The Naugler family of 12 people, 6 dogs, 2 farm cats and a few random farm animals in Kentucky. Image from Blessed Little Homestead Facebook Page.
UPDATE 7/8/2015
All 10 Children Returned to Naugler Family
From Blessed Little Homestead Facebook Page:
I admit, I am hesitant to post anything anymore as some of the people who follow this page are just incredibly vile.
I wanted to clear up a few things tho. First of all, to those who are trying to cause more trouble, you antics are being observed and logged. Trying to “get us in trouble” by making false reports, attempting to set us up, or harassing our family, won’t effect us. However, you will be held accountable. I don’t know why people are trying to hurt my children more, but that’s all that will come of this. They are the ones who suffer.
That being said, last Thursday the children were returned home. Many “experts” have speculated as to why and how.. It’s common to return physical custody as legal custody is finalized. We still have a lot ahead of us regarding court matters, and I cannot and will not discuss any of that, so the trolls will just have to thrive on gossip for now.
The children are doing good. We do have some issues we are working out, as Joe stated in the interview he did, they are having some insecurity issues. Their confidence and trust has been damaged, understandably.
They are happy to be back on the homestead. And happy to be together again. 8 weeks is a long time for a family as close as ours.As far as the homestead goes, we are working on things. I will only be posting limited photos, until the case is cleared.
We did buy a prefab, and we are working on finishing the inside. We had a few delays in the other projects, and this was a quick solution. We still plan to build a larger cabin down the road, but this gives us time to work on it as a family. We have quite a few small projects we need to focus on as well such as a fall garden, larger rabbit and chicken coop, and a rain water collection system.
We still plan to continue to live off grid. We still have a tiny house plan. We still plan to homestead and I will still have the salon, which is doing quite well.
I want to thank those who have been supporting us, sending messages and prayers. I can’t always respond but I read as much as I can. You have all been very encouraging through all of this. Thank you and many blessings, ~Nicole
UPDATE 6/3/2015
From Blessed Little Homestead Facebook Page:
The reunification of our family has been delayed another week. We are devastated that the children are not returning home today. We want the world to know our children, Jacob, Quinten, Abigail, Isaac, Zachary, Olivia, Urijah, Ezra, Lucas, and Mosiah.
Their voices have been kept silent. They are young adults, and tender children, and they have been treated like property. We want their wishes known and respected. We will continue to fight for our family’s rights. We will continue to work very closely with all agencies involved and have complied with every request
UPDATE 5/1//2015
From Blessed Little Homestead Facebook Page:
We have allowed CHFS to inspect our property and interview our children multiple times. After every visit they have confirmed, and confirmed again today that our children are happy, healthy and well cared for and that our property is sufficient for their needs.
Despite that, the judge decided as a result of the deliberations in today’s hearing that our children will remain in CHFS care while they continue their investigation. Alex, my 19-year-old estranged son, testified in today’s hearing. We are both heartbroken with the way Alex’s upbringing away from us and his strained relationship with his mother have affected him.
Although we are sad our children will not be returned to us today, we have nothing to hide. We have cooperated with all requests made to us by CHFS and will continue to do so. We are confident that throughout this process Nicole and I will be shown to be the good parents that we are and that our family will be reunited. We thank everyone for all you have done for us and ask for continued prayers for our children. We want all our children to know that we love them and we are constantly with them in our hearts.
Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap Staff
Friends of the Naugler family in Kentucky reached out to us and asked us to tell their story. Their 10 homeschooled children were allegedly taken away by Breckinridge County Sheriff deputies and CPS this week, allegedly acting on an anonymous tip. The officers reportedly had no warrant to enter their property. Nicole Naugler is currently 5 months pregnant, and reportedly attempted to drive away from the property with a couple of the children. Officers allegedly detained her from leaving her own property, and when she objected to them taking away her children, they allegedly “slammed (her) belly first into the cop car and bruised and scraped on both arms.”
They also allegedly arrested her for “disorderly conduct” when she objected to them taking away her children, and spent the night in jail. All ten children are reportedly now in State custody. Much of the encounter with CPS and the Sheriff deputies was recorded, and the recordings are available on the Save Our Family blog.
Day 1: Arrest
Joe and Nicole Naugler live on a homestead in rural Kentucky. They live a very simple life. They garden and raise animals. They are industrious people trying to teach their children how to live right.
They have ten children who are homeschooled on the homestead. They contribute to the success of the family crops and livestock, all while learning about the amazing beauty of life.
On May 6th, 2015, Breckinridge Co. Sheriff’s officers came to their home, acting on an anonymous tip, and entered their property and home without a warrant and without probable cause. Nicole was at home with the two oldest children, while Joe was away with the others. When the officers left the home, they attempted to block the access road to the family property. Nicole and the two boys got in their car to leave the family property. The got only a short way down the road before the officers pulled Nicole over.
During this stop, Sheriff’s deputies took their two oldest boys from Nicole’s custody, providing her no justification or documentation to support their action. Nicole was able to contact Joe briefly by telephone, but only for a short period of time, because she needed to use her phone to record the events.
At that point, Nicole had been taken into custody for disorderly conduct (for not passively allowing the Sheriff to take her boys) and resisting arrest. Even though she is 5 months pregnant, she was slammed belly first into the cop car and bruised and scraped on both arms.
Joe was able to arrange transportation to meet his wife where the stop had taken place. Joe attempted to get out of the car to speak with the officers and his wife, and to recover the vehicle Nicole had been driving. The Sheriff, with his hand on his sidearm, ordered Joe back into the car. Joe complied with that request. The Sheriff informed Joe that he had every intention of making this as difficult as possible for them and that their car would be impounded, despite the fact that Joe was there onsite to recover it.
A friend, who had driven Joe to the location, got out of the car to speak with the Sheriff. She was able to convince the Sheriff to let Joe recover the vehicle. Joe also recovered Nicole’s cell phone, which had been recording audio the entire time.
The Sheriff ordered Joe to turn the remaining eight children over to Breckinridge County Sheriff’s deputies by 10:00 a.m., and threatened him with felony charges if he does not comply.
At this time (roughly 5:00 CDT), Nicole is being held in custody in Hardinsburg, KY by the Breckinridge Co. Sheriff (see update below). The whereabouts of their two oldest sons is unknown to the family. Nicole faces a magistrate at 8:00 a.m. to set bail and an arraignment will take place shortly thereafter.
All of this has happened because of an anonymous complaint filed with CPS. In the state of KY, an anonymous complaint cannot be considered probable cause to pursue this course of action. It cannot be confirmed that this is the complainant, but earlier this week an acquaintance of the Naugler family threatened to file a CPS complaint against them, all because Joe “unfriended” this acquaintance on Facebook.
Nicole Released, Kids Still In Custody

Nicole Naugler – Image from Blessed Little Homestead Facebook Page
“I am a free range human. Not meant to be caged. But I will stand up for my rights. Overwhelmed by the love and support.”
Nicole has been released from jail. But the State is still in custody of her 10 children. The Naugler’s fight is only just beginning.
How to Help
Steve Beshear is the Governor of Kentucky and may be contacted here.
Dean Schamore is the State Representative of the district the Naugler family resides in, and can be contacted here.
Sheriff Todd Pate of Breckinridge County, also an elected official, can be contacted here.
One of the U.S. Senators representing the State of Kentucky has recently declared his candidacy for the office of the U.S. President. Perhaps people should contact Senator Rand Paul as well, and let him know he needs to clean up the mess of Child Protection Services and its corrupt practices in his home state before aspiring to represent the entire nation. Senator Paul can be contacted here.
When you contact these elected officials, please refer them to the investigations done by local media in Kentucky on the corrupt practices of Child Services as exposed by whistleblowers in this story:
Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business
Also let the local media in Kentucky know they need to keep on reporting these abuses of power in kidnapping Kentucky children.
See Also: