Holly with Baylie and Daylan. Source: Let My Babies Go Facebook page.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Two children in Greensboro, North Carolina, were seized from their family on Thursday, April 28, and placed into foster care. The only reason given to their guardian grandparents and to their mother Holly Atkins was that Holly told their story to Health Impact News and it was published on their Medical Kidnap website. The family was horrified, and plans to drive to Raleigh to see Governor Pat McCrory about what they say is an illegal and unconstitutional act by Guilford County Child Protective Services.
The alarming news was posted on the family’s Facebook page, Let My Babies Go:
DSS came after visitation and kidnapped Holly’s children yet again! Their excuse?? The medical kidnap article. Hollys children are now in a home with complete strangers because of the medical kidnap article!! No safety issues being with the maternal grandparents, nothing! Made the children leave with the clothes on their back. Holly’s school aged daughter without her bookbag. No clothes, no diapers, no clean clothes or underwear. The daughter has diagnosed PTSD from the PATERNAL grandfather molesting her!! How is this protecting the children????
See the article which was published on April 3:
North Carolina Mother has Children Medically Kidnapped Based on “Child Abuse Specialist” Testimony
Children Seized Because of Medical Kidnap Article

Social Worker Cheyenne Paylor. Image source.
A tearful Holly Atkins contacted Health Impact News shortly after her children were taken. After school on Thursday, the children’s grandmother drove them to the Department of Social Services (DSS) office for their one hour per week visit with Holly. When the time for the visit was over, social worker Cheyenne Paylor called Holly and her mother into a room, reportedly telling them that:
This is only going to take 5 minutes.
As the children were led away upset, Cheyenne Paylor and her supervisor sat down at a table with Holly and her mother. Holly says she couldn’t believe the words she was hearing Cheyenne say:
We’ve seen the article on Medical Kidnap, and we are now removing the children [from the grandparents’ care] and putting them into a foster home.
As her mother began weeping, Holly questioned the social worker:
So, basically, you’re removing my children because I am exercising my right to freedom of speech?
Cheyenne Paylor reportedly told her, “Yes,” and she made it clear that there was nothing that the family could do about it, and she would listen to no arguments.
Is This Retaliation for Exercising First Amendment?
There were no concerns for the children’s safety cited at all, which is consistent with numerous court documents. The state has never before, or now, claimed that there were concerns for the children’s well-being in the guardianship of their grandparents. The children were placed with their maternal grandparents after a Child Abuse Specialist accused Holly of child abuse. Though her child had “multiple unexplained fractures,” their are multiple indications that his condition is likely a result of a metabolic bone disorder.
The family sees this as nothing but retaliation for the fact that Holly went to the media to publicize the story of her children’s medical kidnapping. There was no indication allegedly given during the meeting that there was anything else besides retaliation.

Baylie loved becoming a big sister. Source: Atkins family.
Previously, Holly says that she had been under a gag order under the case plan. However, that case plan has ended. During the last DSS court hearing, the GAL and social worker reportedly told the judge that Holly had completed the case plan. Holly says that she clarified that she was no longer under the case plan before she contacted Health Impact News about telling her story. She did not want to risk violating any gag order and possibly jeopardizing her children.
Health Impact News notes that none of the information or documentation provided for the article came from Holly’s parents. They have done everything they can to appease the social workers.
Children Seized from Grandparents Without Any Documents
Holly says that her mother asked about the motion that the grandparents had recently filed for custody of the children, a motion that is set to be heard at the next Family Court hearing on May 20. She was shut down by the social worker, who reportedly replied:
You are not going to get custody because we have custody.
She allegedly told the family that the children were going to be taken to a foster home where there are 2 other children Baylie’s age.
During the entire course of the dreadful ordeal, there was never a court order produced. In fact, Holly says that the social worker and her supervisor never gave them any kind of paperwork or documents as they seized the children.
“Emergency” Donations Taken for Children Who Already Have Plenty of Clothes
The social worker refused to let the children’s grandmother get 5 year old Baylie’s school backpack out of the car for her, which contained her schoolwork. They refused Daylan’s diaper bag as well.
The family offered to go home and pack up some clothes and toys for the children, but Holly reports that they were not interested. She later learned that her mother overheard a fascinating conversation while Holly was visiting with her children. What she overheard may explain why the social worker saw no need to get any of Baylie or Daylan’s clothes.
The children were sent out of DSS with garbage bags of clothes that were not theirs. Holly’s mother reportedly heard the social worker and supervisor discussing that the clothes were donated after the supervisor sent out an emergency call for clothes and money for some children who were coming into foster care. The message allegedly went out to social workers, judges, and even city council members in the city of Greensboro, and one city councilman donated $100 to the cause.
The Atkins children don’t need any of this. They have plenty of good, quality clothes at home, including new clothes that still have the tags on them. Baylie has a brand new pair of tennis shoes that Holly purchased for her the day before DSS social workers seized them. They are at the grandparents’ house.
Yet, these children are allegedly going to a stranger’s home, with strange clothes, and none of their own personal toys, clothes, or blankets.
Were Foster Parents Told about Food Allergies?
Holly is very afraid for her children. Baylie has been previously diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after a paternal relative allegedly molested her. The children have always been on a good organic, non-GMO diet, and they have food sensitivities. Do the foster parents know this? Are they equipped to feed them food that they will not react to?
Daylan is lactose intolerant, and suffered for many months before his mother and doctors were able to figure this out. Baylie is allergic to artificial food dyes. She cannot eat anything with the dyes, or else she has a reaction. She goes into a rage, bangs her head, and cries uncontrollably if she consumes any artificial food dyes.
Holly reports that Baylie had a severe reaction to the common childhood antibiotic Amoxicillan when she was 2 1/2. Her doctor figured out that she was allergic to the artificial dye in the Amoxicillan.
Will anyone tell the foster parents this important information?
Holly says that she and her mother never even got to say goodbye to the children. Instead, they were escorted off of the premises by a security guard who threatened to call the police if they did not leave. They left, and they left a big chunk of their heart behind as well.
How You Can Help
Holly and her parents plan to drive to Raleigh on Friday in the hopes of meeting with Governor Pat McCrory. They want him to know about the illegal and unconstitutional actions being taken by the Guilford County Child Protective Services. They don’t believe that a retaliatory removal of the children to place them in foster care with strangers is in the best interest of the children.
The Governor of North Carolina is Pat McCrory. He may be reached at 919-814-2000, or contacted here. He is also on Facebook and Twitter.
The Senator for Holly Atkins’ district is Gladys Robinson. She may be reached at 919-715-3042, or contacted here.
Representative Cecil Brockman represents Holly’s district. He may be reached at 919-733-5825, or contacted here.
There is a Facebook page called Let My Babies Go that has been set up so that supporters can follow the story of the Atkins children and get involved.