Garland County Deputy Sheriff Sgt. Michael Wright (left) led a gestapo-type raid of the Stanley family home on January 12, 2015 and kidnapped 7 children. Photo courtesy KARK4.
UPDATE 4/15/2015
The judge in Juvenile Court today has just ordered the family to have a psychologist in the home 20 hours a week to “promote harmony” in the family. Judge Wade Naramore can be contacted here.
Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Reporter Clay Herrmann of the Hot Springs Daily News in Hot Springs Arkansas has published copies of the Search Warrant, the Affidavit for the Search Warrant, and the Search Warrant Return form used to take the seven children out of the Stanley home on January 12, 2015 with the full force of a tactical SWAT-style team. As has previously been reported, the children were removed by Garland County Deputy Sheriff Sgt. Michael Wright, against the protests of social service workers and a medical team who were present at the scene and saw nothing warranting the children’s removal.
Until Mr. Herrmann’s investigative report, the Affidavit for the Search Warrant could not be located, even after attempts to procure it were made by the family’s attorney. Mr. Herrmann went directly to the judge who issued the warrant:
Following the nightmare at their home, the Stanleys became aware that there was supposed to be an affidavit attached to the single page search warrant they were served. The attorney they have engaged to represent them, Q Byrum Hurst, was also aware of the missing affidavit. Their repeated efforts to discover if it existed, and if so to obtain a copy from the Circuit Clerk’s office, from the Juvenile Court, or elsewhere were all unsuccessful. Attorney Q Byrum Hurst stated that in response to their subpoena of GCSD Investigator Michael Wright for a deposition, his response was that he didn’t have to tell them anything because there was an ongoing criminal investigation.
Judge Lynn Williams, Garland County Courthouse Rm 203
In hopes of being able to find out something regarding the missing affidavit, I went to the Judge who signed the search warrant on the second floor of the County Courthouse. Circuit Judge Lynn Williams was able to see me shortly after I arrived, and confirmed that there had to be an affidavit attached to the warrant. We discussed the fact that the Stanleys were not provided a copy of the affidavit which is referenced as attached in the search warrant, and that despite repeated efforts on the part of the Stanley’s legal counsel they were unable to procure a copy or even to verify the existence of the affidavit. I had also been unsuccessful in getting information on the case from the Circuit Clerk, the Juvenile Court, or the Sheriff’s office, all three citing confidentiality of Juvenile Court.
Judge Williams explained that he is NOT a Juvenile Judge, and that he signed a search warrant that alleged criminal activity. He considered that his search warrant, affidavit, and return should be filed as a public record with the Circuit Clerk … with his Circuit Clerk at the other end of the hall, and so saying removed his judicial black robe inviting me to accompany him as he got to the bottom of this. His armed Court Security Officer accompanied us as well, and we followed Judge Williams as he proceeded with deliberation down the hall, into the Circuit Clerk’s entry, and deeper in to where the ladies were who take care of his court records.
“We don’t have it. It never passed through here” he was told. They suggested that it must be at Juvenile Court, which is where the Court Security Officer and I promptly followed Judge Williams to next. Breezing by security with the Judge, I waited in a chair while his Honor went after his search warrant package. But he returned empty-handed.
He explained that fellow Circuit Judge Wade Naramore was present in the building, but his court was in session. He further remarked that a judge can go into another judge’s courtroom and interrupt the proceedings to let the presiding judge know that a brief word was needed with him outside … which he did. “Can’t dare do that when you are just a lawyer.” As it turned out, Juvenile Court didn’t have the search warrant package either.
“That leaves only one place left where it could be”, Judge Williams pronounced. The Court Security Officer and I followed him to the Sheriff’s Office. Again I sat in a chair and waited as sheriff department personnel worked to locate GCSD Criminal Investigator Sgt. Michael Wright for Judge Williams. The Judge eventually went through a secure door to the right of the welcome counter of the Sheriff’s office. He was gone for perhaps fifteen minutes give or take a little, but emerged with papers in hand accompanied by Sgt. Wright.
“I want to show you the originals of these before making you a copy,” Judge Williams said addressing me now standing beside him at the counter along with Deputy Wright and several other persons in audience. He carefully described what each sheet was, one page at a time, as he laid them down spread out side-by-side: Search Warrant, two-page Affidavit for the Search Warrant, Search Warrant Return with hand-written itemization of property seized at the Stanley home, and a typed copy (for legibility) of the Return. Deputy Wright made me a copy of all five pages which I accepted with gratitude. Shaking hands with Judge Williams and Deputy Wright, I thanked them and left with a copy of all five pages of the Stanley Search Warrant package, which you can now view here.
You can view all the Search Warrant documents on the Hot Springs Daily website.

Stanley photo supplied to Hot Springs Daily showing that the original bottle of MMS was not even confiscated during the raid.
The affidavit submitted to the judge to issue the warrant clearly presented the presence of a mineral substance, MMS, as the primary reason for the warrant. And yet in the Search Warrant Return document, the bottle of MMS was not even confiscated. If Judge Williams had done a little bit of homework prior to issuing the warrant, he might have learned that this supplement was not illegal, and was no more dangerous than common household cleaners. As Mr. Herrmann notes:
The Stanley’s alleged crime was not possession, manufacture, or distribution of Meth in the county that Sheriff Mike McCormick reports has reputation as the “Meth capitol of the State”. Nor was it possession, distribution, or use of heroin, or any other controlled or illegal substance. (Evidently serving warrants at the many Garland County homes with children in them where those activities are known to be going on can wait.) Rather, the allegation made against the Stanley parents is that the legal MMS substance was used in ways that criminally endangered the well-being of the children.
The bottle and remaining MMS left on the bathroom shelf has since been disposed of … by the Stanleys. Those executing the search warrant did however inexplicably confiscate a bottle of hydrogen peroxide as listed on the Search Warrant Return. Against the objections of DHS personnel on the scene, and contrary to the task force physician, after dark on that Monday night, they also confiscated seven minor children and took them away.
Are Citizens of Arkansas Willing to Live in a Police State??

The Stanley children being removed from their home by force.
So far, no criminal charges have been filed against the father Hal Stanley, or any other family member. And yet, the State retains custody of their children. Some of the younger children have been allowed to return home, but DHS continues to have custody and make incredible demands on how the parents are to raise their children.
Why did it take a judge to force Deputy Sheriff Sgt. Michael Wright to finally release the search warrant documents? When the family attorney tried to obtain them via a subpoena, Deputy Wright reportedly stated that he didn’t have to tell them anything because there was an ongoing criminal investigation in Juvenile Court. Can the sheriff department, Juvenile Court, and DHS continue to conspire together and violate this family’s civil rights and destroy them in the process? No criminal charges have been filed against the parents.
If you are a citizen of the United States living in Garland County Arkansas, maybe it is time to take action if you do not want to continue living in a police state where authorities can come and kidnap your children with no criminal charges filed. If Sgt. Wright does not believe he has to give an account of his actions because he can hide in Juvenile Court, maybe it is time for a Citizens vs. Garland County Sheriff Department complaint to be filed in Garland County, and specifically against Mike Wright.

Garland County Sheriff McCormick.
The Stanleys need help. They cannot fight this battle alone. Any citizen in the County can file a complaint against the Sheriff department. Sheriff Michael McCormick is an elected official, and his actions and the actions of his staff are directly accountable to the citizens of his county. He has actually taken an oath to protect the rights of you, the citizens. If he and his staff are not doing their job, YOU the citizens need to take action to hold them accountable.
Band together and hire the best attorney available, and file a complaint to stop these abuses of power immediately, or they may come for your children next.
Original Story about the Stanley Family Children Kidnapping:
Arkansas Takes Away 7 Homeschool Children because Father had Unapproved Mineral Supplement
See Also:
Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?