Bubby with his parents Brandi and Thomas Everson. Image from Bubby’s Journey Facebook Page.
UPDATE 6/17/2015
From Bubby’s Journey Facebook Page:
Day 25: We lost the shelter care hearing largely in part because we didn’t have his full medical file available for the shelter care (We’re missing MultiCare, and there’s a request out for it, and we haven’t heard back from SCH records for the complete file from them either). The judge did not have the full extent of information needed to make the decision to return him home. This doesn’t mean we’ve lost completely. There are things that are being put in motion before Fact Finding. Fact Finding trial is the next set of court dates, but our attorney has said it’s going to cost a significant amount more for what we need to do in Fact Finding. You might think that we would feel defeated, but we are never more driven than now to bring Bubby home. They allege we’ve done something wrong, but not once did anyone from CPS or Seattle Children’s contact us to clear the air before they ripped Bubby from his home and loved ones.
We can’t fault the judge, because the judge didn’t have all of the information. But now we’re going to need to spend a significant amount of money to continue on fighting this corruption (CPS and SCH for clarity). Our attorney is estimating in the range of another $30,000 to prepare (taking depositions and other various things) and for him to continue representing us through the Fact Finding trial. We don’t know how we’re going to do it, but we will do whatever is necessary to raise the money by the grace of God.
This is angering to no end. The fact that Bubby’s continued placement out of our care means that he’s at *actual* risk of imminent harm. We’ve taken many photos of the injuries, and the people who have come to our house to see them are appalled. Now they are public, for you to see and share. It’s absolutely unacceptable that he continues to be put in jeopardy by being in the foster system based on doctors from Seattle Children’s lying to have him taken (such as in the Dependency Petition, allegation 19 where SCH says Bubby was never diagnosed with autism, but we showed his most recent outpatient note clearly indicating that he is followed for autism spectrum disorder). The judge hadn’t seen the harm that’s come to him in the foster system, because The State objected to the information being admitted into court for the shelter care because it was “after the fact” of his removal from home.
We’ve filed these letters and photos with CPS and we continue to receive responses likened to “your concerns have been noted” in different incarnations of the phrase, instead of actual incident reports. No one has told us if incident reports are even being filled out as these injuries happen.
This is about the truth, and Bubby coming home. Anyone who tries to block the truth is a co-conspirator to hide it. We won’t rest until the truth about CPS and the lying doctors is out in the open for everyone to see, and Bubby is home.
Stay strong Bubby. We’re fighting for you!
Health Impact News
Since last week, Brandi and Thomas Everson have been fighting to regain custody of their son Bubby in Washington State. CPS made allegations of medical abuse against the Eversons and removed their medically fragile child after he gained national media attention for a special birthday wish. The Eversons have a court hearing at 1:30 p.m. today (June 1, 2015) in their fight to get their son back:
Tacoma Juvenile Court,
Remman Hall
5501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406
Medically Fragile Child’s Birthday Wish: To Get Birthday Cards

Image from Facebook Page – Birthday Cards 4 Bubby
According to Bubby’s parents, he was born with congenital CMV, or Cytomegalovirus, plus autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, deafness, scoliosis, and sometimes experiencing up to 10 seizures a day. The Eversons launched an online campaign a few months ago to request birthday cards, and a local news station picked up the story. Soon, Bubby’s birthday cards would begin arriving. (See: Family plans son’s 9th birthday like it will be his last, hopes simple act by others will help fulfill his only wish.)
Parents Believe that Bubby’s Birthday Wish Made Him a Target of CPS
Bubby’s request for birthday cards went viral, and soon Bubby was opening heaps of mail every day. He even received a card from President Obama.

Image from Bubby’s Journey Facebook Page
“It was amazing,” said Bubby’s dad, Thomas Everson. “We were opening mail every day, and he was happy.”
The Everson’s had to eventually rent a storage locker to hold all the Birthday cards and packages Bubby received. Below is mail received in just one day. The response from around the world was overwhelming.

Image from Bubby’s Journey Facebook Page
Their happiness turned to sorrow on May 22nd when Brandi was handed an order for Bubby’s removal, and given only 5 minutes to pack Bubby’s clothes. The order claimed a “risk of imminent harm,” although no details were given as to concerns for Bubby’s safety. The Everson’s are still trying to understand why Bubby was removed from their home.
They now fear that the volume of mail they received raised unwarranted concerns from CPS, due to a remark made by a social worker as to the amount of mail in their home. When a social worker showed up at the Everson’s home after Brandi rescheduled a doctor’s appointment for Bubby, Brandi said that the CPS worker seemed highly concerned over the amount of mail that was inside their home.
Two weeks after CPS’ initial visit due to the rescheduled doctor’s appointment, Bubby was taken by CPS and police officers with no explanation other than a “risk of imminent harm.” (See: Pierce County couple fights for custody of their son.)
“Two police officers knocked on the door,” said Brandi Everson. “Then three social workers came in. They handed me a piece of paper and said we have an order to take your child. I fell to my knees.”
Is Bubby’s Mom Being Accused of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in Order to Remove Bubby from Her Care?
On their Facebook page, Bubby’s Journey, Brandi Everson shares a heart-wrenching emotional video and cries:
“Please, I want my baby home!”
She reads a letter that allegedly is looking for a foster parent for Bubby, because she is allegedly being accused of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a common (usually fake) diagnosis used today to remove children with medical needs from their family. (Brief video here.)
Are Parents “Guilty Until Proven Innocent” Just Because CPS Says So?
In a 6 page report, CPS allegedly accused the Eversons of “medical abuse,” claiming that Bubby doesn’t have any fatal medical conditions and that the Eversons “fabricated illness” and that they are using their son, Bubby, and his medical conditions to gain attention and money. (See: Couple trying to get son back from DSHS after state alleged possible ‘medical abuse by parents.’)
Brandi said, “Prove it. They have to provide evidence. They have the burden of proof. They have to provide evidence and we’re going to take them to court if we absolutely have to.”
Parents Deny Allegations of “Caregiver Fabricated Illness”
CPS claims that the Eversons fabricated Bubby’s illnesses for attention and money, but the Eversons deny the allegations, saying he has never been abused or medically neglected, and that they are the best caretakers for their son. (See: Parents respond to CPS allegations of abuse.)
Brandi Everson responds: “How can you fabricate a blood test? How can you fabricate a hearing test?”
“It’s not like we made these up,” said Thomas Everson, his father. “He sees a primary care physician but he also sees specialists. He has a team of specialists.”
The Eversons were given a 2-hour supervised visit with Bubby on 5/26/15 at Tacoma hospital, a temporary home for Bubby.
“The moment we walked in the room he was happy,” said Thomas Everson. “It was a good visit.”

Image from Bubby’s Journey Facebook Page
They also had a visit with Bubby on Friday 5/29/15. From this visit, the Eversons expressed concerns on their Facebook page:
This was not what we were hoping for our visit today. He was excited to see us and hugged Brandi first while yelling “mom”. But we documented several things about Bubby’s condition that were unacceptable. We noted 2 sets of dead batteries for his cochlear implant, so he couldn’t hear us in the visit and the social workers could not get any batteries, his g-tube site was inflamed and the gauze was dirty with dried oozing and some dried blood, there was no replacement gauze available, there were scratches, and a bruise on his arm, he was wearing a coat that wasn’t his that was too small for him, he was hungry and tired, and when we had to leave he was distressed and wanted to come with us to the point of crying. One of the hardest things you can ever do is walk away from your child when he is crying for you.
We documented everything and took photographs of our concerns. A very lengthy e-mail and the photos documenting the problems has been sent to the case worker, her supervisor and our attorney.
Support for Family Strong
The Everson’s continue to receive media attention, and local and International support in their fight to Bring Bubby Home. They have a court hearing today (June 1) in Tacoma Washington, and need as many supporters to turn out as possible. Here is the Facebook Event.
Tacoma Juvenile Court,
Remman Hall
5501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406
The Eversons stated on their Facebook page:
“Our evidence will do nothing but overwhelm the court and show that we’ve done nothing wrong, and there is no “medical abuse”, in their terms, here. When all is said and done, we will be posting the allegations leveled against us, and the evidence refuting their egregious claims. Both CPS and Seattle Children’s Hospital will see that they’ve messed up. Get ready!”
The Governor of Washington is Jay Inslee. His office number is 360-902-4111. You can contact him here.