Judge Wade Naramore ruled that there was “probable cause” to keep the children in state custody, according to the Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.
UPDATE 2/16/2015
7 Children Kidnapped by State of Arkansas from Homeschool Family to Remain in State Custody
Health Impact News Editor Comments
Judge Wade Naramore reportedly ruled today in Juvenile Court in Garland County Arkansas that the Stanley Family children could not go home. Friends and relatives of the Stanley family in Arkansas have issued the following statement on the Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page:
The Judge ruled that there is probable cause to temporarily keep the children. There will be another hearing on Feb. 12th. No one is allowed to speak about what has happened in the court room. The Lawyer said he was not surprised. The prosecution had time to put their case together, the defense was given less than 24 hours. He said we now have time to get our case together. Hal and Michelle will have visitations with the children. Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Magellan also brings us this report:
Attorneys State Gag Orders in Family Courts are Unconstitutional
Since we have been covering the topic of medical kidnappings here at Health Impact News, we have found that anytime there is media exposure to the inner dealings of child protection services and family or juvenile courts, the judge will almost always issue a gag order. But attorneys outside of the family court system have called into question the legality of these gag orders, and whether or not they are constitutional. See:
Family Court Judges’ Unconstitutional Gag Orders On Parents
Parents Last Statements to the Public Prior to the Gag Order
The parents were recorded on video answering alleged charges made against them prior to today’s hearing:
Hal Stanley’s Testimony
In the beginning of this video, Hal Stanley describes what happened the night authorities came and took their children away. He states that he and his wife were forced to stand outside in the cold for more than two hours, without their coats, while they searched their home. He states that they produced a search warrant, which stated he was using a substance called MMS. He claims that the “whole issue” for the search was this supplement, which he calls a water purification treatment.
The father then goes on to explain how they took their children out one by one to an ambulance that had been brought to their home, and that there was a doctor who examined each child, and proclaimed each one as “healthy,” and that there was no sign of abuse, saying that everything was “fine.”
He then relates how they told them to pack two changes of clothes for their children, as they were taking them away, and that they all began to cry.
Mr. Stanley then explains that after holding the children for 8 days, they found out from a press release that they were being charged with child abuse, even though nobody had told them there were any concerns of child abuse. They received a notice to appear in court less than 24 hours before the scheduled court appearance.
Mr. Stanley explains that he believes most of the charges against them probably came from “one disgruntled teenager.” He explains that they are just a normal Christian family that tries to live by the standards of the Bible, and not “fanatics.”
Neighbor Testimony
Next in the video, the Stanley’s next door neighbor of 14 years gives his testimony. He states that his family is originally from Nebraska, but that he is now retired. He is a former teacher and school administrator. He talks about how they have watched the Stanley children grow up next door in a loving family, and is often together with the family for meals.
He talks about how the children are always well-dressed, polite, and eager to help. The family shares their produce with them from their garden.
The neighbor expresses his love for the family, and states how he and his wife are trying to help out as best they can. He states that he was there when it was announced that they were taking their children away, and that it was hard to watch:
If you have ever seen a mother cry for her family, well, I certainly did. Mother and father, arm in arm crying – that’s hard.
Michelle Stanley Testimony
Next, Michelle Stanley comes on camera and reiterates that the search warrant was for MMS, and that there were no other allegations made. She says that they did not get to see any charges until they were faxed to their attorney, “after-hours” on Friday, which was the beginning of a 3-day weekend. She explains that their homeschooled children were already put into a public school.
She also explains that during the investigation, nobody asked her and her husband anything, they only talked to the kids. On a previous visit by DHS, she claims that DHS found nothing wrong, and that “they were very comfortable that the kids were safe.”
However, she claims that Mike Write of the sheriff department made the decision to remove the children in spite of what the DHS found.
She states that the “two teenagers” were kept in a police vehicle for over 5 hours, and that she was worried what the teenagers might be saying all alone. The teenagers were apparently asked what would happen if they left them at home, and they allegedly replied that the parents would “flee.”
Mrs. Stanley then relates how they heard about the charges of child abuse and neglect from the sheriff’s press release. She states,
“Anybody who has been in this home knows that these children are not abused and not neglected.”

“America, if they can do it to us they can do it to your kids.”
She addresses the “friends” who called the authorities and says “shame on you,” stating that if they didn’t like something about the way they were parenting they could have come directly to them. She explains that whatever charges they bring against her do not justify taking away all her children, and that the younger children “will never be the same.”
Read the Original Story here.
See Also:
Mom of 7 Homeschoolers in Arkansas Taken by Authorities Speaks Out
The public may wand to contact the following people:
- State Police Headquarters: 501-767-8836
- Kathy Finnegan 501-767-8550 (head investigator at State police department of this case.)
- DHS Department 501-321-2583 on menu choose Dept. of Children and Family
- Garland County Sheriff office Main Office Phone: (501) 622-3660 ask why did Mike Write (or Wright?) make the decision to hold the Stanley kids?
- Judge Wade Naramore, (501) 622-3770 who is presiding over the case in Juvenile Court and ruled that the children must remain in state custody. (Email address listed here Circuit Court Division II .)
Asa Hutchinson is the Governor, and can be contacted here. His Facebook Page is here. Phone number is 501-682-2345.