Isaiah Rider – “Please stop controlling me!” Screenshot from YouTube video
UPDATE 12/5/2015
From the Team Isaiah Facebook page:
Well friends we have some good news to share as well as some rather disturbing news to report. The Good news is that the state of Missouri notified the Rider family this week that they have closed their case or involvement in this situation. I guess they figured since the interstate compact under which they were operating EXPIRED on Isaiah’s 18th (8/27/15) birthday and at this point they are on the verge of harassment that it is probably best to no longer entertain Illinois continued craziness.
We can’t even really say Illinois at this point because EVERYONE in Illinois is in agreement that the case In Fact should be closed. Except for one individual, the one who is suppose to be neutral and uphold the law, consider Isaiahs “best interest” which is the trial court judge in the lower court Judge Nicholas Geanopolous. How he can justify almost two years of this continued torture to Isaiah and his family is beyond ALL understanding at this point.
Ironically, the Rider family was made aware, after the fact of course that he held “an off the record meeting” today at the cook county court house. A meeting in which none of the Rider family was made aware of or invited to attend. All parties were present except of course Isaiah, his mom, and her counsel. The people who’s lives this whole meeting was about. They did manage to call mom’s legal counsel at some point, but no one knows how long this “off the record” meeting was taking place prior to reaching her legal counsel.
During this meeting Judge Geanopoulos made multiple disturbing statements that we consider threats the most disturbing of all ” THE LAST THING I WANT TO DO IS BRING ISAIAH BACK TO CHICAGO, BUT I WILL IF I HAVE TO” This is the same city where Isaiah was assaulted and NO justice has been brought forth for the crimes committed against him. The same city Isaiah has announced publicly and to this judge and his counsel over and over he wants absolutely nothing to do with. The same city that is 9 hours away from his home and residing state of Missouri in a completely different state that he has absolutely ZERO ties to other than the fact that he was kidnapped while in the hospital 4/15/2014. The same city he was only visiting and as the appellate court stated for “Needed Medical Care”. Which resulted in him suddenly bring ripped from his family and mother, and thrown into a terrible are of Chicago.
Isaiah is now an adult, he turned 18 years old as of 8/27/15. Isaiah has made very clear what his wishes are over and over and this judge continues to dismiss everything he has said. This judge failed to look out for Isaiahs safety when he was forced into state custody (wrong state BTW) after his mother requested a second opinion when he was in the hospital. His mother and her counsel repeatedly notified this judge that they were concerned for Isaiahs safety due to things he was reporting to family and this man did NOTHING.
Now, he is completely obsessed and clearly irrational and continues to Abuse his unlimited power he believes he has over this Missouri Family. We believe the public needs to be aware of what is taking place behind closed doors and during “off the record meetings” involving Isaiah and his wellbeing. The continued harassment and overreach of power and abuse that continues to take place against the Rider’s and at this point is directly coming from Judge Geanopoulos in cook county Chicago, Illinois.
This is the second court date he has held in the last couple weeks re a case that shouldn’t even be open. This judge also stated today that he is not closing this case! Despite the fact that the higher court made very very clear there is NO NEED FOR Continued PLACEMENT. Missouri has completely closed their involvement, Isaiah is a legal adult recognized in both Missouri and Illinois. Isaiah has made it clear he does not want their hell anymore, or “help”.
Please continue to share their story and this situation to help stop this insanity and madness. Enough is truly enough!!
UPDATE 8/21/2015
From the Team Isaiah Facebook page:
The hearing in Cook County today [8/20] was nothing more than to schedule yet ANOTHER hearing for November (meanwhile Isaiah who lives in Missouri turns 18 next Thursday) this court now claims they have lost jurisdiction since this case is now in appeals. We have a few questions for the Chicago Juvenile Mafia. Why are they still having hearings and wasting tax payer dollars if they claim to have “lost” jurisdiction? Most importantly… Why are they still holding on to Isaiah and trying to control his life??? Perhaps the Governor or SOMEONE could explain this to everyone ??!! Inquiring minds would sure like to know!!! – Team Isaiah
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
In a stunning new development on the Isaiah Rider case, a social worker from Illinois told Isaiah Wednesday that if he were to decide to move out on his own when he turns 18 next week, he would be arrested.
Missouri resident Isaiah Rider is not a criminal, nor is he in any way incompetent. Far from it. He is a good student with ambitions of becoming a doctor in the future.
But another state is controlling his life, and a caseworker from the state of Illinois DCFS (Child Protective Services) is making it clear that there will be serious repercussions for Isaiah when he becomes a legal adult if he tries to escape the control of DCFS.
The Rider family is reeling from this new revelation.
Like most normal teenagers, both in their familial homes and in foster care, Isaiah has eagerly been anticipating that magical day of freedom – his 18th birthday. That will happen on August 27. But after a visit today from a Missouri social worker, those hopes have been dashed.
Allegedly, Illinois DCFS is paying for a Missouri social worker to drop by the home on occasion where Isaiah is living in Missouri. He currently resides with his grandparents, who are acting as foster parents, because DCFS seized Isaiah from his mother’s custody 16 months ago while he was having a surgical procedure done at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago.
Though he has a painful neurological condition, neurofibromitosis, Luries and DCFS accused Michelle Rider of Munchausen by Proxy, in what many Rider supporters believe was an attempt to get her out of the way so that they could enter him into a medical research study. Children who are wards of the state may legally be entered into drug trials and medical research studies without their parents’ knowledge or consent. See: Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials
Some supporters have theorized that Isaiah is the control subject, which is why he has frequently been denied pain medications on the occasions when he has a pain crisis. The theory is that, if they lose Isaiah in the study, a great deal of money stands to be lost by the pharmaceutical company conducting the drug research trial with Isaiah.
Others suspect that this has more to do with attempting to prevent a lawsuit, for alleged malpractice in Isaiah’s care at Lurie Children’s Hospital. If he remains a ward of the state, he may not be able to file a lawsuit.
Regardless of the motivation, it is clear that DCFS of Illinois is going to great lengths to keep Isaiah in their custody.
During Wednesday’s visit by Missouri social worker Gaylene, Isaiah asked what would happen if he decided to move out on his own when he turns 18. Gaylene allegedly phoned the Illinois caseworker on Isaiah’s case, Joe Madden. That is when things got ugly, according to Isaiah:
He said if I were to move out on my own, when I’m 18 … that there will be a juvenile arrest warrant out for me, and child protective services would be looking for me, AND if I were to be picked up, which is if I were to be found, that I would be sent to Illinois.
That’s CRAZY!
You know what that is? He was threatening me. That’s what was going on. That’s how I took it. It sounded like a big threat.
Isaiah continues to speak in a video released late Wednesday evening, begging for his freedom. He is begging for Illinois DCFS to stop controlling him.
A court hearing is scheduled for today, August 20, but oddly enough, another one, a “status hearing” is scheduled for November. Isaiah turns 18 on August 27, which lends credence to the assertion made last week by Illinois DCFS caseworker Joe Madden that Illinois intends to keep Isaiah in their custody after he turns 18. Isaiah and his family are asking, “Why?”
He has done nothing wrong, and Isaiah continues to assert that his mother, who was never charged with a crime, is innocent of any wrongdoing. Nonetheless, he believes he should be free upon his 18th birthday.

Source: Team Isaiah Facebook page
One claim made by DCFS is that they want to keep him in their grasp so that they can continue to “provide” him with medical “services.” Yet, requests for needed medical care has often been denied. A recent appointment with the Mayo Clinic had to be cancelled because Illinois DCFS refused to pay for it.
Though they profess to have Isaiah in “protective” custody, he and his family are angry that they placed Isaiah in harm’s way and failed to protect him when they placed him in a foster home in a Chicago ghetto, where he was raped, and had guns and knives pulled on him. These things had never happened while he was under the loving protection of his mother. As of this date, nothing has been done about the crimes committed against Isaiah when DCFS not only failed to protect him, but were the very ones who forced him into the harmful situation.
Isaiah is not free. Though some readers have taken comfort that he is currently residing with his grandparents in Missouri, Illinois DCFS is the one who is pulling all the strings, and has all the control.
- He cannot travel anywhere without his grandparents.
- He is still forbidden to see his own mother for more than 4 short hours per week.
- He is not free to obtain medical care when he needs it, because everything must be pre-approved by an agency over 500 miles away. He isn’t allowed to choose his own care.
- There is no freedom even in the home, because social workers from Illinois have been known to pop in unannounced, while taxpayers pick up the tab for their flights.
- They live in fear every minute of every day that DCFS will come in and take him back to Illinois, to the place where so much trauma occurred.
- And now, he is forbidden to move out on his own or travel out of state, because he could be arrested, although he has never committed any crime.
Supporters are asking that people melt the phone lines of Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner: 312-814-2121 and call for Isaiah Rider’s immediate release from DCFS custody. He may also be contacted here, and he is on Facebook.
Also, here is the number for the Illinois DCFS – 217-524-2029.
Previous articles about Isaiah Rider:
Chicago Children’s Hospital Takes Custody of 16-Year-Old Away from Parent Who Sought Second Opinion
Isaiah Rider Is Suffering Horrible Pain But Not Getting Help [Video]
Medical Kidnap: 17 Year Old Isaiah Rider Taken Captive Against His Will
Isaiah Rider Being Forced to Leave Home Town and Return to Chicago Against His Will
Missouri Teen Medically Kidnapped Was Raped and Sodomized While in Illinois Foster Care
Medical Terrorism: KC Teen Isaiah Rider Will Remain in Illinois Custody After He Turns 18