturb All Free People Living Anywhere in the World Right Now
This image of masked officers entering the home of an apparently peaceful family who offered no resistance, simply for posting an event that called for a peaceful protest over Government’s over-reach regarding COVID restrictions, should disturb anyone who still values freedom.
The fact that the event had not even happened yet, that the woman offered to delete it and cancel the event immediately, and yet still was arrested just an hour before she was due for a prenatal check up and was clearly no threat to society, illustrates so clearly that there is an agenda here in place that has nothing to do with health and public safety.
The law enforcement officers in this case are clearly the criminals, as well as the judge who signed the arrest warrant, and any health or medical professionals who deemed that a public protest against their edicts was illegal.
This is exactly what the COVID situation has now clearly become around the world: criminals attacking innocent people and destroying their lives.
The original event has been removed from Facebook, but according to Breitbart News Australia ABC news originally quoted some of the text from the Facebook event page:
“As some of you may have seen the government has gone to extreme measures and are using scare tactics through the media to prevent the Melbourne protest,” the now-deleted event description read…
“Here in Ballarat we can be a voice for those in stage four lockdowns. We can be seen and heard and hopefully make a difference!”
One of the last comments on Zoe Buhler’s Facebook Page prior to the arrest reads:
2020 C0R0NA will go down in history as the biggest hoax on earth. Lord help us. Please. Amen.
Obviously a dangerous criminal that needs to be locked up.
Wake up people! The true criminals are moving fast now to exert control because the events planned for the future, which includes a COVID vaccine and who knows what else, is going to be far worse than anything we have seen so far.
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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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