Health Impact News, via their website, recently received an email from Randolph Scott, Barrister & Solicitor, Department of Justice, Calgary, Alberta, Canada regarding our story about 17-year-old Marc Herrmann [2], who is currently in the custody of the Child Protective system in Calgary allegedly against his will. In our story, we published publicly available information from the Internet regarding government officials associated with the case.
Mr. Scott demanded we take the information down from the story:
From: Randolph Scott, Barrister & Solicitor, Department of Justice, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This posting lists the names, numbers and twitter accounts of numerous professionals. Most worrisome is the posting and contact information of the hearing judge — Judge LaRochelle as well as the name and contact information of the Alberta Minister of Health.
We are insisting this information be removed — it is posted without the consent and authorization of those named. The wording in the story: “…may be contacted…” implies that those named are inviting contact. They are not.
It is the writer’s view that posting this information is inviting unwanted contact that could lead to harrassment and possible harm to those named.
Thusly, we are insisting this information be removed immediately. We look forward to your earliest confirmation that this will be dealt with in an expedited manner.
Randolph Scott
Setting the Record Straight
Health Impact News wants to make some things perfectly clear, just in case the Solicitor from the Alberta Department of Justice missed a few facts.
First, Health Impact News and are not publications in Canada, but in the United States, published by Sophia Media based out of Texas. Our Terms of Use [3] statement makes this clear. We operate under the laws of the United States of America, where there exists a Constitutional right to freedom of speech.
Second, our source of information regarding the name of the judge presiding over the Marc Herrmann case did not come from Marc Herrmann or his parents currently residing in Canada. The information came from Dr. Wilfred Saldanha, a U.S.-based physician who is the brother of Patricia Herrmann, Marc’s mother. They grew up together in Burma, but Dr. Saldanha now resides in the U.S.
Dr. Saldanha supplied to Health Impact News a letter he addressed to “The Honorable T. LaRochelle, Provincial Court Family & Youth Court,” in Calgary Alberta, on October 28, 2014.
In this letter from Dr. Saldanha to Judge LaRochelle, Dr. Saldanha expressed concern about the captivity of his nephew and his current medical condition.
Judge LaRochelle’s contact information is in the public domain [4] and has also been posted in the comments of the Marc Herrmann [2] article as well by people living in Canada. The other government officials we listed contact information for, such as Heather Klimchuck (Wikipedia entry here [5]) whom Mr. Scott is apparently referring to as the “Alberta Minister of Health [6],” are clearly in the public domain [6].
To make sure we were receiving an email from a real person at the Department of Justice in Calgary, we looked up Mr. Randolph Scott, and found his contact information is public knowledge [7] as well:
Scott, Randolph
Barrister and Solicitor
Calgary Office
Justice and Solicitor General
16th fl Standard Life Building
639 – 5 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 0M9
Phone: 403 297-3360
Fax: 403 297-6381
Source [7].
In his email to, Mr. Scott stated:
The wording in the story: “…may be contacted…” implies that those named are inviting contact. They are not.
So since there seems to be some confusion on this point, we note Mr. Scott’s concern, and publish it here. These Alberta Government officials DO NOT want to be contacted regarding Marc Herrmann [2]‘s alleged medical kidnapping case.
The original story [2]:
Medically Kidnapped Teenager In Canada Pleads To Be Returned To His Family [2]