by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The tragic medical kidnapping story of Alfie Evans and his resulting death in the U.K. has been widely published in both the corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media as well as in the alternative media.
As a leading publisher of medical kidnapping stories, we have received numerous emails asking us why we have not covered this story.
The reasons we have not previously covered this story are:
1. The story is already well-published, and we have nothing to add to what has already been published. We get numerous requests every day to help people with similar tragic stories right here in the U.S., more than we can possibly address, and most of which are never published in the corporate-sponsored media. Should we take away our time and resources helping these families here in the U.S. to cover this story in the U.K.??
2. While this story is being spun as a tragic rare event that only happens outside the U.S. in places like the U.K., the fact is that this story is being repeated every single day right here in the U.S.
So it begs the question: why are similar stories happening right here in the U.S. not getting the same kind of media coverage?

The medical kidnapping of Baby Alfie spurred public outrage and massive demonstrations in the U.K. Why isn’t the same thing happening here in the U.S.? Image source.
Medical Kidnapping Every Day in the U.S.
The primary issue raised by the British Baby Alfie story is not a political one regarding the merits or dangers (depending on your political point of view) of socialized medicine, but one of medical tyranny and freedom of choice – the freedom for individuals and families to make their own medical decisions.
The tyrannical view that the State and medical authorities are the best ones to make these decisions is a problem well-documented right here in the United States. Dare to disagree with a doctor’s medical diagnosis of your child, or simply request a second medical opinion, and you risk losing custody of your child today in the U.S.
Here are two articles right here in the U.S. that we recently covered, where the State took over custody of a sick child, against the will of the child’s parents and family, and the child died:

Baby Steffen’s parents did not want to take him off life support. They wanted to give him a chance to live, but were denied that opportunity by medical authorities. Photo provided by the family. Story here.
Medically Kidnapped Baby Scheduled for Execution TODAY!
Formerly Healthy Girl with Rare Genetic Disorder Dies After Being Medically Kidnapped in Georgia
Where is the public outrage for these American families who suffered the same thing that the parents of Baby Alfie suffered?
Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Everyone in the United States

Images from a few of the stories we have covered at Health Impact News and
Since launching in late 2014, we have published numerous stories where parents lost custody of their child or children, simply because a medical professional deemed them unworthy parents.
Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking away children from their parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family.
In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then you end up being charged with “medical abuse” and losing your children.
Medical kidnapping is part of the larger problem of State-sponsored child kidnapping.
State-sponsored kidnapping is where the State steps in and decides that they know what is best for a child or group of children within a family, and then removes the children without any formal charges being brought against the parents. The parents lose their children immediately, often without any warrant being issued by a judge.
They are assumed guilty by social services of something worthy of losing their children, usually with no formal charges filed in a court of law and no trial by a jury of peers as is afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America.
They must spend significant resources to try and get their children back from a family court system that is cloaked in secrecy with little to no accountability.
Sometimes the parents are able to get their children back, but sometimes they do not, and the children are adopted out. Even in the instances where the children are allowed to return home to their parents, they are severely traumatized.
To read more of an overview of this problem as it exists in the U.S. today, see:
Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America Today
Why is Medical Kidnapping Allowed in the U.S.?
That families lose their children every day due to medical kidnapping or state-sponsored kidnapping is a fact that cannot be denied, even though a majority of the American public may still be largely unaware of this problem.
So let’s look at some of the reasons why this problem exists.
Children are Needed for New Drug Trials

War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg. Adolf Hitler’s personal physician, 43-year old Karl Brandt. Brandt was also Reich Commissar for Health and Sanitation, and was indicted by the U.S. prosecution with 22 other Nazi doctors. Brandt was found guilty of participating in and consenting to using concentration camp inmates as guinea pigs in horrible medical experiments, supposedly for the benefit of the armed forces. He was sentenced to death by hanging. Image Source.
The U.S. federal government has mandated drug research with children. The need for children to participate in drug company research is high, and the temptation to overstep parental rights to force children to participate is great. Researchers publicly admit to using money and other rewards to obtain participation of children in their drug trials.
Organizations that advocate for the rights of parents to make decisions regarding their children’s healthcare are finding that foster children in CPS custody are being enrolled in drug experiments without parental approval. State Child Protective Services are enrolling children in drug experiments without parental approval or court orders.
Using drugs that have not yet been approved by the FDA cannot happen without parental approval, and insurance companies will not cover the treatments. But when a child is removed from their home and put into state custody via foster care, parental approval is no longer needed, and the child’s medical needs can be billed to Medicaid.
Many of the medical kidnapping stories we have covered involve children with rare medical conditions, which would be coveted by medical researchers developing new drugs.
In a letter written by Sharon Schuldt to the House committee that examined clinical drug testing on foster children, she gave us a serious warning. She wrote:
There was horrific disregard for humanity that took place in World War II Germany, some of which started out being directed toward the weak and vulnerable, in orphanages and hospitals, but then was directed to millions who lost their lives in the concentration camps.
A society does not just lose their regard for human life overnight. It is a step at a time downward, and soon that society slips further and faster downward.
Many vowed, ‘Never Again.’
We in the U.S. cannot and should not be allowing access to our children for medical research. There is no argument that justifies it!
To read more on this topic, see:
Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials
Covering up Medical Malpractice by Blaming the Parents: Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy Psychiatric Diagnosis

Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child Show interviews world renowned expert on Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Dr. Helen Hayward-Brown. (Source.)
Over the years there has been a growing epidemic of parents claiming to have been falsely accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). Many of these parents state that they were only accused of suffering from the condition after they reported that they believed that their child had suffered a vaccine injury.
MSBP is a diagnosis given to a parent or caregiver to describe certain aspects of their behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child to unnecessary painful tests or medical interventions, such as scans, x-rays, and surgical procedures, to gain the attention of the medical profession. In DSM-5, the diagnostic manual published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013, this disorder has been renamed to Factitious disorder. This “disorder” is routinely used by Child Protection Services to take custody of children away from their parents.
Dr. Helen Hayward-Brown is a medical anthropologist/sociologist who completed her doctorate on false and highly questionable accusations of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. She completed two post-doctoral fellowships with the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney, in addition to her teaching and advocacy work.
In a 2015 interview with Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show, Dr. Hayward-Brown stated:
I did my doctoral research in relation to false allegations of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. That’s an allegation which is made – it’s a label that is given to mothers who allegedly are harming their children in the medical context in order to get attention, and very often this label is assigned to parents where children have an undiagnosed illness or there’s medical controversy over the particular illness the child may actually have, and in some cases there are what I call “bad faith allegations” where the allegations are made to protect medical practitioners against medical negligence claims.
What actually happens in many of these cases, in about 70%, the mothers pick up that there’s been some kind of medical error. Sometimes they’ve made a complaint, sometimes they’ve actually started legal proceedings, but as soon as that happens, very often the parents find that that’s what they’re labeled in and that discredits the mother.
It also means that if the child is removed from the family then the family can’t get a second opinion with what’s going on with the child’s health.
Very often [with] doctors who are making this type of allegation… there is a certain arrogance involved, because their belief is, “if I don’t know what’s wrong with this child then there’s nothing wrong with the child” and of course that ignores the fact that that particular doctor may not know everything. Just because he doesn’t know what’s wrong with the child doesn’t mean there’s nothing wrong with the child.
And then of course you have the issue where a lot of mothers are very well educated these days… they’re very motivated to understand what’s going on with their child. In some cases I know that there are very intelligent mothers who often know almost more than the medical practitioners about a particular disease or illness that a child has. (Full Interview here.)
For more on this subject, see:
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths?
World Renowned Medical Anthropologist Compares Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labeling to Witch Hunts
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Label Destroys Families – Covers Up Vaccine Injuries
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – The Psychiatric Diagnosis Used Against Parents to Remove Children from Their Home
The New “Child Abuse Specialist” Pediatrician: Looking for Abuse Where None Exists

Dr. Alice Newton, Medical Director of the Child Protection Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her testimony has wrongly convicted parents of Child Abuse. She is currently being sued for malpractice in the Justina Pelletier case. As these types of convictions are over-turned across the country, will other Child Abuse Pediatricians be held accountable in a court of law for their actions? Image Source.
I do not think that you can get a fair child abuse trial before a jury anywhere in the country… I do not care how sophisticated or law smart jurors are, when they hear that a child has been abused, a piece of their mind closes up, and this goes for the judge, the jurors, and all of us. …we do not care whether it is the right individual or not.
Somebody should be punished for this heinous crime. –Abner Mivka, Former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals/District of Columbia Circuit
Judge Mikva’s assertion, that child abuse might affect jury verdicts, is used to illustrate “generic prejudice.”
But it’s not just judges and juries that are prejudiced. Child abuse pediatricians, doctors, their institutions, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the entire system of Child Protective Services (CPS), and law enforcement are all too often guilty of generic prejudice as well. As thousands of innocent families increasingly become subject to heinous accusations of child abuse by pediatricians and doctors, the tragedy of false accusations and convictions is increasing.
However, the medical and child protection system’s lack of impartiality is just the tip of the iceberg. More shocking are the many ways in which the medical profession and its child abuse pediatric specialists hide stereotyping, arrogance, abuse of authority, and twisted “science” when they claim to “diagnose” child abuse – which is, in fact, a legal allegation, not truly a medical diagnosis.
With agonizing slowness, as families’ stories are told, some are finally beginning to look more closely and question the assumptions on which child abuse pediatrics are based.
For more information on Child Abuse Specialists, see:
Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?
Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families
Kidnapping Children for Sex: The Pedophilia Problem in America Few Want to Discuss

Male prostitutes toured Bush 41 White House before federal agents were sent into the streets to collect and destroy copies of this Thursday, June 29, 1989 Washington Times headline story by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald which led to multiple follow-up stories. Image source.
One of the biggest reasons children are seized from their families and put into foster care is related to not just medical kidnapping, but state-sponsored kidnapping in general, and it involves funneling children into known pedophile trafficking rings right here in the U.S.
In a 2015 interview with filmmaker Sean Stone, Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child group stated that she discovered, and the Los Angeles Times confirmed, that 1000 “convicted sex offenders” had been given a “green light” by CPS to become “approved foster parents” just in Los Angeles County.
In 2017, Health Impact News reported the story of how a 2-year-old girl in Arizona was removed from her family and put into a foster home where she was repeatedly raped and sexually trafficked.
We were only able to report on this story because a district attorney brought charges against the foster parent who was arrested. The state-approved foster home was located in the military town of Sierra Vista, Arizona, the home of Fort Huachuca.
David Frodsham, a former commander with the Department of Defense in Afghanistan who was discharged from duty due to “sexual harassment” behavior and an assessment by the military that he had an unalterable personality disorder, somehow was approved by the state of Arizona to be a foster parent.
Since his arrest, another one of his foster children has turned 18 and is now suing him for $15 million for running a pedophile ring out of his foster home.
Surprised that these kinds of heinous crimes are happening here in the United States? Our sources tell us that this is the tip of the iceberg on this problem, but unless it makes its way into the legal system, we cannot publish it.
For more information on this topic, see:
Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned
Arizona Foster Care System Revealed as Pedophile Ring: Former Foster Child Tortured for Years Sues for $15 Million
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex
Follow the Money: Child Trafficking Through Foster Care and Adoption Services is BIG BUSINESS

Children for sale on adoption sites. Image from
Child Protective Services, Foster Care, and Adoption are a huge business – to the tune of billions of dollars.
Many allege that federal funding is the root of the problem with state-sponsored kidnappings, and that the real incentive is perpetuating a lucrative business employing hundreds of thousands of people, not protecting children. States need to make certain quotas of children put into the system to tap into massive amounts of funding.
The 1974 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), or the “Mondale Act,” is the federal law that birthed Child Protective Services (CPS) as we know it today. This law created a new lucrative revenue for the states via federal funds to remove children from their homes based on “child abuse,” and place them in foster care. CAPTA mandated abuse-reporting by certain professions and at the same time gave them complete immunity from criminal prosecution or civil liability, even if their allegations were completely erroneous.
After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a “business” in dealing with children.
Then, in 1997, President Clinton passed the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family.
In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to “President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed.”
Seventy-five percent or more of children being removed from their homes is due to “neglect.” But are children really being neglected, or is it the “opinions” of social workers that these children were being deprived intentionally of necessities of “adequate” food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision, when in fact, the family was just poor?
The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), writes in Who is in “The System” – and Why:
Out of every 100 children investigated as possible victims of abuse, three are ‘substantiated’ victims of all forms of physical abuse, from the most minor to the most severe, about two more are victims of sexual abuse. Many of the rest are false allegations or cases in which a family’s poverty has been confused with neglect.
The current “Child Protection Services” is not primarily about rescuing children from homes where they are being abused, but it is about deciding, according to their own standards, who is a good parent and who is not, and receiving billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to traffick children.
For more information on this subject, see:
The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers
From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here?
The Current “Child Protection” Child Trafficking System is Beyond Reform

Homeschooled children in Arkansas being removed from their family for the first time against their wish and the wish of their parents. Are authorities operating within the law when children are removed from a home when no charges have been filed, and no arrest has been made? Photo from Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.
Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer may have known more about state-sponsored kidnappings than any other politician in the United States before she was murdered in March of 2010.
Her published report, The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services, was the basis for many lectures and interviews she gave on the topic. She claims the report caused her to lose her Senate seat in the Georgia State Senate, but she stated:
However, there are causes worth losing over.
This cause was so big, however, that there are some who believe she lost more than just her job. They believe she lost her very life. She believed the system was too corrupt to be reformed. See:
Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?
Molly McGrath Tierney, the former Director of the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, gave one of the most insightful TEDx talks about the problems with the “Foster Care Industry” – an industry where children become a commodity that profits doctors, lawyers, judges, social workers, advocates, and other organizations, an industry that can only exist by taking other people’s children, an industry that damages the very children it purports to be helping. She goes on to explain the trauma inflicted on children by the foster care industry, saying:
… we’re digging a wound so deep, I don’t believe we have a way of measuring it. This dismantling of families – it has enormous consequences.
Kids that grow up outside of families – they don’t master the things that can only be learned in that context, like who to trust, how to love, and how to take care of yourself, and that frankly does more damage than the abuse and neglect that brought the kid to my attention in the first place.
The removal of children from their homes with no charges brought against the parents, and against the wishes of the children, is almost always unconstitutional. And yet, once those children are removed and put into the system, it can take months or even years for the parents to get them back, even if they prove their innocence, while the state collects massive funds while they are in custody.
For more information on this topic, see:
Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?
It’s Not Just Children: More Seniors than Children are Being Medically Kidnapped in the U.S.

Images of adults who were medically kidnapped that Health Impact News has covered.
Medical tyranny in the U.S. is not limited to children.
There are currently over 400,000 children in foster care nationwide, but there are 1.3 million adults in the U.S. confined in medical facilities against their will, who are appointed guardians by the State who oversee over $50 BILLION of assets of our nation’s seniors.
I don’t have the staff nor budget to cover all these stories, but we have published a few. See:
Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care – $50 BILLION in Assets Seized
Conclusion: Families are Losing Their Children to a Corrupt System Here in the U.S. – We Don’t Need to Look at the U.K. to Understand This Problem
I am very glad that the public and the media were outraged over the injustice of Baby Alfie in the U.K., so much so that there were demonstrations in the streets protesting medical tyranny and standing up for parental rights.
But why is that not happening right here in the United States, where the problem is probably much worse?
America’s children are being kidnapped by the state every single day. They are being used for drug trials, they are being put into pedophilia sex trafficking rings, they are dying at the hands of medical authorities, and American taxpayers are paying BILLIONS of dollars to employ hundreds of thousands of government employees, from social workers, to psychologists and medical doctors, to attorneys and family court judges and workers who profit from this child trafficking system, and allowing it to continue.
What is it going to take to get the American public out into the streets to protest this gross injustice against our children?
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