Photo from video at ABC 15
Health Impact News Editor Comments
ABC 15 in Glendale Arizona has reported that parents removed their 2-day old baby from Banner Thunderbird Hospital without hospital approval, after Child Protection Services allegedly threatened to take away the baby.
Details as to why CPS was threatening to take the baby were not given, but in many of these stories of newborns in hospitals being taken by CPS, there are disputes between parents and health authorities over newborn vaccinations.
Police are reportedly not investigating, saying no crime was committed:
Glendale police confirm that the baby is not sick, injured or in any kind of health danger.
On Wednesday evening, police said they are no longer actively investigating the incident and have determined no crime was committed. (Source.)
We applaud the Glendale Police for investigating this matter and not simply being used as pawns in the “Child Protection” business of taking children away from parents when no crime has been committed.
Arizona has the highest rate of highest rate of children leaving biological parents and being placed into the foster care system of any other state in the U.S. (See: Arizona’s Exploding Foster Care Intake: Kids sleeping in State Office Buildings.)