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18 Year Old Vermont Girl Medically Kidnapped & Abused Now Fights Adult Protective Services to Remain Free


Elissa Maple is now 18. She was released from CPS by a Judge, but is now allegedly being pursued by Adult Protection Services who want to take her into custody. – Photo from family.

UPDATE 11/19/2015

From the Elissa’s Dream Facebook page [1]:

Elissa is scared. A man named Stephen Dixon of Adult Protective Services in Vermont left a card on their gate Wednesday, saying to call him. When they called, he said that he wants to “help” get Elissa on her medications and have their services. He said he received a phone call and he was concerned about her not being on her meds. Elissa told him that she is doing great now that she is off of the medications, and doesn’t want to go back on them. She couldn’t function on them, but now she is doing much better.

The man told them that he will come back on Friday with papers for Elissa to fill out and sign. When the Maples asked for him to email or mail the papers, so that they could take it to their attorney, he refused. He said that he requires Elissa to do it in person on Friday, or they could go to the courthouse.

Dixon told them that he is working for Elissa. She wants to know, “If he is working for me, can I fire him?”

He said the papers say that she doesn’t want services, and that she doesn’t need or want medications. He said that if she does this, it will all be over. However, he told Elissa on the phone Wednesday that, if she answered his questions, that he would leave them alone. That wasn’t true, so they question if he is telling the truth about the forms now.

This sounds like a trap to them.

Elissa has been happy at home. She has just bought lots of photography equipment and is pursuing her love of photography – something that was denied her while she was in the group home. She is thinking more clearly and is functioning better now that she has weaned off of the medications. She says that she felt like a zombie before.

She is an American citizen, and is now an adult. All she wants is to be left alone. Why is that so much to ask?

Mr. Dixon wants to talk, so supporters – please feel free to contact him and ask him to leave her alone. His phone number listed on the card is 802 871 3333. His email is


by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff

Elissa Maple was a bright young energetic 16 year old who reached a difficult emotional time in her life, as sixteen is a difficult age for most children. Added to this natural occurrence was her brother’s auto accident which almost took his life, her mother sought help for Elissas’s anxiety. A mother’s care for her child knows no boundaries, but it turned into a nightmare that would have Elissa drugged by hospital officials, kidnapped by DCF, and admitted to a mental facility masquerading as a school in Massachusetts.

Read the original story here:

Vermont Teen Drugged Against Her Will, Held in Custody in Massachusetts Mental Health Facility [2]

It would take almost two years for Elissa to be returned to her home in Vermont. But the good news is that Elissa Maple is home now and very happy to be there. She’s becoming more relaxed due to spending time with her family and loved ones, activities that make us all feel comfortable about our lives and our futures. However, Elissa and her mother Karen cannot rest easy just yet.

The Battle for Elissa’s Freedom Rages On


Elissa is free, and smiling again. But for how long? Photo supplied by family.

Although Elissa was released under her own recognizance from DCF on her 18th birthday, Adult Protection Services continues to track her movements while allegedly taunting her and her mother with threats of Elissa having to be placed in an adult group home in Vermont. Franklin County DCF continually fails to relinquish custody of Elissa, says her mother, even after the judge released her on her 18th birthday. When the Vermont judge released Elissa, Vermont’s Franklin County DCF swooped in and placed her back into the system as an adult claiming responsibility for Elissa’s education and health.

DCF Wants Elissa in Their Care Against Her Desire and the Desire of Her Mother

When Karen Maple asked Franklin County why they still retained custodial rights to Elissa’s records since she’s been released, she stated she was told that DCF:

Just hadn’t gotten around to doing the paper work, but we hoped Elissa would sign the papers and return to our care as an adult. We didn’t get around to transitioning her, so why don’t you just let us keep her for another year?

This is concurrent with what workers told the court when they were asked why they had no transitional plan for Elissa, they responded,

We thought she’d need care for the rest of her life.

Returning to “protective care” after her allegations of the initial torturous and unwarranted care is the furthest thing from Elissa’s plans for her future.

Elissa simply wants to live her life like any young adult her age. Instead, Adult Protective Services continues to attempt to take over her life and throw obstacles in her path at every turn.

Can Those Who Inflicted Harm Now Provide “Help”?


Elissa is happy to be reunited with her mother, Karen Maple. Photo supplied by family.

The danger of the State stepping in and taking custody of Elissa once again is not something in their imaginations, says Karen Maple. She notes that at a previous trial, the judge’s comment (when DCF finally showed the court a transitional plan) was that the DCF 90 Day plan for Elissa’s home transition “sounded more like a life plan.”

Karen reported that the judge also noted that DCF had no legal grounds to hold Elissa since April of 2014, as she was not a danger to herself or others. But she contends they held her anyway, giving her experimental drug ‘cocktails’ and laxatives in order to support their claims of schizophrenia. Elissa claims that she was told that her mother “can’t afford to keep you. Your mother could die. Let her go.” Karen states the Massachusetts administrator told her to “Let us deal with your daughter, she’s damaged.”

Out of State Custody for Now, but Threats Continue

Karen also alleges that when she took Elissa for one of her weekly blood draws after being released on her eighteenth birthday, the lab worker refused to allow Karen into the room even at Elissa’s request, so they left. The worker reported the incident to Adult Protective Services, and they sent Karen a letter stating so, and added, “We don’t see any issues yet.”

All we want is for them to leave us alone. Elissa knows that even when the ‘paper work’ is complete that DCF may try to come back into her life years from now, and take her own children, claiming that she too is unable to care for them, and subject them to the same treatment she went through. After neglecting her education for almost two years, they enrolled her in school now–when she is being home schooled which is allowable and within Vermont educational guidelines. They get reports from every doctor no matter where we go. They say she is an adult, but they treat her as though she can’t make her own decisions.

They tried to brainwash her into believing she was not wanted, but I told Elissa: “Don’t give up on me because I will not give up on you.”

Any Emotional Trauma That Remains is a Result of Medical Kidnapping and Forced Confinement in a Mental Institution Where Elissa Alleges She was Abused

Elissa-with-brother [3]

Elissa is reunited with her family and now in their protection. Elissa with one of her brothers. Photo supplied by family.

Elissa Maple was held against her will at a mental research facility, according to her mother. Karen still relives the events and recalls the day Elissa telephoned her and stated “Mommy, he hurt me.”

Karen was later told that one of the adult male employees had touched her inappropriately. The Massachusetts facility manager telephoned Karen and told her, but added that he had “only called because I didn’t want you writing letters…this is no big deal the kids are monitored on cameras,” says Karen. She claims this incident went unreported by that facility, and was never addressed by DCF.

The Berkshire Eagle [4] reported earlier this year (February 2015) that a former worker at the same institution where Elissa was held is facing felony charges for allegedly sexually assaulting a young girl there between October 2013 and August 2014. (Source [4].)

Karen also recalls what should have been an overnight visit with her daughter being canceled, when after picking her daughter up from the facility, Elissa showed her the scratches down her legs and told her mother that “they said they would suspend our visits if I didn’t take the medicine.” The medication she was taking caused her to black out, and she would wake up with the scratches on her legs.

Karen took her to the hospital and the hospital called the facility. The police were called, and Karen says she was detained while the facility workers spoke to Elissa, telling her that “If you leave with us, you can have the visit at the facility.”

Elissa would later tell her mother that she left because she didn’t want the police to hurt her mother. Elissa was pleading “Don’t hurt my mother. Don’t hurt my mother.”A family member allegedly called the facility to let Elissa know that her mother was okay, and could hear Elissa in the background, and believed she was being sedated again. The visit was canceled, and Karen spent the night alone crying for her daughter in her hotel room.

Karen related that these were painful times for both her, Elissa and their entire family. Elissa says that she was punished for things that other students did, and had become overly apologetic for the most minor everyday occurrences. Something happened to Elissa under this ‘assisted care,’ but both she and her mother are finding their way back through the peacefulness, security, and the love of family. What will happen to Elissa if she is abducted again and returned to State custody?

A Mother’s Plea for Her Daughter

I’m not a criminal. I’m just a mother trying to protect my child.

Karen’s plea is for her daughter to be left alone. She believes Elissa has been through enough turmoil hidden under the guise of institutional assistance.

We are safe and surrounded by family and good neighbors. Just leave her alone.

Elissa is home and she is happy and just wants her life to be her own:

I just want them to leave me alone and let me live with my Mom.

Families without strong voices are being broken apart by nationwide “protective” social service programs, often experimented upon and institutionalized. Because these things allegedly happened to Elissa within the boundaries of two states, no one apparently stepped forward and challenged the systems except her Mom.

Karen has a strong voice. She is not only fighting for her daughter, but she may be fighting for your children too.

How to Help

There is a Facebook page set up for supporters to follow the story and offer support – Elissa’s Dream [5].

Maple Facebook [5]

To support Karen in her Fight for Elissa’s Life contact:


Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin at 802 828-3333. Contact him here [6], Tweet @GovPeterShumlin, or reach him on Facebook [7].

Senator Norm McAllister at (802) 285-6363, or contact him here [8].

Representative Daniel Connor at (802) 827-4436, or contact him here [9].