Photo provided by Shoars family.
by Health Impact News Editor
Friday January 16, 2015 the Shoars family had a hearing in Arizona family court over the custody of their 7 children that were taken away by the State after the accidental death of their three-year-old daughter Khloe. We covered the Shoars family’s story here:
Arizona CPS Takes 7 Children Away from Parents after Accident
At this hearing, the judge reportedly issued a gag order on the parents, and ordered them to stop discussing the case on the Internet. The Fight for Lilly Foundation was present, along with other supports, at the court house in Arizona, and they issued the following report at the Freedom and Justice for the Shoars Family Facebook Page:
At court today, the Judge had been made aware of our petition, told the parents to tell us to take it down, and closed the court room so that these parents would have ZERO support or witnesses to the repeated violations of this family’s Constitutionally protected parental rights.
Apparently, when I first made this page, DCS retaliated and petitioned to violate these parents’ 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech and of the press by obtaining an order prohibiting dissemination of information regarding this case.
The order was granted, and filed Dec. 22nd, but the parents were never informed.
Their incompetent public defenders never informed them or gave them a copy of the petition, never gave them a chance to respond to it, and never gave them the order.
So the parents never knew…
Today, the court used taxpayer dollars to threaten these parents with contempt of court on an order they never received.
Moms public defender quit two days ago, and the new court appointed attorney quit on her today, just 5 minutes after meeting her. He refused to even discuss the case with me present, despite Tabitha’s repeated request that I stay as her legal advocate.
It was a mess, and the judge just continued the pretrial for a couple weeks out. They are facing contempt of court charges for the interview with medical kidnap, but are going to fight, because they were not aware of the gag order.
Tabitha and Jeff will make their own decision in regards to that, but in the mean time, I am here and will not be going away. I will continue to advocate for their legal rights, until those children are home and this family is complete once again.

Supporters gathered at the Arizona Court House for the Shoars hearing on January 16, 2015. Photo courtesy of The Fight for Lilly Foundation.
One supporter started video recording inside the court house and was then asked to leave:
Robert Scott Bell Radio Show Contacted by Law Enforcement Regarding Mother’s Interview
Two days before this hearing, on Wednesday January 14, 2015, Tabitha Shoars was interviewed by Ty Bollinger on the Robert Scott Bell syndicated national radio program. The segment of the show where Tabitha was interviewed can be heard at Epic Times here.
On the Friday night (January 16, 2015) broadcast of the Robert Scott Bell show, they reported that a “Detective Kalcum” from Arizona had contacted their syndicator wanting to “subpoena” the broadcast of the show with Tabitha Shoars. They apparently were not aware that the show was archived and available for free download. A search online for a “Detective Kalcum” revealed that there is a “Detective Olivia Kalcum” in Avondale Arizona listed on the Avondale Police website, who might be the person that called Genesis Communications Network.
Producer Don Naylor of the Robert Scott Bell show asks:
“What have you got to hide Arizona?”
In the original interview with the mother, Tabitha Shoars, which can be heard here, Ty Bollinger and Tabitha Shoars discuss the fact that the State of Arizona is considering permanently severing the parental rights with the mother and father of the 7 Shoars children, even though no formal charges have been brought against them, nor the babysitter who was watching the children at the time of the accident that led to their 3-year-old daughter’s death.
Follow updates on the Shoars family on The Freedom and Justice for the Shoars Family Facebook Page.