Image from Texas Home School Coalition.
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor – Health Impact News
Meagan Corser of the Texas Home School Coalition recently published an article about the status of Child Protective Services (CPS) in Texas regarding the evidence required to terminate parental rights.
What she reports confirms what Health Impact News has exposed in many other states, that the vast majority of children taken away from parents are not for actual “abuse” where the child is in imminent danger.
Corser reports that by Texas CPS’ own admission:
in 75 percent of cases they lack sufficient evidence to support the accusations they made against the parent.
That may seem like a high number to those who do not follow the articles we publish regularly at MedicalKidnap.com, but from our sources that number is probably too low, not too high. CPS whistleblowers have told us that only about 5% of the cases where children are removed from their parents are for actual cases of abuse that can be substantiated.
In a recent report by ABC TV6 in Indiana, attorneys there report that “only 15% of children taken away from their parents are ever substantiated for abuse or neglect.” Neglect is often loosely defined, and can range from having too many dirty dishes in your kitchen and a messy house, to not being able to provide enough food for your children, and is more often than not an indictment against being poor.
The problem is that the child social welfare system in the United States is a multi-billion dollar industry employing hundreds of thousands of government employees. Molly McGrath Tierney, the former Director for the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, has stated publicly that the entire foster care system is flawed.
The late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer stated that the system was beyond reform, and needed to be abolished.
We agree.
The current system has become a modern day child slavery and trafficking business, where parents’ Constitutional rights are abused every single day. (See: Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?)
CPS Admits: 75 Percent of Cases Include Unfounded Accusations
by Meagan Corser
Texas Home School Coalition
During the 2017 Texas Legislative session, one of the key CPS reforms that THSC worked to pass was a requirement that CPS only be allowed to plead termination of parental rights if they provide sufficient evidence supporting each specific ground that they plead.
The family code provides a list of more than 20 “grounds” on which parental rights can be terminated. It is common practice in CPS cases for CPS to simply copy and paste every single accusation from the family code and accuse the parent of all of them, whether it applies or not.
However, after this reform was passed out of the House, there was a financial roadblock from CPS preventing the amendment from becoming law.
The agency that oversees CPS, the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), released a fiscal note mere days before the bill’s final passage assessing how much it would cost to implement the bill. DFPS estimated that if the reform were to become law, they would have to “amend approximately 75 percent of suits” each year to comply with the new requirement.
In other words, this is an admission from CPS that in 75 percent of cases they lack sufficient evidence to support the accusations they made against the parent.
Read the entire article at Texas Home School Coalition.