Photo by Michelle Mears for California Globe.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
This week the Murrieta Unified School District in Southern California saw hundreds of parents turn out for a school board meeting to protest the loss of parental rights when it comes to the issue of mandatory vaccines and the sexualization in sex education of their children without parental approval.
They brought a proposal to make their community a “sanctuary city for parental rights,” claiming that if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status, then so can parental rights.
Reporter Michelle Mears was present, and published a report at the California Globe.
Hundreds of residents in a Southern California community swarmed a school board meeting Thursday night to speak out about the loss of parental rights in schools. Anxious parents, many with children in tow, students, pastors and doctors demanded the Murrieta Unified School District become the first sanctuary city for parental rights in California.
For two hours people waited to speak out on the action item titled, “To consider Proposal by Community Member to Become a Sanctuary School District.” Those in favor of the sanctuary status understood the trustees could not change the laws set by the state. However, their argument is, if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status then so can parental rights.
One of the highlights of the night was a reading of an affidavit by a nurse known on Facebook as “Sandra RN.” Police attempted to block her efforts and remove her from the room, but when she stood up for her rights as she was being filmed, police backed down and allowed her to speak:
Michelle Mears interviewed several of the parents in attendance:
Megan and Patrick Hill who live in Murrieta and have a two year old daughter are leaving California in January. They are angry their child‘s full medical exemption for vaccinations was reversed when SB 276 by Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) was signed into law this year.
“The governor has taken away my incredible healthy, beautiful daughter‘s right to attend school when he signed that bill,” said Megan Hill. “The FDA, the CDC, they all state there is risk to vaccines. If there is risk there must a choice.”
“We are listing our house and escaping California. We are refugees of California we are being kicked out of our home state, away from our family and friends,” said Megan Hill.
Christian Edwards, a parent who lives in Murrieta said, “I came out to support parents who don’t want to be forced to vaccinate their children and to fight back against the schools allowing minors to leave campus to have abortions or hormone therapy.”
“So many rights are being violated,” said Patrick Hill. Vaccines are just one, but there is also the issue of children being allowed to leave the campus as minors to have abortions but they can’t go the school nurse and get an aspirin. There is something backwards about this,” added Hill, who is already job searching in states other than California.
Dr. Todd Donohoe, who has been actively fighting against forced vaccinations since 2015 when SB 277 was passed, spoke to the trustees. Donohoe also helped organize a recall effort against then State Senator Stone who was a co-author to SB 277. The bill removed religious exemptions for vaccines.
“Children today are getting sometimes more than 51 injections and as many as nine in one day. That is deemed safe and it is not,” said Donohoe. The crowd chanted, “If there is risk there must be choice.”
Pastor Tim Thompson from 412 Church in Murrieta, asked if school board would stand up for parental rights and declare Murrieta as a sanctuary school district.
Hunter Erickson, an 18-year old who attends school in Murrieta said he wanted to denounce the education the tax payers are being forced to pay, “California residents are being forced to pay for a product they believe is evil, being forced to pay for an education they are not receiving. How does this episode of history end,” said Erickson.
“The introduction to sexualization in sex education has stripped children of their value and innocence and parents of their rights. We aren’t not supporting the product you want us to pay for.”
What happened in this school district this week may be just the beginning of parents nationwide who decide to start doing something about the loss of parental rights. It was very obvious that they were impassioned, knew their rights, and were not going to back down or be intimidated.
Voicing disapproval from behind a computer or cell phone on social media just doesn’t cut it anymore, especially with social media censoring dissenting voices more and more these days.
It is time to put boots on the ground and demand Constitutional rights be upheld when it comes to parental rights, and the best place to do that is in one’s own community.
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