Charity Lewis with Daughter Demiyah (now dead). Image source.
by Health Impact News
Charity Lewis took to social media earlier this month (July, 2019) to tell her story about how Kentucky CPS medically kidnapped her special needs daughter because they did not think she was capable enough to take care of her, and now she is dead. She died while in the custody of the State of Kentucky and her foster home.
Charity’s video on Facebook has been viewed almost 1 million times at the time of publication of this story. It has resulted in a flood of traffic to MedicalKidnap.com to read our previous stories about the abuses of Kentucky CPS.
Charity has put up a GoFundMe Page where she has also told her story:
This is my story my 6yr old special needs daughter Demiyah was taken to the pediatrician September 21, 2018 because she wasn’t looking too well.
The pediatrician examined Demiyah and said she was ok but I know my child I knew she wasn’t ok.
On September 22, 2018 I personally rushed Demiyah to the E.R. Test were done on Demiyah and the results came back showing Demiyah was having heart failure.
Child Protective Services we’re called when Demiyah was being discharged from the hospital. I didn’t understand why.
When a caseworker arrived I was told they were called because they feel Like I was neglecting Demiyah. Lord knows that was not the case.
The caseworker told me she didn’t feel no need to take Demiyah she just wanted to do a home visit every now and then.
I was ok with that due to the fact I know I take care of all my children and make sure I give Demiyah her medication everyday.
The next day I received a call from a new caseworker. She asked me can she stop by to take a look at my home to see where Demiyah sleeps.
I had no problem with letting her come by because my home was nice and clean like always. The caseworker walked through my home and seen nothing wrong. After she walked through my home and found nothing wrong she then stepped out on my front porch and made a phone call.
She was whispering I found that very suspicious. She walked back into my home and said she was temporarily taking my children I started to cry and ask her why!
She told me she felt like Demiyah was being neglected. The caseworker and the state of Kentucky accused me of my daughter being born with special needs. This broke my heart completely.
Demiyah was born with cleft lip and pallet, growth deficiency, coloboma in both eyes, hypopituitarism she also had an heart murmur and was on multiple medications she had to take for the rest of her life to help keep her alive.
I never drunk alcohol or did drugs while being pregnant with Demiyah. I made sure I gave Demiyah her medication everyday.
Demiyah was never suppose to been taken off of her medications. On her visits I was told Demiyah no longer needed to see a cardiologist and she was doing 100% better and was taken off of her heart medicine but every time I seen Demiyah she looked worse than I have ever seen her.
Damiyah’s lips were very chapped and blistered, her cheeks were extremely red due to dehydration, her hair was matted to her head, her eyes were runny and full of crust, she also had strep throat I smelled it on her breathe.
Demiyah face was covered with scratches and she had bruises on her arm. Demiyah never had a coat on in the winter and her clothes were never up to part.
My baby was being neglected by her Foster mom. I gave Demiyah a cup of water and she drunk it within a split second. I complained about my daughters condition and it was documented I have all the documents for every visit I had with Demiyah.
I brought Demiyah shoes and clothes to take with her that I never seen her wear. Every time I seen Demiyah she was looking worse than before her breathing was also heavy and she was always limped.
I knew something was going on in the home Demiyah was placed in. I was never told the woman’s name that was caring for my daughter they wouldn’t tell me for some reason I found that very frightening I was scared for my daughters life.
Demiyah was taken from me in September. I only seen Demiyah 7 times. I was suppose to visit with her every two weeks. It then changed to once a month.
The Foster mother kept pushing the days back and I kept asking why is she doing this I called Child Protective Services for help they wouldn’t help me.
My child was in danger I felt it.
The last day I seen Demiyah was May 15, 2019 a day after my birthday. I made promises to my baby they she was going to come home and every is going to be ok.
July 1, 2019 I received the news that my baby had passed away. She was gone.
The state of Kentucky took my baby away from me. They let these people abuse my baby and did nothing. The state of Kentucky stole my baby from me.
In the middle of this all I learned that their were no paperwork filed and my daughter was kidnapped!! She illegally was taken away from me. They claim they didn’t know where Demiyah was placed.
The caseworker who was responsible for this was fired. They fired her but couldn’t give me back Demiyah. They seen my baby as a check!! These people sold my baby! They told me she was perfectly fine two days before she passed away! They lied!!
I also gave them an option before all of this happened to send Demiyah to her grandmother that lived in Illinois they agreed that they were going to fly her out. They also told Demiyah’s grandmother that I will be getting Demiyah back on my next court date which was July 17, 2019.
My daughter’s birthday is July 30 th she was suppose to be turning 7 years old.
The state of Kentucky won’t let me view my daughter’s body. They are trying to hide what they have done to my baby.
I knew something wasn’t right that’s why her visiting days were pushed back.
My heart is broken I can’t sleep I want Justice for my baby she didn’t deserve this.
Demiyah mommy got you!! I’m going to make sure you rest peacefully as long as I live.
#JusticeforDemiyah I am trying to raise funds for funeral expenses and legal expenses for an attorney. (Source.)
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