Michelle Snyder and her 12-year-old daughter Ashley talk about the devastating effects of the Gardasil vaccine. Interview here.
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
A Portland-based social worker working for a non-profit organization has contacted Health Impact News about how he allegedly was terminated from his job after attending a required sex education class by Planned Parenthood in Seattle.
Paul Haeder alleges that during the training, where class members were encouraged to write down questions and concerns anonymously, he was told not to come back to day two of the training and also told not to come back to work, because he wrote and submitted (anonymously) concerns about the Gardasil vaccine. He writes:
The creators and distributors of Gardasil are directly tied to my sacking from, get this, pennyante wage slaving job as a social worker. Imagine, Merck and Planned Parenthood, both having their hands on my future.
The charge? I dared to voice some concerns (anonymously) that already have been voiced about this vaccine for 10 years on so many platforms, including by medical authorities, international science panels, and the individuals who are suffering disabilities directly associated with the vaccine.
How Planned Parenthood Demands a Vow of Silence as it Pushes Universal/Forced Inoculations
I’m writing about this forced paid leave (suspension, administrative leave) leading up to my termination within the last hours of Monday, because speaking up about injustice is a core belief.
Plus, the loss of a job, (one of the big TEN life altering and trauma inducing events), ties into who I am in my life, and for God’s sake, this is my livelihood, and my reputation is on the line, and my word is being maligned, and my caseload of youth-in-crisis is now being given the short shrift from a very big Portland non-profit.
This is also a case of the non-profits in social services here or anywhere that have a super high turnover rate, pay rates that are obscene, worker respect that’s non-existent, and a general feeling that clients are the money trough, and the more on our caseloads, the merrier.
I also write this piece because mine is a tale of many perspectives, (or as the psychologist I am seeing because of the anxiety due to this administrative leave says, “…we all use filters and have confirmation biases”).
It’s a tale of three cities, many cities, really, tied to a huge national birth control and abortion services company–Planned Parenthood–and an even larger player is Big Pharma and its attendant actors.
The creators and distributors of Gardasil are directly tied to my sacking from, get this, a pennyante wage slaving job as a social worker.
Imagine, Merck and Planned Parenthood, both having their hands on my future!
The charge? I dared to voice some concerns (anonymously) that already have been voiced about this vaccine for 10 years on so many platforms, including by medical authorities, international science panels, and the individuals who are suffering disabilities directly associated with the vaccine.
Questioning a Vaccine in an Anonymous Forum Comes Back to Bite Me
I learned yesterday (Oct. 23) that Planned Parenthood told my HR Director that I questioned vaccines – a much different question along those lines was scrawled on the paper PP gave us all to write down issues we wanted addressed, as the trainers emphasized throughout the seven hours. We were told “…anything you write and put in a box is anonymous.”
Comments were wholeheartedly solicited by the trainers.
Imagine this, I didn’t even get to ask the question in the class:
“Why is Planned Parenthood so hooked into the corporate and Western Medicine line about Gardasil being safe when there are countless stories of harm done to young girls by this vaccine? Just look them up on the web!”
I gave the trainers the benefit of the doubt and expected my anonymous critique of Planned Parenthood to be taken with an adult attitude, with an open mind and with some sense of the issues of the day – that not everyone believes one hundred percent of the time the efficacy of Big Pharma’s products. Imagine that!
Instead, I was called on the carpet for my behavior (based on my anonymous comments) and now I’m on the ropes because Planned Parenthood has contacted my employer saying I am incorrigible. All three trainers are colluding to say that I am not capable of “giving evidence based birth control information to clients using the Planned Parenthood curriculum” (to 16 to 21 year olds!)
This is what I found out in my half hour visit with a driveling HR person for (the employer I work for), a woman clearly not in the game to help an employee or ally his fears of retaliation, but rather “in it” – this investigation of my behavior — to validate an outside agency’s spurious charges against me.
“You don’t go up against Planned Parenthood,”
is the message, and if you are being trained by them, and even if you are as level headed as anyone in the training, if one iota of doubt leaves the mind of anyone, in my case written down on unsigned notes, (supposedly protected space with no fears of reprisal) (that’s what the trainers repeated several times), you will be subject to not only censoring, but termination.
This was all carried out through the sacred safe space of a learning environment, in the terminology of social workers, “safe space where what’s said and expressed there stays there.”
The Secretive Planned Parenthood of America – Free Speech Not Allowed
It’s my word against the behemoth’s word: the secretive Planned Parenthood of America. In my case: the secretive Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and another branch, the Oregon one, the secretive Planned Parenthood of Columbia Willamette. How is it that my job is on the line because of three trainers colluding to make up a story of my supposed intransigence at a training?
I am being sacked because of the technicality that I did not complete a two-day training because the company, the secretive Planned Parenthood, dis-invited me from Day Two.
So, without day two completed, my place of employment states that I am both out of compliance and also suspect because the trainers for Planned Parenthood told her that I am unable to deliver birth control, family planning, STI and contraceptive advice complying with the secretive Planned Parenthood curricula.
Imagine, a society – the secretive Planned Parenthood – telling me that I am incapable of talking about condoms, the pill, and STDs because I dared question the efficacy of Gardasil. Imagine, this dark society, the secretive Planned Parenthood, telling me and then others (my supervisors) that anyone on our caseloads who might question this vaccine for themselves or loved ones will be told that this vaccine or any product promoted by the secretive Planned Parenthood is beyond reproach or criticism, the evidence be damned!
Imagine, Big Pharma driving this paranoia by my non-profit through the draconian approach of teaching, which is not just a dictatorial pedagogy by the secretive Planned Parenthood but an outright fascist way of dealing with individuals, trained in fields of social work, way beyond the pale of these trainers’ expertise: I’ve worked with homeless, with re-entry adults, with U.S. military, with alternative high school students, with gang-influenced youth, with myriad of youth and adult learners as a community college teacher in five states and two countries, with PK12 rural youth as a substitute teacher, with adults living with developmental disabilities, with agencies managing group homes for youth and adults with developmental disabilities. I have been a journalist with seven daily newspapers and with a monthly magazine and several weeklies. I have traveled and worked in every state in Mexico, every country in Central America.
I am fighting for my job in a universe created by the secretive Planned Parenthood that is not governed by the laws of physics or humanism or fairness. My driveling HR Director failed to see this revelation. Instead, she has told me that, after I asked her how I might make up the second day of training, “I do not have an answer to that, Paul.”
Imagine, no other way for me to sit through another training that would keep me on the job, in compliance.
I never thought that an insipid training in Seattle at the secretive Planned Parenthood would open up this Pandora’s Box of a vaccine that is beyond a doubt the cause of many lifelong incapacitating diseases and deaths according to many who tie the HPV vaccine to their pain and relatives’ deaths.
Read the Full Article at LA Progressive.
Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.
Gardasil Killed my 16 Year Old Daughter: She Died the Most Excruciating Painful Death
Girl Commits Suicide After Gardasil Vaccine Destroys Her Life
California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies
Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped
Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil Vaccine Given without Consent and Ruins Life of 14 Year Old Girl
After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret
The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self
Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through
I Want my Daughter’s Life Back the Way it was Before Gardasil
Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned
15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain
Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare
Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice
“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”
13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine
If I Could Turn Back Time, Korey Would not Have Received any Gardasil Shots
What Doctors Don’t Tell You: Our Gardasil Horror Story
Family Fights U.S. Government over Compensation for Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?
HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”
Gardasil: Don’t Let Your Child Become “One Less”
The Gardasil Vaccine Changed Our Definition of “Normal”
Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First
“They’ve Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter’s Life Changed
Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret
Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead
Gardasil: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare
After Gardasil: I Simply Want my Healthy Daughter Back
Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me
Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family’s Lives Forever
Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience
Gardasil: My Daughter’s Worst Nightmare
My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me
A Ruined Life from Gardasil
HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries
The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real
Toddler Wrongly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine Develops Rare Form of Leukaemia
More information about Gardasil
Say NO to Mandatory Vaccines T-Shirt
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Order here!
Make a Statement for Health Freedom!
Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.
Show your opposition to forced vaccinations and support the cause of Vaccine Impact, part of the Health Impact News network.

Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine. FREE Shipping Available! Order here.
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.”
However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.
The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.
Very few doctors fall into either of these two extremist positions, and yet it is the extreme pro-vaccine position that is presented by the U.S. Government and mainstream media as being the dominant position of the medical field.
In between these two extreme views, however, is where the vast majority of doctors practicing today would probably categorize their position. Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual.
Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children, such as the suspect seasonal flu shot.
These doctors who do not hold extreme positions would be opposed to government-mandated vaccinations and the removal of all parental exemptions.
In this eBook, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe.
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

eBook – Available for immediate download.
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
Read Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm on your mobile device!
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