Source: Team Isaiah Facebook page.
by Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com staff
It looked like Isaiah Rider was all set to go to the Mayo Clinic, where he might find answers for the pain and seizures that he has been suffering. The teen was accepted last week, and he was hopeful that they would be able to help him where other hospitals have not. But Illinois DCFS has again stepped in and his acceptance at Mayo has been cancelled by someone pretending to be his guardian. Isaiah is still hurting. He and his family are very frustrated with the child protective agency in another state that is controlling their lives and keeping Isaiah from getting the medical help he needs.
Desperate Pleas
Supporters and family alike are now appealing to the big guns, asking for God and the President of the United States to intervene. According to A Miracle for US blog:
Need everyone in the country to PRAY for what the state of Illinois is doing to Isaiah Rider RIGHT NOW!
Details to come, but it is time to go to the White House with the atrocities being committed against this family: Please world – take note of what is happening to Isaiah for the past year, and … what is being done to him NOW.
Medical Help at Mayo Clinic Sabotaged
Isaiah tells Health Impact News that he is “having a lot of pain,” and that this is a “very stressful situation.”
Last Thursday, after his primary care doctor referred him to Mayo Clinic, his grandmother received a phone call stating that he had been accepted and she could schedule an appointment. Shortly after the call, she received an email telling her that there was a misunderstanding, and Isaiah was not approved to go to Mayo.
Confused, Isaiah’s mother called the clinic and learned that Isaiah’s GAL (Guardian ad Litem) was behind the cancellation. Kim Boone is Isaiah’s GAL. He has repeatedly tried to fire her, because he believes she has not represented his best interests. But somehow she remains on his case and continues to speak for him. When he was raped while he was in Chicago foster care, Boone did not report the abuse. She has also kept Isaiah from testifying on his own behalf. Now, she has allegedly sabotaged Isaiah’s acceptance at the prestigious Mayo Clinic. According to Isaiah,
“It’s a bunch of bull. They know I need medical care.”

Source: Screen shot from YouTube video.
After Isaiah was accepted, Boone reportedly phoned Mayo pretending to be Isaiah’s guardian, saying that she did not authorize him to go there. However, she is not his guardian. The state of Illinois is, and Debra Dyer is the person appointed for the position of guardian.
Isaiah Terrified of Being Forced to Chicago Again
Isaiah very much hopes that this decision is overturned, because he is terrified of the “solution” that is now being proposed – being sent back to Chicago, the place where he was medically kidnapped from his mother, and where he was raped. It is also the place where they couldn’t help him, where they told him repeatedly that the pain was “all in his head.”
“I’m scared. These people are scary. I am afraid that they will try to take me away from my family again. How can they say that this is in my best interest? They keep saying that, and telling me that this is all in my head, when there is actual evidence that this is real.”
Last Time He Was Drugged and Forced into Ambulance
The last time that the Kansas City, Missouri, resident experienced a pain crisis, doctors at the local hospital said that they didn’t know how to help him. While his family searched for, and found, other hospitals where doctors were experienced in helping patients with his rare condition, Illinois DCFS traveled to Kansas City, and literally seized Isaiah to force him back to Chicago. He was forcibly drugged with high doses in order to secure his compliance. His grandparents were threatened, and he was dragged to a clandestine ambulance which carried him over 500 miles to Chicago, Illinois. Allegedly, 5 different hospitals denied him access before he was finally admitted to a hospital, one which was unable to help him with his pain.

Source: Team Isaiah Facebook page.
After a huge public outcry, DCFS put him on a plane and sent him back to Missouri, without helping him with his medical condition. The pain eventually subsided, but it has returned. Doctors have also discovered a lesion on Isaiah’s brain, but DCFS has yet to authorize any testing or treatment for that.
Michelle Rider Makes Desperate Plea for Help
Isaiah’s mother wants answers for her son, which is the only thing that she ever wanted before a state not even their own stepped in and took custody. Those answers remain elusive. She sent this statement to Health Impact News:
Why is government abuse and tyranny being allowed in our country? They are setting precedents here with my son! Another state is allowed to now take control of residents of completely different states and do whatever they please? As much harm and abuse as they wish? For the life of me, I cannot understand this. They are showing us all our entire nation that they can and will continue to abuse their power and authority to destroy our lives. To destroy my son’s life. They allowed him to be horrifically assaulted and then cover it up. Safety concerns were brought to their attention and to the judges attention prior, and they did nothing.
That same state took my son against his will back to their state in pain and in an ambulance for 9 hours trying to keep him there in Dec. We had to fight with everything we had and they finally agreed to release him back. Want to know why? They released him back to KC because people started using their voices and the media started shining light on what they were doing.
Those same horrible people have been denying my son proper medical care now for weeks. The people who are getting paid to protect my son are the same people who are aiding in the abuse. Even as far as lying, by pretending to have authority to make his medical decisions and saying they deny them.
Those same monsters are now threatening to take my boy back to Chicago. Claiming his pain is not real and it’s psychological. They are retaliating against us for exposing their lies and reporting them for what they are doing. It was just yesterday they were called out and reported.
Now today, they are threatening to take Isaiah back to Chicago. Friends, this is legalized terrorism going on right here in our country. We have to stop this. They are violating our civil and constitutional rights and no one is stopping them.
This has to become a concern to all. I’m afraid if it doesn’t become a public issue of concern soon, we will all be stripped of our rights. This is a reality, it’s happening right now. My son is terrified, my family is terrified, I am terrified. Please speak up for us. I know this may not concern you right now but it could. Anyone who truly knows me, knows how wrong this whole thing truly is.
My son cannot be taken back to Chicago, where he has been nothing but tortured. Please help stop this.
Why should anyone have to worry about these type of terroristic actions? Having to worry that they will follow through with what they have told us? They showed us they are capable in December; they have also shown us they don’t care at all about Isaiah or my family by all the terrible things they have done. One blow after another is what the past year has been filled with.”
Who to Call
Team Isaiah supporters ask that calls be made to Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner at 312 814 2121, asking him to step in for Isaiah’s release from his state and for Illinois DCFS to facilitate the medical help that he needs. He may be contacted here.
They also ask that calls be made to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon at 573 751 3222, asking him to intervene on behalf of this Missouri resident being held captive by Illinois. He may be contacted here.
Supporters are also calling for calls to be made to the White House on Isaiah’s behalf. The White House comment line is 202 456 1111.
Prayers to the Almighty for divine intervention are also being requested at this time.
Previous Stories about Isaiah Rider.

Source: Team Isaiah Facebook page.