Deanna Robinson-Katsuki with son. Source: That Happened Facebook Page.
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Deanna Robinson-Katsuki is a decorated Air Force Veteran, who once received the Airman’s Medal for helping drag soldiers from a burning plane in Iraq. Yet Deanna recently came under an investigation by Texas Child Protection Services, who arrived at Deanna’s parents’ home with Sheriff deputies from Hunt County. Deanna is also 9 months pregnant.
What followed was partially recorded by a home security camera, which showed Sheriff deputies repeatedly punching her, because she did not want them to remove her 18 month old son. The video has gone viral, and has been viewed over 400,000 times already.
According to Deanna:
The Hunt County CPS investigators asked me to meet them at 8:30pm on the night of March 4, 2015 for an interview and health/welfare check of my 18 month old son. I complied.
At approximately 8:15pm there was a banging on the door that sounded like what I imagine the Gestapo might have sounded like. I opened it to see a large Hunt County Sheriffs Officer on the porch steps, there were 2 more officers behind him. He asked “Are you Deanna Robinson?” I said yes I am. He asked if I was the mother of (my 18 month old son’s name – which was horribly mispronounced) I said yes I am. He said “we are here to remove your son”. I replied “nobody is touching my child without a court order or a warrant….”
He reached behind him and one of the other officers handed him a solid, opaque pocket folder. He opened the folder, revealing approximately the top 1/3 of a sheet of white paper with writing on it. Then quickly closed the folder again and passed it back behind him. I asked to examine the document. He responded “that’s not gonna happen”, so I attempted to close the door again.
Before I could get it closed, he shoved the door open, in the process shoving me backward several steps into the kitchen. My son was standing behind me and a little to my left. All 3 officers had entered the kitchen by that point. The first officer yelled “there’s the kid, somebody grab him….”
I began screaming and trying to block his access to my child. He immediately grabbed me, spun me around and then the two officers seen in the video shoved me into the corner and forcefully pinned me there, slamming my knees, legs, thighs into the lower cabinets, slamming my abdomen into the kitchen counter and even pinning my head down onto the counter initially.
The video speaks for itself here. Near the end of the clip the officer who is standing aside can be heard to say “somebody shut her up”.
Ultimately I was taken to the Hunt County Detention Facility and my son was taken from the arms and the safety of his maternal grandparents’ home, despite their protests, willingness, ability and repeated requests to retain physical custody of him. The paperwork and forms that CPS left behind were all marked “REFUSED NONCOMPLIANT” on the parent signature line, even though I obviously never even saw any of the forms, much less refused to sign them.
I was jailed for 6 days, charged with felony “Assaulting a Police Officer” and “Interference with Child Custody” while my family scrambled and borrowed to pay the bail bond. I am a decorated Veteran of the Iraq war; I have ZERO criminal history, no alcohol, drug or any other problems. I had never been arrested before this night. (Source – Photographyisnotacrime.com)
The Daily Mail reports that CPS were called as she and her husband – with who she says she has a rocky relationship – had an argument at their home.
Friends and family have setup a Facebook Page to support Deanna:
They are requesting that people sign a petition to Recall Hunt County Sheriff Randy Meeks.
Here is their call to action:
1. Call the Hunt County Sheriff’s Office and demand the resignation of Sheriff Meeks and resignation or firing of the deputy, and the resignation or firing of the jail nurse. 903-453-6800
2. Call CPS and demand the immediate return of Deanna Jo’s children and the resignation or firing of the investigator, a former police officer, who watched silently. 903-457-9600
3. Call County Commissioner Eric Evans and demand a recall election for Sheriff Meeks. 903-408-4195
4. Peaceful displays of public support and assembly.