Covid-19 or Covid-9-11? The Modern U.S. History of Tyranny

On the eve of the 9-11 anniversary, it is imperative to look at government caused and staged events from the angle of extreme criticism.

This criticism need not be considered from the standpoint of speculation or ‘conspiracy theory,’ although any collusion at high levels for the purpose of attaining a particular outcome is certainly conspiratorial.

False flag events are always meant to fool the people into supporting a particular agenda sought by the ruling ‘elites,’ and in turn are designed to be a war against you as citizens of a corrupt state.

This new false flag called Covid-19 was long ago designed in order to effect global dominance by the few over the rest of us.

Will this be a successful coup? Will the people of this country acquiesce to the will of tyrants? Will the people allow for the continued murder of their families and neighbors by the state? Will the people continue to hide from themselves and the truth? Will the people never fight back? Will the people allow themselves to become the serfs in a society ruled by kings?

That is what is coming, and there is only one thing standing in the way of the oppressors, and that is mass resistance by the majority.

Without the courage to fight against the ruling class, we will soon be left with nothing, and will have allowed our own servitude.