Julie Baumer was wrongfully accused of shaking her sister’s baby. Image source TV 6 TheIndyChannel.
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Kara Kenney of ABC TV6 has reported on an investigation into the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). She interviewed Bryan Ciyou and Robert Schembs, Indianapolis attorneys who represent families in cases involving DCS. They give good advice to parents who are being investigated by DCS.
They explain many of the problems and corruption found in Child Social Services that Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com report about regularly, including the fact that only 15% of children taken away from their parents are ever substantiated for abuse or neglect.
And as we have reported many times, often the category of “neglect” is used very broadly for poor living conditions where abuse is not present.
Know your rights in DCS investigation, attorneys say
by Kara Kenney
A DCS investigation can start with a neighbor, teacher, coach, family member, doctor, or anyone who perceives your child is being neglected or abused.
However, the state agency makes mistakes, according to families, attorneys and the DCS Ombudsman.
With 600 calls to the state hotline every day, it’s important to protect yourself if DCS comes knocking.
Julie Baumer of Michigan was wrongfully accused of shaking her sister’s baby, whom she had taken in and offered to adopt.
An expert later proved little Phillip suffered a stroke, not trauma. However by then Phillip had been permanently adopted. Baumer had no right to see him.
Bryan Ciyou is an Indianapolis attorney who has represented families in cases involving DCS, and said even the innocent can find themselves under investigation for child abuse.
“It can happen to anybody,” said Ciyou. “It’s a phone call or an allegation.”
A DCS investigation can start at a hospital with an unexplained illness or if your child says something at school that raises a red flag.
“A doctor can make a report, a therapist, a teacher, and DCS has to investigate,” said Ciyou.
Ciyou said false allegations happen, such as in custody battles, so it’s important to know what your rights are.
“A lot of it is fabricated, but the problem is trying to disprove something that never happened,” said Ciyou.
You have the right to ask for identification from a DCS worker, ask what the allegations are, and consult an attorney first before responding to DCS.
You do not have to let DCS inside your house.
“What happens is, you get sucked in, and ‘oh just talk to us for a little bit’, but they’re in the house and they’re looking around,” said Ciyou.
To read how you can protect yourself from DCS investigations according to Indiana lawyers, continue reading the article at TheIndyChannel.com