Congresswoman Nancy Schaefer talking about the Criminality of CPS, before she was found murdered in her home.
A former CPS Investigator exposes the seedy underworld of foster homes in the United States in the video above, where children are routinely abused physically, emotionally, and sexually.
Some statistics revealed in the video show that foster kids are:
- 7-8 times more likely to be abused
- more likely to end up homeless with nearly half becoming homeless at the age of 18
- 3 times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs
- 7 times more likely to develop an eating disorder
- more likely to have PTSD than veterans of war and less likely to recover from that PTSD
- more likely to become pregnant as a teenager
- 20% more likely to be arrested
- 6 times more likely to die
than if they stayed in an abusive household.
Research and Citations
1. Child Protection and Child Outcomes: Measuring the Effects of Foster Care by Joseph J. Doyle, Jr
http://www.mit.edu/~jjdoyle/doyle_fosterlt_march07_aer.pdf [1]
2. Dubner, AE; Motta, RW (1999). “Sexually and physically abused foster care children and posttraumatic stress disorder”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
3. Casey Family Programs, Harvard Medical School (2005.04.05). “Former Foster Children in Oregon and Washington Suffer Posttraumatic Stress Disorder at Twice the Rate of U.S War Veterans”
4. http://www.fostercarealumni.org/resources/foster_care_facts_and_statistics.htm.
5. Hobbs, GF; Hobbs, CJ; Wynne, JM (1999). “Abuse of children in foster and resident ial care”. Child abuse & neglect 23 (12): 1239–52
6. “Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study”. Research.casey.org
7. “Throwaway kids”. Pasadena Weekly. 2006-06-22
8. Lopez, P; Allen, PJ (2007). “Addressing the health needs of adolescents transitioning out of foster care”.Pediatric nursing 33 (4): 345–55
9. V.Roman, N.P. & Wolfe, N. (1995). Web of failure: The relationship between foster care and homelessness. Washington, DC: National Alliance to End Homelessness
10. http://www.casey.org/Resources/Publications/pdf/ImprovingFamilyFosterCare_FR.pdf [2]
11. Zito, JM; Safer, DJ; Sai, D; Gardner, JF; Thomas, D; Coombes, P; Dubowski, M; Mendez-Lewis, M (2008). “Psychotropic medication patterns among youth in foster care”. Pediatrics 121 (1): e157–63.
12. Cascade, EF; Kalali, AH (2008). “Generic Penetration of the SSRI Market”. Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)) 5 (4): 25–6
13. Racusin R, Maerlender AC Jr, Sengupta A, et al. Psychosocial treatment of children in foster care: a review. Community Ment Health
14. Johansen-Berg, H (2007). “Structural plasticity: rewiring the brain”. Current biology : CB 17 (4): R141–4.
15. http://www.parentalrights.org/index.asp?SEC=%7B5433EE7C-6775-4D17-A2A1-CE4686AE1697%7D [3]
16. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. pp. 271–28
The right to legal counsel, your Miranda rights, and the right to a speedy jury trial are American rights protected by our Constitution. But not in family court, where a single judge can decide whether or not you are a fit parent. CPS services “protecting” children today has become a $29.4 billion dollar industry.
CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Someone who doesn’t like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous “tip” with the result of you losing your children.

A Sacramento California couple had their baby abducted by CPS simply because they wanted to seek a second opinion on their son’s heart surgery from a different hospital. Story Here [4].
In this video below, Congresswoman Nancy Schaefer talks about the Criminality of CPS. She lost her Senate seat in Georgia, but states it was something “worth losing” for standing up for the rights of parents who were having their children kidnapped by CPS. She and her husband were found murdered in their home in 2010. You can read her report on CPS from 2007 here: http://fightcps.com/pdf/TheCorruptBusinessOfChildProtectiveServices.pdf [5]
There are plenty of other reports from local TV reporters covering the abuses of CPS as well. Here is one from Kentucky which includes testimonials from former CPS whistle-blowers:
See Also:
Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business [6]
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Free Shipping Available! [7]