Source: 7 Angels story Facebook page.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
While the nation celebrates Independence Day with barbecues, fireworks, and family get-togethers, Freddie and Tracey Verzosa are struggling to maintain hope. Freddie’s voice broke as he told Health Impact News that this week, July 9, marks 1 year to the day since their beloved children were ripped away from them by Florida CPS because Tracey has a “mild intellectual disability.”
Later, their newborn baby was literally taken from her mother’s arms just one day after she was born on March 11, 2015, simply because the state already had custody of the other 6 children.
To date, the parents have never been charged with abuse or neglect, yet the state still has their children. Â The children are still in various foster homes, separated not only from their parents, but also from each other.
Since Health Impact News broke their heart-wrenching story on the day that baby Taylor Lynn was taken in March, the Verzosas have received a huge outpouring of love and support, but their children remain separated from them.
Original story here:
Breastfeeding 2-day Old Newborn Seized From Parents Because Mother Has Disability

Tracey crying as DCF prepares to take baby Taylor from her arms. Source: Verzosa family.
8 Year Old Son Circumcised Against His Parents’ Wishes
A few disturbing events have come to light since the Verzosa children were taken into state custody. While anti-circumcision activists (“intactivists”) have been fighting in Florida to save 4 year old Chase Hironimus from being forcibly circumcised, the foster parents of 8 year old Freddy Versoza, Jr. quietly took him to be circumcised. His father reports that he and Tracey refused to give consent for the unnecessary procedure.
They were told that there was a medical reason, but the Verzosas were not permitted to talk to the doctor themselves to verify any legitimate medical reason or to ask questions. So the foster parents got a court order to override the parents’ choice for their son.
More than a month after the procedure, Freddie reports that his son tells him that it still hurts.
Children’s Health Suffering Under State Care
Freddie reports that their children were in good health before the state took them, but now there always seems to be something wrong with them. He says that they often look drugged up, and that all the kids except the baby are on some type of medication. The children have all been “caught up” on their vaccines once entering state care. Previously, they had most of their shots, but were a little bit behind schedule.
One of their children now has breathing issues, and has had to go to the hospital. However, he reportedly never had any such problems before going into foster care.

Source: 7 Angels story Facebook page.
At a visit, their 9 year old daughter told her parents that there is sometimes blood when she urinates, and that she is scared.
Their 8 year old son, the one who was recently circumcised, has now been diagnosed with a heart murmur, even though no doctor before he was taken ever diagnosed such, or even mentioned it to his parents. Now, Freddie says that he has to have some kind of shot or he will have seizures. His father wonders how that happened, since he has never had a seizure when he was with his family.
One set of foster parents has reportedly told the judge that they are uncomfortable with the Verzosas attending their own children’s medical appointments. Freddie asks:
“Is it because they are hiding something?”
Psychiatrist Recommends Psych Drugs for Grieving Mother

“This is the expression [Taylor] gave us as she was leaving the visitation.” Source: 7 Angels story Facebook page.
“Do you cry at night?”
What kind of mother wouldn’t cry at night in her shoes? When she gave the obvious answer of “yes,” she says that he offered her drugs:
“I’m going to give you a prescription; it will make you happy.” Freddie recalls him saying that the pills “will take you to ‘happy land.'”
She was also supposed to be provided with a breastpump by DCF, so that she could pump her milk for baby Taylor, but DCF never came through with one.
DCF Accusing Husband of Being Too Old to Marry His Wife

The Verzosa Family. Image from Facebook.
While the Supreme Court Justices in Washington, DC, are ruling that marriage equality is a fundamental right, DCF workers in the state of Florida appear to be passing judgment on the marriage between Freddie and Tracey Verzosa, because there is an age gap between the two. They are allegedly requesting testing to determine whether or not Freddie is some kind of pervert, simply because he is older than his wife.
The recent Supreme Court decision states in part:
“[T]he right to ‘marry, establish a home and bring up children’ is a central part of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause.'” (p. 14)
Despite this assertion, it appears that social workers in Florida are challenging this central liberty of the Verzosas. Legally, the age difference between two consenting adults is a non-issue.
It is readily apparent to people who know the couple that Freddie and Tracey are genuinely in love with each other. Their mutual admiration and respect for each other is abundantly clear, and can be heard in their voices and seen in their faces. Tracey doesn’t talk much verbally, but she manages to communicate more through her eyes and facial expressions than most people do with many words. What she communicates is a vibrant love for her family including her husband, and deep sorrow over the loss of her babies. Freddie’s deeply genuine love for his wife is also plain to see. They are parents who value their children above anything else.

Happier times at the Verzosa home. Source: Verzosa family.
They admit that there is an age gap, but they only have eyes for each other. When Freddie met Tracey, he quickly fell in love. She was in a situation where few people believed in her, but he says that he saw her beautiful soul. With their romance and his faith in her, Tracey has blossomed. They married, and started their family. They have loved having a large family, and their children are their world.
“We Just Want Our Children Home”
On Tuesday, there is another meeting with social workers. The Verzosas don’t know what else they can do to show the world that they are good, loving parents, and their children need to be home with them.
Their children are now reported to have “anger issues,” but Freddie says that is because they want to come home. Every time they see their kids, they beg to come home.
As if things were not difficult enough for the grieving couple, Freddie recently fell off a ladder at work and fractured vertebrae in his back. He is facing surgery soon to repair the damage, and is unable to do the work he usually does. Meanwhile, they are still struggling to find competent (and affordable) legal representation.
He says that he and Tracey are trying to stay strong and keep the faith. They keep hoping and praying for justice.
“It’s so unfair. I know there is a victory at the end of this, but right now, it is so hard.”
Supporters may follow their story on their Facebook page – 7 Angels story.
They are hopeful that the public will speak up for them, calling and writing legislators on their behalf, imploring them to help bring their children home. Since it has been one year since their family was torn apart by DCF, the Verzosas are calling for “Verzosa Awareness Month,” and asking for supporters to share their story everywhere. They also ask for continued prayer.
Florida Governor Rick Scott may be reached at 850 717 9337, or contacted here. His Facebook Page is here.
Florida First Lady Ann Scott has a Facebook Page here.
The Representative for the Verzosas district is Rep. John Cortes. He may be reached at 407 856 5009 Â or 850 717 5043, or contacted here. His Facebook Page is here.
Senator Darren Soto may be reached at 407 846 5187 or 850 487 5043, or contacted here. His Facebook Page is here.
In addition to contacting Florida officials, those who want to see change in the Child Protective System for the Verzosas and others are encouraged to call and write to the presidential candidates and make their stories part of the discussion. Many of the candidates may be unaware that children are being medically kidnapped by state agencies, but this is an issue that they need to know about and address. It is public action that is making a difference for many families. When our voices become loud enough, we can make a difference. Here is a website where all of the presidential candidates may be found, with links to their campaign websites, Facebook, and Twitter pages.
See Also: