Has Wall Street Hijacked the Vaccine Resistance Movement by Funding Pro-Vaccine Spokespeople to Speak Against COVID Vaccines?

I have been writing about the dangers of vaccines ever since Health Impact News started 12 years ago, in January of 2011. And even before I started publishing on Health Impact News, I was warning the public about the danger of vaccines by selling books in my online store, primarily books written by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the flu shots, showing not only how dangerous they were, but exposing the fraud in the vaccine industry. Since 2011 I have worked with pretty much everyone in the vaccine resistance movement, giving them a voice on the Health Impact News network, until 2020 when the COVID scam was unleashed. Since 2020, the people who get the most media attention on the vaccine issue are newcomers to the movement, and the main reason they are getting most of the attention is because they have brought huge sources of funding with them to get their message out. Where has all of this funding come from since 2020, when the world's economy began to suffer a downturn, as many small and medium size businesses have now left the marketplace? We know that President Donald Trump released $trillions into the economy all in the name of "COVID" and the emergency health measures, and we know that most of that money went to Big Pharma and their investors. But let me be very clear right up front at the beginning of this article on just what my motivation is in publishing this. This is not just simply about money, but it is about where do we now go from here, as most of the public is now waking up to the COVID-19 "vaccine" fraud that is behind all the "sudden deaths" we are now seeing? Who do we look to for guidance in the future, as we seek to heal those who have suffered from these bioweapons, and seek justice for the criminals who caused this? This is the #1 question that has to be answered here in 2023 as we move forward, and while there are whistleblower doctors and others who have done a great job in exposing the problem, it is time now to move beyond the fact that we have a criminal problem with criminal products that are killing people, and it is time to focus on bringing the criminals to justice, and bringing down the entire criminal enterprise. And that is going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for those who still support the system and earn their living from the criminal system. Because the only way the COVID-19 "vaccine" injured are going to be healed, is to stop injecting them and their children with vaccines, ALL vaccines, and that is not going to happen with these well-funded pro-vaccine voices who only speak out against the COVID-19 shots, and not all the other vaccine products that have been maiming and killing children and adults for decades now.

Are FDIC Bankers Preparing for Bank Runs in the U.S.?

While the news reported today by the Rasmussen Poll revealing that nearly half of Americans are now stating that they believe the COVID-19 “vaccines” are responsible for "sudden deaths," and more than 25% saying that they believe they know someone who has died from the shots, is positive news at face value, it is also potentially bad news, because the Globalists know this also, and they know that they need to act quickly to cover up the impending financial collapse. I am republishing two articles that were just published regarding the potential imminent collapse of our financial system. In the first one, Jamie White of InforWars.com reports on a recent meeting of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) officials who seem to be preparing for this financial collapse and possible bank runs. He reports that the FDIC insures $9 TRILLION of bank deposits with only $125 billion worth of assets currently available.  Keep in mind that we already saw one bank run in 2022 with the FTX blowup, where several cryptocurrency exchanges shut down and prevented people from withdrawing their funds. In the second article, Michael Bryant, writing for Off-Guardian, recaps how COVID-19 was a "global financial operation" that prevented the financial system from crashing starting in the 4th quarter of 2019. So something big appears to be coming here in 2023, which could be an expansion of war from the current conflicts happening around the globe right now, where they escalate to nuclear attacks, probably coordinated with bank failures.

America’s Great Awakening? Half of Americans Now Think COVID-19 “Vaccines” to Blame for “Unexplained Deaths”

A new Rasmussen Poll of Americans shows that the tide appears to be turning in public opinion regarding the cause of increased "sudden deaths," with nearly half of Americans now stating that they believe the COVID-19 "vaccines" are responsible, and more than 25% saying that they believe they know someone who has died from the shots. In an interview published last month (December, 2022), former NFL sideline reporter Michele Tafoya, who now has her own show based out of Minnesota titled "Sideline Sanity," interviewed two former professional athletes who attained stardom in their respective sports: John Stockton who is a Hall of Fame NBA guard who played for the Utah Jazz, and Ken Reuttgers, the former center who played for the Green Bay Packers championship teams. This is a great interview about how all three have endured ridicule and attacks for their stance on the COVID shots in the world of professional sports. Ken Reuttgers has been featured with Senator Ron Johnson in going public with his wife's crippling COVID-19 "vaccine" injuries, which obviously means they were pro-vaccine before she suffered from the shot. John Stockton, on the other hand, makes it clear that "this is true with all vaccines" and that he knew about the danger of vaccines long before COVID hit, and was well prepared for the propaganda and fraud that unfolded with COVID. Stockton has kept a list of athletes who have dropped dead on the field after taking a COVID shot, and he said the total now is probably "in the thousands." Michele Tafoya recalls how she simply asked a question on her Facebook Page one day, pointing to an article published that interviewed a credible medical doctor who explained that early treatment with existing drugs, like Hydroxychloroquine, was having great success in treating COVID patients. She simply asked: Why aren't we listening to these doctors? She recounts how she was vilified on Facebook, even by close friends and family members, simply for asking a question, which prompted her to leave Facebook for a while. I think her most profound statement of the whole interview was: "We can't forget what happened."

Secure Email Options for 2023: Lavabit – The Secure Email Program Owned by Ladar Levison who Defied the FBI Order to Turn Over Snowden’s Emails

If you are using one of the Big Tech's free email programs, such as Google's Gmail, or Microsoft's Yahoo or Hotmail, you are exposing your private communication to prying eyes, including the U.S. Government. As I have written previously, hosting your own domain name and having your own private email is a much better option. There are also companies that advertise private, secure email services. One option is Lavabit, which is the secure email service that Edward Snowden was using when he left the NSA.  Ladar Levison, the owner of Lavabit, received an order from the FBI to turn over its Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) private keys, which would have allowed the FBI to not only access Snowden's emails, but also all the other emails of Lavabit's clients, about 400,000 at the time.  Not only would the FBI have been able to retrieve Lavabit's customers' emails, they could have intercepted their emails retrieving things like passwords, credit card information, and pretty much anything they wanted. Ladar decided to protect his clients, by shutting down his business and removing all his clients' accounts, effectively putting himself out of business after building one of the most successful private email services for over 10 years. Then he "turned over the keys" to the FBI.  In 2017 Lavabit started operating again, using the new Dark Internet Mail Environment (DIME), which is an end-to-end email encryption platform.  At this point, I would have to say this may be the best option for secure email from a 3rd party provider, because of its encryption, which allegedly does not even allow anybody working at Lavabit to access clients' emails, and hence they would have nothing to turn over to the Government authorities who may try to access any of their clients' emails.