Photo Courtesy of News10 Sacramento
Victory! Judge rules in parents favor. Story and updates found here.
UPDATE Monday Morning 4/29/13:
The parents, their attorney, members of the local media, and friends all wait for the hearing to begin in Sacramento. This case has become an international incident, as it is being reported that the parents are dual citizens of Russia and the U.S.

Senior Consul of Russia, Vycheslav Uvarov, in San Francisco is present in the court, with Honorary Consul of Russia in Sacramento, Natalia Owen. Photo by Alexander Klimov
The Moscow Times reports: “Children’s rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov has accused U.S. authorities of “severe neglect” for removing 5-month-old Sammy Nikolayev from his Russian parents and advised the parents to take action against them. This case, of course, has been taken under my control. A lot of information on this case is available, and is still being examined,” Astakhov told RIA-Novosti. “We suggest that the parents make a complaint so that their child is returned. This process will not be quick, but I think we will succeed.” Story here.
News10 Sacramento is reports that CPS is claiming that they removed the boy due to “severe neglect” and that they were overwhelmed with the amount of attention by the media into the case, and could therefore take longer than usual to render a decision on Sammy’s fate. Story here.
The case is reportedly delayed this morning, because two judges have already refused to preside, and they are still trying to find a judge who will hear the case.
Find the current updates on our new story here.
Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Kudos to News 10 KXTV in Sacramento for exposing the actions of Child Protection Services (CPS) in this case, which has led to outrage among the citizens of Sacramento California who have seen this story covered on their station the past few days. This is a clear example of abuse in a government agency, and the violation of parents’ rights.
This couple did everything right in caring for their baby, seeking the medical treatment he needed. When one hospital was negligent in their patient care endangering their child, they removed him from that hospital and took him to a different hospital, where he was discharged by a physician and cleared to return home. But apparently the first hospital reported the family to CPS, and CPS came with police to the family’s home, and allegedly removed the baby from the mother’s arms after assaulting the husband to get his keys and enter the home, without a warrant.
As you will see from the second video report below from News 10, even after media exposure to this tragedy and public outrage, they still have not released the child to the parents as of late Friday night. A hearing before a judge could not be arranged until Monday.
To understand the financial motives behind states and CPS funding, and why so many children are legally abducted from their parents and put into foster care, see: Child Abuse Laws: Legally Abducting Children by Broadening the Definition of “Child Abuse”
A Sacramento family was torn apart after a 5-month-old baby boy was taken from his parents following a visit to the doctor.
It all began nearly two weeks ago, when Anna Nikolayev and her husband Alex took their 5-month-old boy Sammy to Sutter Memorial Hospital to be treated for flu symptoms, but they didn’t like the care Sammy was getting.
For example, one day Anna asked why a nurse was giving her son antibiotics.
“I asked her, for what is that? And she’s like, ‘I don’t know.’ I’m like, ‘you’re working as a nurse, and you don’t even know what to give to my baby for what,'” Anna explained.
According to Anna, a doctor later said Sammy shouldn’t have been on the antibiotics.
Anna said Sammy suffers from a heart murmur and had been seeing a doctor at Sutter for regular treatment since he was born. After Sammy was treated for flu symptoms last week, doctors at Sutter admitted him to the pediatric ICU to monitor his condition. After a few days, Anna said doctors began talking about heart surgery.
“If we got the one mistake after another, I don’t want to have my baby have surgery in the hospital where I don’t feel safe,” Anna said.
Anna argued with doctors about getting a second opinion. Without a proper discharge, she finally took Sammy out of the hospital to get a second opinion at Kaiser Permanente.
“The police showed up there. They saw that the baby was fine,” Anna said. “They told us that Sutter was telling them so much bad stuff that they thought that this baby is dying on our arms.”
Medical records from the doctor treating Sammy at Kaiser Permanente said the baby as clinically safe to go home with his parents. The doctor added, “I do not have concern for the safety of the child at home with his parents.”
“So police saw the report from the doctors, said, ‘okay guys, you have a good day,’ and they walked away,” Anna said.
Anna said the next day police and child protective services showed up on her doorstep. Alex Nikolayev said he met them outside a short time after they arrived.
“I was pushed against the building, smacked down. I said, ‘am I being placed under arrest?’ He smacked me down onto the ground, yelled out, ‘I think I got the keys to the house,'” Alex said.
Then police let themselves inside.
On home video shot with a camera Anna set up herself, police can be seen entering her front door on Wednesday.
“I’m going to grab your baby, and don’t resist, and don’t fight me ok?” a Sacramento police officer said in the video.
“He’s like, ‘okay let your son go,’ so I had to let him go, and he grabbed my arm, so I couldn’t take Sammy. And they took Sammy, and they just walked away,” Anna said.
“If we got the one mistake after another, I don’t want to have my baby have surgery in the hospital where I don’t feel safe,” Anna said.
Anna argued with doctors about getting a second opinion. Without a proper discharge, she finally took Sammy out of the hospital to get a second opinion at Kaiser Permanente.
“The police showed up there. They saw that the baby was fine,” Anna said. “They told us that Sutter was telling them so much bad stuff that they thought that this baby is dying on our arms.”
Medical records from the doctor treating Sammy at Kaiser Permanente said the baby as clinically safe to go home with his parents. The doctor added, “I do not have concern for the safety of the child at home with his parents.”
“So police saw the report from the doctors, said, ‘okay guys, you have a good day,’ and they walked away,” Anna said.
Anna said the next day police and child protective services showed up on her doorstep. Alex Nikolayev said he met them outside a short time after they arrived.
“I was pushed against the building, smacked down. I said, ‘am I being placed under arrest?’ He smacked me down onto the ground, yelled out, ‘I think I got the keys to the house,'” Alex said.
Then police let themselves inside.
On home video shot with a camera Anna set up herself, police can be seen entering her front door on Wednesday.
“I’m going to grab your baby, and don’t resist, and don’t fight me ok?” a Sacramento police officer said in the video.
“He’s like, ‘okay let your son go,’ so I had to let him go, and he grabbed my arm, so I couldn’t take Sammy. And they took Sammy, and they just walked away,” Anna said.
Read the Complete Story Here:
UPDATE from Friday Night (4/28/2013)
Baby still in custody of CPS even after media coverage and community outrage – Parents get only 1 hour with child with NO cameras allowed
See Also: Child Abuse Laws: Legally Abducting Children by Broadening the Definition of “Child Abuse”
How to Raise a Healthy Child
In Spite of Your Doctor
by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD
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