Jamie Smith with 2-week old foster baby. She refuses to vaccinate her entire family with the flu shot as a requirement to keep their foster child. Photo Courtesy KomoNews.com.
Health Impact News Editor Comments
As we have reported here at Health Impact News in many of our stories, U.S. States have tremendous financial incentives to take children away from families and place them into foster care. (See:Â The Medical Kidnapping Business: Bilking Medicaid.)
A child who is the ward of the State will automatically be eligible to have all of their medical needs reimbursed by Medicaid with little or no oversight. This is a huge financial windfall for medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies who can prescribe drugs and treatments by bypassing parental and insurance approval. Therefore, we are seeing foster children today being drugged at a rate many times higher than non-foster children. (See:Â Foster Care Abuse: Drugging Children Against Their Will.)
In Washington State, officials have apparently now mandated that all foster parent families must get their entire households, including young children, vaccinated with the influenza vaccine as a requirement for keeping any foster children. This is in spite of the fact that the flu vaccine is both dangerous and largely ineffective.
As KOMO News is reporting in Tacoma, at least one foster parent is fighting back, and refusing to comply, even if it means losing her 2-week old baby.
Please be sure to click through and watch the video on KOMONews.com. Thank them for covering this important story regarding parental rights and medical tyranny.
Foster mom says she’s willing to lose infant over flu shot mandate
by Keith Eldridge
TACOMA, Wash. — Foster families are under a new mandate that everyone in their house needs a flu shot if they have foster kids under two years of age.
If they don’t comply, the children will be taken from them. At least one foster mom is going to fight that.
Foster parent Jamie Smith of Tacoma has a new addition to her foster home.
“He was born on Christmas. He’s our little Christmas baby,” Smith said.
Seven other babies have come through her home, including Bonnie, who is now 4-years old and adopted by the Smith family.
But the little 2-week-old may get taken away by the state unless Smith and all the members of her house get a flu shot. That includes the older foster kids in her care. She’s not going to comply.
“I’ve done a lot of research on it and I don’t like some of the side effects that it has,” she said.
Smith says she’s worried about mercury in the vaccine and its effects on the brain. She doesn’t want her or her five children exposed to that even if it means losing the little one.
“I’ve thought about that a lot,” said Smith. “Unfortunately, I have to think about our kids who are in the house first and to me they’re more important, their safety, than trying to fight to keep this little guy.”
She isn’t getting the shot, but her electrician husband did. He works for MultiCare and they require all employees to get a shot. Nurses at Multicare’s Tacoma General and Good Samaritan Hospitals are suing the company over its insistence they get flu shots or face termination.
“It is serious,” said Heather Stephens-Selby of the Washington State Nurses Association.
Now the foster families who handle young foster children are under the same gun. They hope by speaking out the state will ease up and keep the foster families together.
Read the Full Story here.
Comment on this story at VaccineImpact.com.
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